曾擔任多個IEEE和ACM 國際會議的分會主席。目前擔任SCI英文期刊ETRI Journal的編委和擔任信息與工業化產業部主辦國家級科技期刊《新型工業化》的副主編和電子學會中文期刊《軟件》的編委。擔任SCI期刊EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking和Electronics專刊客座主編和SCI期刊Wiley Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing專刊編委。曾擔任IEEE ICC’13,IEEE Globecom’12,IET ICWMMN’13和ACM MOMM’14的Session Chair;擔任IEEE HMWC’2014的Publicity和Publication Chair;擔任IET ICWMMN’17的TPC Co-Chair。擔任Wiley ETRI Journal期刊“Recent Advances in Cloud-Aware Mobile Fog Computing”專刊的Editor。擔任IEEE Transactions on Communication,IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology等12個英文SCI期刊與多個知名國際會議審稿人。
2016年參與完成的國際首部5G高移動無線通信白皮書(英文版)“White Paper V2.0H- 5G Enabler: High Mobility Support”在未來移動通信論壇(FuTURE論壇)和無線世界研究論壇WWRF (Wireless World Research Forum)聯合大會上正式向全世界發布。參與完成的“綜合軌道交通5G應用技術白皮書”于2019年8月31日向全社會發布。
2017.07-至 今 北京交通大學計算機與信息技術學院,教授(破格晉升);
2015.09-2016.09 美國University of Maryland, College Park,訪問學者;
Haina Zheng, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Fog-assisted multi-user SWIPT networks: local computing or offloading,” early access in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. PP, no. PP, pp.1-1, Feb. 2019. (SCI indexed: An1,2019年最新影響因子9.515)
R Jiang, K Xiong*, P Fan, Y Zhang, Z Zhong, “Power Minimization in SWIPT Networks with Coexisting Power-Splitting and Time-Switching Users under Nonlinear EH Model,” early access in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. PP, no. PP, pp.1-1, Feb. 2019. (SCI indexed: An1,2019年最新影響因子9.515)
H Zheng, K Xiong*, P Fan, Z Zhong, “Data Analysis on Outdoor–Indoor Air Quality Variation: Buildings’ Producing Dynamic Filter Effects,” IEEE Systems Journal, 2019. (SCI indexed: An1,2019年最新影響因子4.463)
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Zhiguo Ding, Zhangdui Zhong, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Global Energy Efficiency in Secure MISO SWIPT Systems with Non-Linear Power-Splitting EH Model,” early access in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Oct. 2018. (SCI indexed: An1,CCF推薦A類,2019年最新影響因子9.302)
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Coordinated beamforming with artificial noise for secure SWIPT under non-linear EH model: centralized and distributed designs,” early access in IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications, Feb. 2018. (SCI indexed: An1,CCF推薦A類,,2019年最新影響因子9.302)
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Robust Transmit Beamforming with Artificial Redundant Signals for Secure SWIPT Systems Under Non-linear EH Model,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2218 - 2232, March 2018. (SCI 檢索: A2分區, 2017年公布的最新影響因子:4.951)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Yang Lu, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Energy efficiency with proportional rate fairness in multi-relay OFDM networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications, vol.34, no.05, pp. 1431-1447, March 2016. (SCI indexed: An1)
Ke Xiong*, Chenchen, Gang Qu, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Group Cooperation with Optimal Resource Allocation in Wireless Powered Communication Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 3840-3853, June 2017. (SCI indexed: An2, CCF推薦)
Ke Xiong*, Beibei Wang, K. J. Ray Liu, “Rate-Energy Region of SWIPT for MIMO Broadcasting under Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Model,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1,May 2017. (SCI indexed: An2, CCF推薦)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Chuang Zhang, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Wireless information and energy transfer for two-hop non-regenerative MIMO-OFDM relay networks,” IEEE Journal on Selected Area in Communications, vol.33, no.8, pp.1595-1611, Aug. 2015. (SCI indexed: An1, CCF推薦)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Hongchuan Yang, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Optimal cooperative beamforming design for MIMO decode-and-forward relay channels,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 1476-1489, March 2014. (SCI indexed: An2)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Hongchuan Yang, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Space-time network coding with overhearing relays,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 3567-3582, May 2014. (SCI indexed: An2, CCF推薦)
Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Hongchuan Yang, “Mobile Service Amount-Based Link Scheduling for High-Mobility Cooperative Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, June 2017. (SCI indexed: An2)
Ke Xiong*, Beibei Wang, Chunxiao Jiang, K. J. Ray Liu, “A broad beamforming approach for high-mobility communications”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. PP, no. 99, July 2017. (SCI indexed: An2)
Ke Xiong*, Tao Li, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Outage probability of space-time network coding over rayleigh fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1965–1970, Oct. 2013. (SCI indexed: An2)
Xiaofei Di, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Hong-chuan Yan, “Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer in cooperative relay networks with rateless codes,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 2981-2996, May 2017. (SCI indexed: An2)
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Hong-Chuan Yang, Xianwei Zhou, “Space-Time network coding with multiple AF relays over Nakagami-m fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. PP, no. 99, Nov. 2016. (SCI indexed: An2)
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong*, Fan Pingyi, Zhangdui Zhong, “Optimal multi-cell coordinated beamforming for downlink high-speed railway communications,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. PP, no. 99, June. 2017.
Tao Li, Ke Xiong*, Dong Yunquan, Fan Pingyi, “Opportunistic network coding scheme for two-way relay wireless networks: a sum-rate maximization approach,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, no, 64, pp. 6, pp. 2732 - 2738, June. 2015. (SCI indexed: An2)
Chuang Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong*, “Optimal power allocation with delay constraint for signal transmission from moving train to base stations in high-speed railway scenarios,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 5775-5788, Jan.2015. (SCI indexed: An2)
Chuang Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong*, Yunquan Dong, “Providing differentiated services in multiaccess systems with and without queue state information,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.62, no.12, pp.4387-4400, Dec. 2014. (SCI indexed: An2, CCF推薦)
Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Hong-Chuan Yang, “Evaluation framework for user experience in 5G systems: on systematic rateless-coded transmissions,” IEEE ACCESS, vol. 4, no. , pp. 9108-9118, Dec.2016. (SCI indexed: An3)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Yu Zhang, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Towards 5G High Mobility: A Fairness-Adjustable Time-Domain Power Allocation Approach,” IEEE ACCESS, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, June 2017.
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Xiaofei Di, Xianwei Zhou, “Outage performance of space-time network coding with overhearing AF relays,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2234-2237, Dec. 2015. (SCI indexed: An3)
Jingxian Liu, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, “RF energy harvesting wireless powered sensor networks for smart cities,” IEEE Access, vol. PP, no. 99, May 2017.
Tao Li, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Service-Oriented Power Allocation for High-Speed Railway Wireless Communications,” IEEE Access, vol. 5, pp. 8343 – 8356, May 2017.
Ruihong Jiang, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Yu Zhang, Zhangdui Zhong, “Optimal design of SWIPT systems with multiple heterogeneous users under non-linear energy harvesting model,” IEEE Access, vol. PP, no. 99, June 2017.
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong*, Liping Du, “Medium Access Control: A Physical Layer Network-Coded,” IEEE China Communications, vol. 11, no, 2S, pp. 1-11, Nov. 2014. (SCI indexed: An4)
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong*, F. An, Xiaofei Di, J. Su, “Mobile-Service Based Max-Min Fairness Resource Scheduling for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks,” IEEE China Communications, vol. 12 (2), pp.10-18, Jan.2015. (SCI indexed: An4)
Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Y. Y. Chen, X. F. Di, “Power-Splitting based SWIPT in Network-Coded Two-Way Networks with Data Rate Fairness: An Information-Theoretic Perspective,” IEEE China Communications, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 107-119, Dec. 2016. (SCI indexed: An4)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, et al., “Network coding-aware cooperative relaying for downlink cellular relay networks,” IEEE China Communications, vol. 10, no. 7, pp. 44 - 56, July. 2013. (SCI indexed: An4)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Zhengding Qiu, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Reliable information rate of signal-time coding for half-duplex AWGN relay networks,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol.14, no. 1, pp. 37-55, Juan. 2014. (SCI indexed: An4, CCF推薦)
Zhao, Yue; Yoshigoe, Kenji; Li, Hongliang, Ke Xiong, “Reducing the synchronizing communication overhead for distributed graph-parallel computing,” Intelligent Data Analysis, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 313-332, 2019. (SCI indexed: An4)
Y Zhao, K Yoshigoe, M Xie, J Bian, K Xiong, L-PowerGraph: a lightweight distributed graph-parallel communication mechanism, The Journal of Supercomputing,pp 1-30,2018. (SCI indexed: An4)H
Zhao, Y Wang, Ke Xiong*, L Song, “An efficient Manhattan‐distance‐constrained disjoint paths algorithm for incomplete mesh network,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (1), e4799, 2019. (SCI indexed: An4, CCF推薦)
Yuan Liu, Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Li Zhou, Fuhong Lin, Tong Liu, “Multi-Objective Optimization of Fog Computing Assisted Wireless Powered Networks: Joint Energy and Time Minimization,” Electronics, vol. 8, no. 2, 137, 2018. (2018年最新影響因子2.110)
Haina Zheng, Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Li Zhou, Zhangdui Zhong, “SWIPT-aware fog information processing: Local computing vs. fog offloading,” Sensors, vol. 18, no. 10, 3291, 2018. (SCI indexed: An3)
R Jiang, Ke Xiong*, Y Zhang, L Zhou, T Liu, Z Zhong, “Outage and Throughput of WPCN-SWIPT Networks with Nonlinear EH Model in Nakagami-m Fading,” Electronics 8 (2), 138, 2019. (SCI indexed: An3)
L Zhou, Z Li, N Shi, S Liu, Ke Xiong, Performance Analysis of Three Intelligent Algorithms on Route Selection of Fishbone Layout, Sustainability 11 (4), 1148, 2019. (SCI indexed: An3)
H Hu, Ke Xiong*, Y Zhang, P Fan, T Liu, S Kang, “Age of Information in Wireless Powered Networks in Low SNR Region for Future 5G,” Entropy, 20 (12), 948, 2018. (SCI indexed: An3)
Y Lu, K Xiong, J Liu, P Fan, Z Zhong, “Optimal coordinated beamforming with artificial noise for secure SWIPT in multi-cell networks,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, (1), 60, 2018. (SCI indexed: An3)
Ruihong Jiang, Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Zhangdui Zhong, “Outage Analysis and Optimization of SWIPT in Network-Coded Two-Way Relay Networks,” Mobile Information Systems, ID: 2516035 ,2017.
Xiaofei Di, Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, “Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer in Two-hop OFDM Decode-and-Forward Relay Networks,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol.10, no.1, pp.152-167, 2016.
Guanyao Du, Ke Xiong*, Zhengding Qiu, “Outage Analysis of Cooperative Transmission with Energy Harvesting Relay: Time Switching versus Power Splitting,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering , ID: 598290 ,2015.
Guanyao Du, Ke Xiong*,Yu Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, “Outage Analysis and Optimization for Four-Phase Two-Way Transmission with Energy Harvesting Relay,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol.8, no.10, pp. 3321-3341, Oct.2014
Fuhong Lin, Qian Liu, Xianwei Zhou, Ke Xiong*, “Towards green for relay in InterPlaNetary Internet based on differential game model,” SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.57, no.4, Arp.2014.
Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Zhifei Zhang, Shenghui Wang, Zhengding Qiu, “PA-NEMO: Proxy Mobile IPv6-Aided Network Mobility Management Scheme for 6LoWPAN,” Electronic & Electrical Engineering, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 98-103, 2014. (SCI index, 2011 IF: 0.914)
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, et al., “Cooperative opportunistic network-coded transmission strategy for wireless mesh networks,” International Journal of Ad hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 78-90, 2015. (SCI index, 2011 IF: 0.825)
Ke Xiong*, Yu zhang, Shenghui Wang, Zhifei zhang, Zhengding Qiu, “Worst Case Performance Bounds for Multimedia Flows in QoS-enhanced TNPOSS Network,” Computer Science and Information Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 889-908, 2011. (SCI index, IDS: 823MX, IF: 0.625)
Ke Xiong*, Zheng-ding Qiu, Yu-chun Guo, Hong-ke Zhang, “Two LIC-Based Fast Forwarding Schemes for Explicit Routing with Scalability, Flexibility and Security,” Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), vol.12, no. 3, pp.407-416, May 2011. (SCI index, IDS:775ZM, IF: 0.448,5-year IF: 0.508)
Ke Xiong*, Zheng-ding Qiu, Yu-chun Guo, Hong-ke Zhang, “Multi-constrained Shortest Disjoint Paths for Reliable QoS Routing,” ETRI Journal, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 534-544, Oct. 2009. (SCI index, IDS: 505NJ, IF: 1.109, EI index, Accession number: 20094412408196)
Xiaofei Di, Ke Xiong, Yu Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, “Joint Fountain Codes and Network Coding for Wireless Butterfly Networks,” Electronic& Electrical Engineering, vol. 20, no. pp. 64-70, 2014. (SCI index, 2011 IF: 0.914)
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Shenghui Wang, “Compressive Sensing based Coding Method for M/LWD Transmission,” Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), vol. 56, no. 1., pp. 335-347, Jan. 2013. (SCI index, IF: 0.832,5-year IF: 0.754)
Dandan Li, Ke Xiong, “SER Analysis of Physical Layer Network Coding over Rayleigh Fading Channels with QPSK Modulation,” Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal,vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 4573-4578, 2012. (SCI index, IDS: 036XS, IF: 0.25)
Dandan Li, Ke Xiong*, et al., “SER-based Relay Selection for Two-way Relaying with Physical Layer Network Coding,” ETRI Journal, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 336-339, Apr. 2013. (SCI index, IF: 0.897)
Guanyao Du, Ke Xiong*, et al., “Transmission Power Minimization with Network Coding for Mobile Terminals in Cellular Relay Networks,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 2098-2117, Sept. 2012. (SCI index, IDS: 035WE, IF: 0.372) (NSFC)
Dandan Li, Ke Xiong*, Guanyao Du,Zhengding Qiu, “Secure Beamforming with Artificial Noise for Two-way Relay Networks,” KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1418-1432, June 2013. (SCI index, IDS: 035WE, IF: 0.372)
Hailun Liu, Dongmei Sun, Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, “Palmprint based Multidimensional Fuzzy Vault Scheme,” Scientific World Journal, ID: 819031 ,Aug. 2014. (SCI index, 2011 IF: 0.914)
Hailun Liu, Dongmei Sun, Ke Xiong*, Zhengding Qiu, “A Hybrid Approach to Protect Palmprint Templates,” The Scientific World Journal, ID: 686754 , 2014
Chuang Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Yunquan Dong, Ke Xiong, “Channel Service Based High Speed Railway Base Station Arrangement,” Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2013. (SCI index, 5-year IF: 1.846)
Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Dandan Li, ChihYung Chang, Zhangdui Zhong, “Multiantenna Relay Beamforming Design for QoS Discrimination in Two-Way Relay Networks,” The Scientific World Journal, 2013.
G Du, Z Dong, Ke Xiong, Z Qiu, “Wireless Information and Energy Transfer for Decode-and-Forward Relying MIMO-OFDM Networks,” ICIC Express Letters vol.9, no.7, pp.1925-1932.
Ke Xiong, Zheng-Ding Qiu, Hong-Ke Zhang, et al, A Scalable Fast Forwarding Approach for IP Networks, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology (IJIPT), vol. 3, no.2, pp.119-127, 2008. (EI index, Accession number: 20084211638056, cited by 8 times)
Ke Xiong, Yu Zhang, Zheng-ding Qiu, Dong-Mei Sun, Ya-juan Qin, QoS-enhanced TNPOSS Network Model and its E2E Delay Bound for Multimedia Flows, Journal of Networks (JNW), vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 795-802, 2009. (EI index, Accession number: 20094612450248)
Ke Xiong, Zheng-ding Qiu, Yu Zhang, Yu-chun Guo, Hong-ke Zhang, Maximum Transmission Delay for QTNPOSS Network, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 137-144, 2011.
Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Yu Zhang, Hongke Zhang, Link-disjoint routing algorithm under multiple additive QoS constraints, Journal on Communications, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 127-135, 2010. (EI index, Accession number: 20103013093815)
Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Yuchun Guo, Hongke Zhang, Yajuan Qin, Exact Algorithm for Multi-Constrained Shortest Link-Disjoint Paths, Journal of Software, vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 1744-1757,2010. (EI index, Accession number: 20103113116855)
Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Yu Zhang, Hongke Zhang, A Hybrid Algorithm for QoS Information Aggregation based on Six-tuple , Chinese High Technology Letters, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 686-692, 2009. (EI index, Accession number:
Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Yuchun Guo, Hongke Zhang, Scalable Fast Forwarding Based on Output Port Coding, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 30-34, 2009.
Xiaofei Di, Ke Xiong, et al., “Joint energy and mutual information accumulation for cooperative multi-relay high-speed railway mobile communication system with fountain codes,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp 542 – 549, 2013. (Ei index) (NSFC)
DandanLi,Ke Xiong,et al.,SER-minimization Relay Selection for Two-way Relay Channels with Physical Layer Network Coding, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 48, No.1, pp 534 – 541, 2013. (Ei index) (NSFC)
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong, Zheng-ding Qiu, “Raptor codes for real-time mud pulse telemetry in M/LWD system,” Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp 556 – 561, 2013. (Ei index) (NSFC)
Dandan Li, Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Jun Xiao, “Jammer Selection for Two-Way Relay Networks,” Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, no. 18, pp. 5889 - 5896, 2012. (Ei index, Accession number: 20130515953905)
Fuhong Lin, Changjia Chen, Hengkui Wu, Hongke Zhang, Ke Xiong, “QHNS: QoS-aware Hierarchical Name System”, Journal of Networks (JNW), 2011, vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 1491-1498. (EI index, Accession number: 20114114415938)
Guanyao Du, Ke Xiong, et al, Bandwidth Allocation for Transmission Power Minimization with Network Coding in Two-way Transmission aware Relay-aided Cellular Networks, to be appear in Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013. (Ei index). (NSFC)
[63] Dandan Li, Ke Xiong, et al., “SER Analysis for High-order Modulated Physical Layer Network Coding over AWGN Channels,” Journal of Applied Sciences, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 27-33, 2013. (EI index) (NSFC)
Yu zhang, Zhengding Qiu, Ke Xiong, Shenghui Wang, “An algorithm for MWD data compression based on differential pulse code modulation,” Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2010, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 748-755. (EI index, Accession number: 20105213523781)
Yu Zhang, Sheng-Hui Wang, Ke Xiong, Zheng-ding Qiu, Dong-Mei Sun, “DPCM Compression for Real-Time Logging While Drilling Data,” Journal of Software (JSW), vol. 5, no.3, pp. 280-287, 2010. (EI index, Accession number: 20101312817347)
Fuhong Lin, Changjia Chen, Ke Xiong, Hongke Zhang, “HNS: Hierarchical Name System,” ICIC Express Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 1065-1070, 2010. (EI index, Accession number:20102613036903)
DandanLi,Ke Xiong,et al.,Power Allocation for Secure Two-way Relay Networks with Friendly Jammers, Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 116-123, 2012. (NSFC)
Kai Zhang, Xiaoming Ding, Ke Xiong, Shuo Dai, “Design remote reconfiguration supported security protection system on NetFPGA and Virtex5,’ International Journal of Communications and Security (IJCS), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 75-80, 2010.
Wei Li, Deyun Gao, Yajuan Qin, Ke Xiong, “Label-Forwarding-Based QoS Mechanism for Universal Network,” Computer Technology and Development, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 1-4, 2010. (中國科技核心期刊)
Pengyu Li, Deyun Gao, Yajuan Qin, Ke Xiong, “Design and Implementation of PXA270-Based SIP Phone,” Computer Technology and Development, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 193-196, 2010. (中國科技核心期刊)
Zhengding Qiu, Ke Xiong, Name-Based Flat Routing, ZET Communications, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 18-22, 2009. (中國科技核心期刊)
Chen Chen, Ke Xiong*, Gang Qu, Pingyi Fan, Group Cooperation and Resource Allocation in Wireless Powered Communication Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM’2016 workshop, USA, pp. 1-6, 2016.
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong*, Yu Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in OFDM Relay Networks under Proportional Rate Constraints, IEEE GLOBECOM’2016, USA, pp. 1-6, 2016.
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong*, Zhuyan Zhao, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, “Deploying multiple antennas on high-speed trains: equidistant strategy v.s. fixed-interval strategy,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Fall, pp. 1-6, 2016.
Xu Li, Hao Ge, Yanan Liang, Ke Xiong, Ying Lu, Performance Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Multi-hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, ,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’2016, pp. 1-6, June 2016.
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong*, Zhuyan Zhao, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, “Remote Antenna Unit Selection Assisted Seamless Handover for High-Speed Railway Communications with Distributed Antennas,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Spring, pp. 1-6, 2016.
J Liu, Ke Xiong, Y Zhang, Z Zhong, “Resource Allocation for Relay-Aided Cooperative Hospital Wireless Networks,” Ad Hoc Networks, pp. 192-204, 2016.
Ke Xiong*, Pingyi Fan, Chuang Zhang, Khaled Ben Letaief, “Time-switching based SWPIT for network-coded two-way relay transmission with data rate fairness,” in Proc. IEEE ICASSP’2015, pp. 5535-5539, 2015.
Tao Li, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong, K Ben Letaief, “QoS-distinguished achievable rate region for high speed railway wireless communications,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’2015, pp. 2044 - 2049, 2015.
Chuang Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong, “Downlink resource allocation for the high-speed train and local users in OFDMA systems,” in Proc. IEEE WCNC’2015, pp. 1213 - 1218, 2015.
Ruihong Jiang, Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Zhangdui Zhong, “Outage performance of SWIPT-enabled two-way relay networks,” in Proc. IEEE HMWC’15, 2015.
Chuang Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong, Pingzhi Fan, Su Yi, Gang Wang, “Delay constrained optimal power allocation in high-speed railway scenarios,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2014 workshop, pp. 1139 - 1144, USA, 2014.
Zhengchuan Chen, Pingyi Fan, Dapeng Oliver Wu, Ke Xiong, Khaled B. Letaief, “On the achievable rates of full-duplex Gaussian relay channel,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2014, pp. 4342 - 4346, USA, 2014.
Yang Lu, Ke Xiong, Zhangdui Zhong, J Lu, “Weighted sum-rate maximization resource scheduling and optimization for heterogeneous vehicular networks: a bipartite graph method,” in Proc. ACM MOMM’2014.
C Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong, Y Dong, “Differentiated services in wireless multiaccess systems: Rate allocation and power adjustment” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2014.
Ke Xiong, Tao Li, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, et al, “Outage Probability of Space-Time Network Coding with Amplify-and-Forward Relays,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2013, Dec 9-13, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2013.
Ke Xiong, Qing Shi, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, et al, “Resource Allocation for Two-way Relay Networks with Symmetric Data Rates: An Information Theoretic Approach,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’13, June 6 - 13, Budapest, Hungary, 2013. (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference, EI & ISTP index) (NSFC)
Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, et al, “Joint Subcarrier-pairing and Resource Allocation for Two-way Multi-relay OFDM Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2012, Dec 3-7, California, USA, 2012. (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference, EI & ISTP index)
Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, et al, “Resource Allocation for Minimal Downlink Delay in Two-way OFDM Relaying with Network Coding,” in Proc. IEEE ICC’2012, Toronto, Canada, May 2012. (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference, EI & ISTP index)
Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Zhengding Qiu and K. Ben Letaief, “Energy Detection based Signal-Time Coding for AWGN Relay Networks,” in Proc. IEEE ICC 2011, June 5-9, Kyoto, Japan, 2011, pp. 1-6. (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference, EI index: 20113514287108)
Ke Xiong, Zhi Chen, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief, “NC2R: Network Coding-Aware Cooperative Relaying for Downlink Cellular Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2011, Dec. 5-9, Houston, USA, 2011. (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference, EI index: 20120814798947& ISTP index)
Chuang Zhang, Pingyi Fan, Yunquan Dong, Ke Xiong, “Channel Service Based High Speed Railway Base Station Arrangement,” Proc. IEEE HMWC’11, Chendu, China, Nov. 2011.
Jiyi Hu, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong, Su Yi, Ming Lei, “Cooperation-based Opportunistic Network Coding in Wireless Butterfly Networks,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2011, Dec. 5-9, Houston, USA, 2011. (IEEE ComSoc Flagship Conference, EI index: 20120814798949 & ISTP index)
Zhengfeng Xu, Pingyi Fan, Hongchuan Yang, Ke Xiong, et al, “Optimal Beamforming for MIMO Decode-and-Forward Relay Channels,” in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM’2012, Dec 3-7, California, USA, 2012. (EI & ISTP index)
Dandan Li, Ke Xiong, Yu Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, “SER Minimized Relay Selection for Physical Layer Network Coding in Two-way Relay Channels,” Elsevier Procedia Engineering, vol. 15, pp. 1921-1925, 2011. (EI index, Accession number: 20115214631068)
Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Hongke Zhang, “QoS State Information Aggregation for Inter-domain Routing,” in Proc. IEEE ICSP’2008, pp. 1997-2001. (EI index, Accession number: 20092612145406, ISTP index, IDS: BLO26)
Ke Xiong, Zheng-ding Qiu, Hong-ke Zhang, “Towards Link-disjoint paths under multiple additive QoS constraints,” in Proc. IET ICWMMN’2008, no. 545 CP, pp. 438-441. (EI index, Accession number: 20093612281112)
Ke Xiong, Zheng-ding Qiu, Yu Zhang, Ya-Juan Qin, Hong-ke Zhang, “A mathematical QoS model for multimedia flows on the basis of network calculus,” in Proc. CCCM’2009, August 7-9, 2009, pp. 246-249. (EI index, Accession number: 20094812507354, ISTP index, IDS: BNA10)
Ke Xiong, Yu Zhang, Zheng-ding Qiu, Sheng-Hui Wang, Dong-Mei Sun, “Maximum E2E delay of multimedia traffic in QTNPOSS network,” in Proc. ISIP 2009, August, 21-23, 2009, pp. 334-337. (ISTP index, IDS: BNI86)
Ke Xiong, Zheng-ding Qiu, Yu Zhang, Yu-chun Guo, Hong-ke Zhang, “LIC-based fast forwarding towards scalability, simplicity, flexibility and security,” in Proc. ICCNT 2009, July 24-26, 2009, pp. 13-18. (ISTP index, IDS: BMO08)
Xiaofei Di, Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Zhengding Qiu, “Cooperative Multi-Relay Transmission for High-Speed Railway Mobile Communication System with Fountain Codes,” in Proc. IEEE HMWC’2013, Shanghai, 2013.
Zhifei Zhang, Xiaofei Di, Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong, “Fountain Coded Transmission Strategy with Network Coding for Wireless Butterfly Networks,” in Proc. IET ICWMMN’13, Beijing, Nov. 2013.
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong, Xiaofei Di, Guanyao Du, Zhengding Qiu, “RaptorQ code based adaptive Real-Time transmission scheme for M/LWD system,” in Proc. IET ICWMMN’13, Beijing, Nov. 2013.
Hailun Liu, Dongmei Sun, Ke Xiong and Zhengding Qiu, “Apply Feature Selection To Improve Performances Of Multidimensional Fuzzy Vault Scheme,” in Proc. CCBR’2011. (EI index, Accession number: 20114614525683)
Fanci Guo, Chun-e Zhang, Ke Xiong, Image Defect Inspection Based on Human Visual Characteristics, in Proc. ICWMMN’2011. (EI index, Accession number: 20122315087330)
Shenghui Wang, Xiuhua Fu, Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu,Power Allocation and Relay Selection for Cellular Network with Cooperative Network Coding, in Proc. ICWMMN’2011. (EI index, Accession number: 20122315087322)
Guanyao Du, Ke Xiong, Dandan Li, Yu Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, Transmission Power Optimazation in Two-way Tranmission Aware Relay-aided Cellular Networks, in Proc. ICWMMN’2011. (EI index, Accession number: 20122315087322)
Dandan Li, Ke Xiong, Guanyao Du, Yu Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, “SER Analysis of Physical Layer Network Coding over AWGN Channels,” in Proc. ICWMMN’ 2011. (EI index, Accession number: 20122315087321)
Hanlun Liu, Dongmei Sun, Ke Xiong, et al. “Is Fuzzy Vault Scheme very Effective for Key Binding in Biometric Cryptosystems?” in Proc. CyberC’2011. (EI index, Accession number: 20115114606664)
Lv Guangxu, Ma Qinglong, Xiong Ke, et al, “A Novel Localization Method for Indoor Auto-Cleaning Robots, Proceedings of Annual Conferences of China Institute of Communications,” in Proc. ACCIC’2010, 2010, pp. 471-474. (ISTP index, IDS: BOJ48)
Kai Zhang, Xiaoming Ding, Ke Xiong and Yunting Zhao, “Reconfigurable Security Protection System Based on NetFPGA and Embedded Soft-core Technology, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Design and Applications,” in Proc. ICCDA’2010, pp. V5540-V5544. (EI index, Accession number: 20103413186356)
Suping Zhang, Dongmei Sun, Ke Xiong, Hanlun Liu, “An Effective 3-D Visualization System of Spine MR images,” in Proc. ICSPS’2010, pp. V2167-V2171. (EI index, Accession number: 20104013270643)
Yunting Zhao, Xiaoming Ding, Ke Xiong, “RES: A Reconfigurable Encryption System Designed on FPGA, Proceedings of 2010 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology,” in Proc. CSCIST’2010, 2010, pp. 462-466. (ISTP index, IDS: BPW19)
Hanlun Liu, Dongmei Sun, Ke Xiong, et al. “A New Fuzzy Vault Method using Cubic Spline Interpolation, Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence,” in Proc. AICI’2010, 2010, vol. 1, pp. 103-106. (EI Index, Accession number: 20110313596508)
Hanlun Liu, Dongmei Sun, Ke Xiong, et al. “3D Fuzzy Vault Based on Palmprint,” in Proc. CyberC’2010, pp. 230-234. (EI Index, Accession number: 20105013474189)
Kai Zhang, Xiaoming Ding, Ke Xiong, Shuo Dai, “RSS: A Reconfigurable Security System Designed on NetFPGA and Virtex5-LX110T,” 1st European NetFPGA Developers Workshop, University of Cambridge, Sep. 9-10th, 2010.
Yu Zhang, Ke Xiong, Zheng-ding Qiu, Sheng-Hui Wang, Dong-Mei Sun, “A new method for Real-Time Logging While Drilling Data Compression,” in Proc. ISIP’2009, August, 21-23, 2009, pp. 163-166. (ISTP index, IDS: BNI86)
Xiong Zhang, Zhengding Qiu, Dazhong Mu, Ke Xiong, “Tradeoff for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks,” in Proc. IEEE WiCOM’2009, pp. 1714-1717. (EI index, Accession number: 20100112610839, ISTP index, IDS: BNX02)
Jiajia Zhou, Dongmei Sun, Zhengding Qiu, Ke Xiong, Di Liu, Yanqiang Zhang, “Palmprint Recognition by Fusion of Multi-color Components,” Proc. IEEE CyberC’2009, Oct. 10 -12, 2009, pp. 273-278. (EI index, Accession number: 20095312585875)
Baolong Yu, Ke Xiong, Ye Du, Xiaoming Ding, Xiong Zhang, “Packet-analysis based Flow Identification System for Peer-to-Peer Applications,” in Proc. IEEE ICTM’2009, Hongkong, vol. 1, pp. 387-390. (EI index, Accession number: 20101712881938)
Nan Yao, Ming Wan, Ke Xiong, Hongke Zhang, “Routing Optimization for Inter-domain Traffic Engineering under Separation and Mapping Architecture,” in Proc. IEEE ICFIN 2009, October 14-17, 2009, pp. 31-37. (EI index, Accession number : 20095212570275, ISTP index, IDS: BVE71)
Chun-e Zhang, Fanci Guo, Ke Xiong, “Towards Subjective Consistency: An Effective Objective Quality Assessment Algorithm for Binary Image,” Key Engineering Materials, 2011, vol. 474-476, pp. 143-150. (EI index, Accession number: 20112013982646)
[2] Jingyi Hu, Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong, Su Yi, Ming Lei, A Transmission Scheme on Distributed Space-time Processing based Opportunistic Cooperative Network Coding, Process Number: 2011103170212.4, April 15, 2011. 胡景懿,樊平毅,熊軻,易粟,雷鳴,無線數據傳輸方法,授權號:ZL2011101308529,授權日期:2014.04.02。
[3] Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Su Yi, Ming Lei, A joint Subcarrier-pairing and Resource Allocation Method for OFDM Two-way Networks, Submitted on June, 2012. 熊軻,樊平毅,易粟,雷鳴,一種聯合子載波配對的OFDM雙向中繼網絡資源配置方法,授權號:ZL201210362439X,授權日期:2015.07.29。
[4] Zhengfeng Xu,Pingyi Fan, Ke Xiong, Su Yi, Ming Lei, A DF-based Multi-antenna Beamforming Design Method for Relay Networks, Submitted on June, 2012. 許正鋒,樊平毅,熊軻,易粟,雷鳴,一種基于譯碼轉發策略的多天線中繼波束成形方法,授權號:ZL2012103652169,授權日期:2015.03.04。
[5] Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Su Yi, Ming Lei, User Fairness Oriented OFDM Two-way Relay Transmission Method, Application Number: 201110317021.2, 8, Otc. 19, 2011. 熊軻,樊平毅,易粟,雷鳴,面向用戶公平性的OFDM雙向信息互傳方法,授權號:ZL2011103170212, 授權日期:2014.04.02。
[6] Ke Xiong, Pingyi Fan, Su Yi, Ming Lei, A Transmission Scheme on Network Coded Cooperative Relaying, Application Number: 201110062704.8, March 15, 2011. 熊軻,樊平毅,易粟,雷鳴,基于網絡編碼的協作中繼傳輸方法,授權號:ZL201110062704,授權日期:2013.05.08。
[7] Hongke Zhang, Shiyong Li, Yajuan Qin, Ke Xiong, 張宏科, Bo Wang, Pingdong, Hongbin Luo, Shuai Gao, Dong Yang, Open Number: 101707563A, Utilization Optimization based Network Layered Mapping and Implementation Algorithm. Open Number: 101707563A, Nov. 27, 2009. 張宏科,李世勇,秦雅娟,熊軻,王博,董平,羅洪斌,郜帥,楊冬,基于效用最優的網絡分層映射的實現算法,授權號:ZL2009102416190,授權日期:2012.01.04。
[8] Hongke Zhang, Ke Xiong, Zhengding Qiu, Yajuan Qin, Hongbin Luo, Ping Dong, Shuigen Yang, Hongchao Wang, A Framework and Operation Scheme of Network Layer Qulity of Service Guarantee for Universal Network, Open Number: 101136866, Otc. 15, 2007. 張宏科, 熊軻,裘正定,秦雅娟,羅洪斌,董平,楊水根,王洪超,一體化網絡網通層服務質量保證結構和運行方法,授權號:ZL2007101758755,授權日期:2011.03.02。
[16] Yajuan Qin, Bo Wang, Hongke Zhang, Ke Xiong, Shiyong Li, Hongbin Luo, Pingdong, Sidong Zhang, An Improved Transport Method for Multi-connections and Multi-paths. Open Number: 101719918A, Nov. 27, 2009.秦雅娟,王博,張宏科,熊軻,李世勇,羅洪斌,董平,張思東,一種改進的適用于多連接多路徑的傳輸方法,申請號:2009102416203,申請公開日:2013.03.27。