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48. Directions:
Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should
l) interpret the chart and
2) give your comments.
You should write at least 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)
What is profoundly demonstrated in the above column chart is that dramatic changes have taken place in the total and rural amount of China’s expressage from 2018 to 2020. The total number of China’s expressage increased from 51 billion in 2018 to 64 billion in 2019 and then to about 83 billion in 2020, and meanwhile the number of the rural expressage also significantly jumped from about 12 billion to 15 billion and then to 30 billion in the same period.
The column chart illustrates the phenomenon that people in mounting numbers prefer to purchase goods online delivered by the expressage which ascends impressively both in total and the rural. Three reasons, in my belief, can account for this trend. First and foremost, with the acceleration of the society and economy enormously boosting people’s livelihood, the dramatic increase of expressage has inevitably turned out to be a prevailing trend. Moreover, the fast pace of modern life and the fierce competition of society result in people’s gradually changed values, leading more and more people tend to put much emphasis on their convenience in order to save time and energy. Furthermore, relevant policies issued by the authorities and government advance the development of the China’s expressage, especially in the rural areas.
From what have been analyzed above, it can be confidently concluded that this is the natural result of social and economic development, which complies with the interest of both the country and the people. Accordingly, it can be predicted that with the collaboration of the government and individuals, this trend will definitely continue in the forthcoming years.
上面的柱狀圖深刻地表明,從2018年到2020年中國的快遞業務總量和農村快遞業務量發生了巨大的變化。中國快遞業務總量從2018年的510億增加到2019的640億,然后在2020年增加到830億, 同時農村快遞業務的數量也大幅躍升,在同一時期,由 120億到150億, 然后驟增至300億。
該柱狀圖展示了越來越多的人們傾向在網上購物導致快遞激增的現象,無論是全國快件總量還是農村快件數量的增長都令人印象深刻。個人認為以下三個因素可以解釋這種趨勢。首先,社會和經濟的快速發展極大地提 高了人民的生活水平,網購促使快遞急劇增長不可避免地變成了一個普遍的趨勢。此外,現代生活的快節奏和社會的激烈競爭導致人們的價值觀年逐漸改變,使得越來越多的人為了節省時間和精力傾向于注重便利性。而且,有關部門和政府發布的相關政策也促進了中國快遞行業的發展,特別是在農村地區。