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有的考生形容2016考研英語的知識點像豆腐一樣瑣碎。的確,英語的備考需要從詞匯、語法、長難句等各個方面來扎實掌握�?忌x不懂句子,其中重要的原因是看不懂句子的結構,尤其是長難句、復雜句,所以攻克他們成了備考首當其沖的問題,積累+運用是攻克良方,讓大家搞定長難句so easy,下面我們就一起來學習一下吧!
Although the figure may vary , analysts do agree on another matter:that the number of the homeless is increasing . One of the federal government’s studies predicts that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade. Finding ways to assist this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. Even when homeless individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night , a good number still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street . Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
幫助日益增多的無家可歸者:assist this growing homeless population
找到做某事的方法變得越來越難:finding ways to do something has become increasingly difficult
設法找到了庇護所:manage to find a shelter
每天花大部分時間做某事:spend the bulk of each day doing something
對酒和毒品上癮:be addicted to alcohol or drugs
Although the figure may vary , analysts do agree on anther matter:that the number of the homeless is increasing.
The homeless make up a growing percentage of America’s population. Indeed , homelessness has reached such proportions that local government can’t possibly cope. To help homeless people toward independence , the federal government must support job training programs , raise the minimum wage , and fund mor low-cost housing . Not everyone agrees on the numbers of Americans who are homeless . Estimates range any where from 600000 to 3 million.
占美國人口的比例越來越大:make up a growing percentage of America’s population
支持就業培訓項目:support job training programs
提高最低工資:raise the minimum wage
投資低成本住房:fund low-cost housing
意見并不一致:not everyone agree...
Indeed, homelessness has reached such proportions that local government can’t possibly cope.