6 Unrealistic Expectations To Give Up If You Really Want To Be Successful
1.You need to wait for the right opportunity
The real truth is that nothing is ever perfect, opportunity won’t just come knocking – You have to hunt for it. Many successful people started small and mademistakes along the way.
Many get it wrong with such expectations. The reality is that success is more of a journey than a destination. Happiness shouldn’t be waited for; you need to appreciate every moment of the climb to the top by building on your relationships and balancing work/personal life.
Success is not achieved independently. Many successful people have mentors and a support group of people who contribute to their success.
4. You define making money as success
The truth is that money is a powerful motivator – Yet money could make you bankrupt on other aspects of your life. It is better to see or view success making a contribution or adding value.