發(fā)表論文:在《Mobile Networks and Applications》、《Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing》、《軟件學報》、《計算機研究與發(fā)展》、GLOBECOM,ANCS和LCN等知名學術期刊和國際會議發(fā)表論文30余篇,一篇論文獲2016年ESI Top 1%高被引論文。
期 刊-> Jiafu Wan, Yantao Sun, Di Li, Kai Lin, Caifeng Zou and Keliang Zhou, VCMIA: A Novel Architecture for Integrating Vehicular Cyber-Physical Systems and Mobile Cloud Computing, Mobile Networks and Applications. (SCI)
期 刊-> Yantao Sun, Jing Cheng, Qiang Liu, Weiwei Fang, Diamond: An Improved Fat-tree Architecture for Large-scale Data Centers, Journal of Communications, 9(1), 91-98, Jan. 2014, ISSN 1796-2021 EI
會議-> Yantao Sun, Min Chen, Bin Liu, Shiwen Mao, FAR: A Fault-avoidance Routing Method for Data Center Networks with Regular Topology, The Ninth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS) 2013
會議-> Yantao Sun, Min Chen, Qiang Liu, Jing Chen, A High Performance Network Architecture for Large-scale Cloud Media Data Centers, Globecom 2013.
期刊-> Yantao Sun, Jing Cheng, Konggui Shi, Qiang Liu, Data Center Network Architecture, ZTE Communications, 11(1): 54-61, March 2013.
期刊-> Long Hu, Ong Mau Dung, Qiang Liu, Tao Han, Yantao Sun, Integration of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and WAN, WiMAX and LTE. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems(TIIS), 7(5): 980-997, May 2013. (SCI)
Weiwei Fang, Xiangmin Liang, Yantao Sun, Network Element Scheduling for Achieving Energy-Aware Data Center Networks, International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control(IJCCC), 7(2): 241-251, June 2012. (SCI)
期 刊-> 方維維,梁相民,孫延濤.Network Element Scheduling for Achieving Energy-Aware Data Center Networks[J]。International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control,2012-06,2(7),241:251
期 刊-> 劉強,韓濤,孫延濤,褚眾,沈秉文.A two step salient objects extraction framework based on image segmentation and saliency detection[J]。Multimedia Tools And Applications,2012-03,18(ISSN: 0023-6837),126:143