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本文老師給各位2016考研同學推薦的泛讀文章是關于近期《經濟學人》的新變化。《經濟學人》是我們考研英語文章選材的重要來源,那么對于這個刊物本身你又了解多少呢?8月12日,《經濟學人》宣布了它的股權結構在近90年時間中的最重要變更,這是其歷史上做出的第二次所有權變更(the second time in our history the ownership of The Economist changes)。下面就具體來了解一下本次變更的情況:
THIS newspaper does not like to dwell on itself. We are proud of our heritage of editorial and commercial independence, serving no master save the liberal credo of open markets and individual freedom. But we publish no masthead listing our staff, no bylines for our journalists—and in our weekly edition no letter from the editor. 本報不喜歡自賣自夸。我們為自己的采編獨立和商業獨立而自豪,不侍奉除了開放市場和個人自由的自由主義信仰之外的任何主子。但是,我們不把工作人員的名字印在報頭上,也不為我們的記者留出署名欄,而且每周一期的報紙上也沒有總編來信。
On August 12th we announced the most important change to our shareholding structure in almost 90 years. Pearson, the owner of the Financial Times, which has had a non-controlling 50% stake in us since 1928, is selling. Three-fifths of those shares will go to an existing shareholder—Exor, the holding company of the Agnelli family. The rest will be bought back by our parent company, The Economist Group. 8月12日,我們宣布了我們的股權結構在將近90年時間中的最重要變更。《金融時報》的所有者,自1928年以來一直持有我們50%的無控股權股份的培生集團正在售出其股份。這些股份的五份之三將歸入一個現有的股東——阿涅利家族的控股公司Exor,其余的將由我們的母公司經濟學人集團購回。
The background against which this change of ownership takes place is the digital transformation of the newspaper industry. Mobile technology and the rise of social media offer unprecedented opportunities to reach new audiences in new ways. But they are disrupting business models and spawning new digital competitors. We are well placed to prosper. More people are educated and curious about the world. Millions share the liberal values we champion, seek the bold ideas and rigorous analysis we strive for—and read English with ease. 這次所有權變更發生的背景是報紙行業的數字化轉型。移動技術和社交媒體的興起提供了之前想象不到的以新方法去贏得新讀者的機會。但是,這些新技術和媒體也在沖擊各種商業模式,蔓生出各種新的數字化競爭者。我們處于走向繁榮的有利地位。越來越多的人正在接受教育,他們對這個世界充滿了好奇心;數不勝數的人認可我們捍衛的自由主義價值觀,尋求我們為之所努力的各種大膽思想和嚴謹分析——而且可以不費力地閱讀英語。