1 論文名稱:Tunable band alignment in two-phase-coexistence Nb3O7F nanocrystals with enhanced light harvesting and photocatalytic performance,刊物名:Nanotechnology,級別:SCI
2 論文名稱:A kind of economical, friendly-environmental and controllable synthesis of Nb3O7F nanowalls and their photocatalytic properties,刊物名:Materials Letters,級別:SCI
3 論文名稱:Graphene-based heterostructured s with tunable bandgap: A general and forsaken strategy,刊物名:Advanced Materials Interfaces,級別:SCI
4 論文名稱:Nonlinear optical transmittance of semiconductors in the presence of high-intensity radiation fields,刊物名:Journal of Applied Physics,級別:SCI
5 論文名稱:Electron drift velocity and mobility in graphene,刊物名:Frontiers of Physics,級別:SCI
6 論文名稱:Electronic and optical properties of single-layer MoS2,刊物名:Frontiers of Physics,級別:SCI
7 論文名稱:Tunable terahertz optical properties of graphene in DC electric fields,刊物名:Physica E,級別:SCI
8 論文名稱:Novel Nb3O7F/WS2 hybrid nanomaterials with enhanced optical absorption and photocatalytic activity,刊物名:Nanotechnology,級別:SCI
9 論文名稱:CNTs-modified Nb3O7F hybrid nanocrystal towards faster carrier migration, lower bandgap and higher photocatalytic activity,刊物名:Scientific Reports,級別:SCI
10 論文名稱:Nb3O7F/MoS2 nanocrystal for expanded visible-light absorption and enhanced photocatalytic activity,刊物名:Ceramics International,級別:SCI
11 論文名稱:In situ thermal decomposition for preparation of Nb3O7F/Nb2O5 hybrid nanomaterials with enhanced photocatalytic performance,刊物名:Journal of Alloys and Compounds,級別:SCI
12 論文名稱:In situ thermal decomposition for preparation of Nb3O7F/Nb2O5 hybrid nanomaterials with enhanced photocatalytic performance,刊物名:Journal of Alloys and Compounds,級別:SCI
13 論文名稱:Preparation of hollow dipyramid TiO2 with truncated structure using oxidation/etch method and its gas-sensing properties,刊物名:Crystal Research and Technology,級別:SCI
14 論文名稱:Self-assembled synthesis of hollow Nb3O7F nanomaterials based on Kirkendall effect and its photocatalytic properties,刊物名:Materials Technology,級別:SCI
15 論文名稱:CIS and CIGS nanomaterials prepared by solvothermal method and their spectral properties,刊物名:Crystal Research and Technology,級別:SCI
16 論文名稱:Influence of pH values on WO3 nanomaterials during hydrothermal synthesis and its gas-sensing properties,刊物名:Materials Research Innovations,級別:SCI
17 論文名稱:Self-assembled synthesis of TiO2/TiB2 nanowall and its photocatalytic properties,刊物名:Journal of Alloys and Compounds,級別:SCI
18 論文名稱:Experimental evidence of structural evolution for TiB2 microcrystal under externally high stresses,刊物名:Powder Technology,級別:SCI
19 論文名稱:Synthesis of shape-controlled Nb3O7F/NbB2 heterostructure: A new idea to synthesize binary hybrid materials by incomplete reaction,刊物名:Materials Research Bulletin,級別:SCI
20 論文名稱:Facile synthesis, growth mechanism and UV-vis spectra of novel urchin-like TiO2/TiB2 heterostructures,刊物名:Crystal Growth and Design,級別:SCI
21 論文名稱:Several shape-controlled TiO2/TiB2 hybrid materials with a combined growth mechanism,刊物名:Materials Letters,級別:SCI
22 論文名稱:Study on co-excited green emission of Tb3+, Ce3+ and Gd3+ in yttrium aluminum garnet,刊物名:Journal of Ceramic Processing Research,級別:SCI
23 論文名稱:甲醇對有序介孔氧化硅結構和形貌的影響,刊物名:稀有金屬材料與工程,級別:SCI
24 論文名稱:An efficient method to modulate the structure, morphology and properties of WO3 through niobium doping,刊物名:Journal of Alloys and Compounds,級別:SCI
25 論文名稱:Tungsten nitride decorated carbon nanotubes hybrid as efficient catalyst supports for oxygen reduction reaction,刊物名:Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,級別:SCI
26 論文名稱:Fabrication and performance investigation of nanocrystal tungsten nitride supported Pt catalysts for methanol electrooxidation,刊物名: New Journal of Chemistry,級別:SCI
[1] Fei Huang*, Aihua Yan, Hui Zhao. Semiconductor Photocatalysis - Materials, Mechanisms and Applications. Influences of doping on photocatalytic properties of TiO2 photocatalyst, pp.31-80. Intech. 2016. (ISBN: 978-953-51-4661-2, Chapter 2)