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2003.9-2006.6天津大學管理與科學工程專業 博士
2006.7-2008.6天津大學管理與經濟學部 講師
2008.6-2014.6天津大學管理與經濟學部 副教授
2010.8-2011.8美國弗吉尼亞理工大學 訪問學者
2014.6-至今天津大學管理與經濟學部 教授
2017.8-2018.8美國弗吉尼亞理工大學 訪問學者
張敏博士于2006年獲天津大學管理科學與工程專業博士學位,主要講授課程包括:《服務營銷》、《運營管理》、《質量管理》。主要研究領域為服務質量、服務營銷、質量管理與質量工程,運營管理。承擔多項國家縱向課題,其中包括國家自然科學基金項目、教育部人文社科項目、教育部新博士點基金新教師項目和天津大學北洋學者等自主創新項目。研究成果發表在Journal of Business Ethics, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, The Service Industries Journal,Information Systems Frontiers, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research等SSCI/SCI國際期刊。
兼任天津市現場統計學會理事,目前是European Journal of Marketing, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence等多個SSCI/SCI檢索國際期刊審稿人,國內期刊《系統工程理論與實踐》、《管理學報》等審稿人。另外,把最新的服務質量和質量管理理念和方法應用于實踐,與聯想集團、天津西門子電氣傳動、上海寶鋼、戴爾、一汽集團、太鋼、中航集團等知名企業進行過服務質量或質量管理方面的項目合作和管理咨詢。
[1] Min Zhang, Xueping He, Fang Qin*, Wenbiao Fu, and Zhen He. Service quality measurement for omni-channel retail: Scale development and validation. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2019, Accepted (SSCI)
[2] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Fang Qin, G. Alan Wang, Cheng Luo. The impact of live video streaming on online purchase intention. The Service Industries Journal, 2019, online available, doi: 10.1080/02642069.2019.1576642 (SSCI)
[3] Pei-Chann Chang, Jheng-Long Wu, Yahui Xu, Min Zhang, Xiao-Yong Lu. Bike sharing demand prediction using artificial immune system and artificial neural network. Soft Computing. 2019, 23(2): 613-626. (SCI)
[4] Min Zhang, Xuejun Hou, Hui Chen*, Shuguanghe. CCC-r charts performance with estimated parameter for high-quality processes. Quality and Reliability International Engineering. 2018, online available, doi: 10.1002/qre.2438 (SCI)
[5] Xiaoxi Yang, Zhen He, Min Zhang*(corresponding author). Application of design for six sigma tools in telecom service improvement. Production Planning & Control, 2018, 29(12): 959-971, doi: 10.1080/09537287.2018.1486469. (SCI 2)
[6] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Chengshang Ren, G. Alan Wang, Zhen He. The impact of channel integration on consumer responses in omni-channel retailing: The mediating effect of consumer empowerment. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 2018, 28(3-4): 181-193. (SSCI/SCI)
[7]張敏,汪洋,方侃;诟倪M區塊進化算法求解置換流水車間問題。計算機集成制造系統,2018, 24(5): 1207-1216.
[8] Jingjing Xiong, Zhen He, Yujia Deng, Min Zhang, Zehong Zhang. Quality management practices and their effects on the performance of public hospitals. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2017, 9(3/4): 383-401
[9] Zhen He, Xiaoxi Yang, Weicheng Wang*, Min Zhang. Measuring service quality in telematics service: Development and validation of multidimensional TeleSevQ scale. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2017, 28(9-10): 1166-1182. (SSCI)
[10] Zhen He, Yujia Deng, Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Xingxing Zu, Jiju Atony. An empirical investigation of the relationship between Six Sigma practices and organizational innovation. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2017, 28(5-6): 459-480. (SSCI)
[11] Ketai He, Min Zhang, Ling Zuo, Theyab Alhwiti, Fadel M. Megahed*. Enhancing the monitoring of 3D scanned manufactured parts through projections and spatiotemporal control charts. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2017, 28(4): 899-911. (SCI)
[12] Min Zhang, Xuejun Hou, Zhen He, Yahui Xu. Performance comparison for the CRL control charts with estimated parameters for high-quality processes. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 2017, 14(1): 31-43. (SCI)
[13] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Biying Jin, G. Alan Wang, Thong Ngee Goh, Zhen He. A study of key success factors of service enterprises in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 2016, 134(1), 1-14. (FT45, SSCI)
[14] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Yahui Xu, Zhen He, Xuejun Hou. The effect of estimation error on risk-adjusted survival time CUSUM chart performance. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2016, 32(4), 1445-1452. (SCI)
[15] Jingjing Xiong, Zhen He, Ke Ben, Min Zhang*(corresponding author). Development and validation of a measurement instrument for assessing quality management practices in hospitals. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2016, 27(5), 465-478. (SSCI)
[16] Yang Zhang, Zhen He, Min Zhang, Qing Wang*. A Score-test-based EWMA control chart for detecting prespecified quadratic changes in linear profiles. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2016, 32(3), 921-931. (SCI)
[17] Zuo Ling, Zhen He, Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Fadel M. Megahed. An image-Based multivariate generalized likelihood ratio control chart for detecting and diagnosing multiple faults in manufactured products. International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 54(6), 1771-1784. (SCI)
[18] 何楨,左玲,張敏*。基于廣義似然比的圖像數據監測方法,系統工程學報,2016, 31(1), 127-134.
[19] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Xujing Dai, Zhen He. An empirical investigation of service recovery in e-retailing: An operations management perspective. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 2015, 25(3), 348-367 (SSCI)
[20] Min Zhang*, Wei Wang, Goh T. N., Zhen He. Comprehensive Six Sigma Application - A Case Study. Production Planning & Control, 2015, 26(3), 219-234. (SCI)
[21] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Lili Huang, Zhen He, Alan Wang. E-service quality perceptions: an empirical analysis in Chinese e-retailing industry. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2015, 26(12), 1357-1372. (SSCI)
[22] Zhen He, Xutao Zhang, Guiqing Xie, Min Zhang* (corresponding author). Earphone terminal quality improvement through sequential experimental design. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2015, 32(7), 693-702
[23] G. Alan Wang, Xiaomo Liu, Jianling Wang, Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Weiguo Fan. Examining microscopic-Level knowledge sharing processes in online communities. Information Systems Frontiers, 2015, 17(6), 1227-1238. (SCI)
[24] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Guohua Nie, Zhen He, Xuejun Hou. The Poisson INAR(1) one-sided EWMA chart with estimated parameters. International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52(18): 5415-5431 (SCI)
[25] Zhen He, Panpan Zhou, Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Thong Ngee Goh. A Review of Analysis of Dynamic Response in Design of Experiments. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2015, 31(4), 535-542. (SCI)
[26] Zhen He, Xu-Tao Zhang, Min Zhang*(corresponding author). Reducing voluntary turnover rate of dispatched employees by the DMAIC process. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 2014, 25(7-8): 842-855 (SSCI)
[27] Yang Zhang, Zhen He, Liang Shan, and Min Zhang*(corresponding author). Directed control charts for detecting the shape changes from linear profiles to quadratic profiles. International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52(11): 3417-3430 (SCI)
[28] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), GuoHua Nie, Zhen He. Performance of cumulative count of conforming chart of variable sampling intervals with estimated control limits. International Journal of Production Economics, 2014, 150(4), 114-124. (SCI)
[29] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Alan Wang, Shuguang He, Zhen He. A modified multivariate process capability index using principal component analysis. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 27(2), 249-259. (SCI)
[30] 張敏,聶國華,何楨. 自相關計數過程單側EWMA控制圖及性能分析. 系統工程學報,2014, 29(2): 280-288
[31] Min Zhang, F.M. Megahed*(corresponding author), W. H. Woodall. Exponential CUSUM charts with estimated control limits. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 2014, 30(2), 275-286. (SCI)
[32] Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Yueyue Xie, Lili Huang and Zhen He. Service quality evaluation of car rental industry in China. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2014, 31(1), 82-102
[33] Shuguang HE, Gang Wang, Min Zhang*(corresponding author), Deborah F Cook. Multivariate process monitoring and fault identification using multiple decision tree classifiers. International Journal of Production Research. 2013, 51(11), 3355-3371 (SCI)
[34] Min Zhang, Yiming Peng, Anna Schuh, F. M. Megahed, W. H.Woodall*(corresponding author). Geometric charts with estimated control limits. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 2013, 29(2): 209-223 (SCI)
[1] A study of key success factors of service enterprises in China,天津市第十五屆社會科學優秀成果獎,2018.5,三等獎,排名第一(張敏,何楨),TJSKJ15-3-82
[2] 全渠道零售環境下消費者響應研究 (碩士生:任成尚),天津大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師,2018.6
[3] 基于設備老化效應和柔性維護策略的生產調度研究 (碩士生:汪洋),天津大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師,2018.6
[4] 參數估計對風險調控控制圖性能的影響(碩士生:徐亞輝),天津大學優秀碩士學位論文指導教師,2017.6
[5] 復雜產品制造過程質量控制與診斷的理論及方法研究,天津市第十四屆社會科學優秀成果獎,2016.7,二等獎,排名第三(何楨,何曙光,張敏,施亮星)
[6] 基于扎根理論的中國優秀服務企業共性研究(碩士生:金碧瑩),天津市優秀碩士論文指導教師,2015.6
[7] 制造業六西格瑪設計方法和應用研究,天津市第十二屆社會科學優秀成果獎,2010.12,一等獎,排名第二(何楨,張敏,施亮星,何曙光,趙小松)
[8] 實施六西格瑪改進的關鍵技術研究,天津市第十一屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎,2008.12,一等獎,排名第二(何楨,張敏,岳剛,韓亞娟,施亮星)
[1] 移動互聯網背景下全渠道零售企業服務質量測評與改進研究, 2016.1-2019.12, 國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號: 71572122),負責人,在研.
[2] 質量管理與服務質量,2016.1-2019.12,天津大學北洋學者計劃,負責人,在研.
[3] 基于物聯網大數據分析的過程優化研究,2017.1-2019.12,國家自然科學基金國際合作項目(編號:7161101136),第三參與人,在研.
[4] 二維質保數據建模與產品早期失效預警方法研究,2015.1-2018.12,國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號:71472132),第二參與人,已結題。
[5] B2C環境下網絡零售商服務補救系統對組織績效的影響機理研究, 2014.7-2017.12, 教育部人文社科青年基金項目(編號:14YJC630194),負責人,已結題.
[6] “一帶一路”海灣六國國別環境報告,深圳市公平貿易促進署,2016.8-2016.12,負責人,已結題。
[7] 多變量自相關過程的控制與異常診斷方法研究,2009.1-2011.12,國家自然科學基金青年項目(編號:70802043),負責人,已結題。
[8] 多變量自相關過程的統計過程控制方法研究,2008.1-2010.12,教育部博士點基金新教師項目(編號:20070056130),負責人,已結題。
[9] 質量管理與質量工程,國家自然科學基金杰出青年項目(71225006),2013.1-2016.12,第三完成人,已結題。
[10] 復雜產品制造過程質量控制與診斷的理論與方法研究,2010.1-2013.12,國家自然科學基金重點項目(編號:70931004),第三完成人,已結題。
[11] 我國先進制造業發展戰略研究,2014.5-2014.12,天津大學自主創新基金項目,負責人。
[12] 傳染病監測過程異常識別的控制圖方法研究,2013.1-2014.12,天津大學北洋學者.青年骨干教師項目,負責人。
[13] 成本導向網絡零售業服務補救策略研究,2013.1-2014.12,天津大學自主創新基金項目,負責人。
[14] 多元過程監控與異常識別的機器學習方法研究,2011.1-2013.12,國家自然科學基金青年項目(編號:71002105),第二完成人,已結題。
[15] 基于RSM的多響應穩健性參數設計方法研究,2009.1-2011.12,國家自然科學基金面上項目(編號:70871087),第三完成人,已結題。
[16] 國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃全過程分析及管理辦法制定,2009.3-2009.12,國家自然科學基金(J0924006),第二完成人,已結題。
[17] 多變量自相關過程的異常識別方法研究,2008.10-2010.12, 天津大學青年教師培養基金項目(編號:TJU-YFF-08B04),負責人,已結題。
[18] 制造業六西格瑪設計方法和應用研究,2006.1-2008.12, 國家自然科學基金(編號:70572044),第二完成人,已結題。
[19] 實施六西格瑪改進的關鍵技術研究,2004.1-2006.12,國家自然科學基金(編號:70372062),第二完成人,已結題。