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學 位:博士
2005.9~2008.6 南開大學化學學院分析化學專業(理學博士)。
2002.9~2005.6 山西大學化學化工學院藥學系藥物分析專業(理學碩士)。
1998.9~2002.6 山西大學化學化工學院化學系應用化學專業(理學學士)。
1. 危害物質檢測前處理新材料和新技術研究:國家重點研發計劃“食品安全關鍵技術研發”,2018–2021
2. 高油脂食品加熱過程有害物形成機制研究:江蘇省重點專項2016–2019
3. 農產品質量安全控制體系建設:江蘇省農墾農業發展股份有限公司2016–2018
4. 基于適配體乳及乳制品中黃曲霉毒素傳感新方法:乳業生物技術國家重點實驗室2013–2015
5. 食品致敏源分子檢測技術:國家“十二五”科技支撐計劃項目,2011–2014
6. 芳香寡肽納米管自組裝及機理研究:國家自然科學基金2011–2013
1. 第四屆中國“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽”優秀指導教師
2. 中國輕工業聯合會科技進步一等獎(第4完成人)
3. 中國商業聯合會科技進步一等獎(第6完成人)
[1] Ma, Y., Shi, L., Liu, F., Zhang, Y., Pang, Y., and Shen, X.* (2019) Self-assembled thixotropic silver cluster hydrogel for anticancer drug release, Chemical Engineering Journal 362, 650-657.
[2] Pang, Y., Zhang, Y., Sun, X., Ding, H., Ma, T., and Shen, X.* (2019) Synergistical accumulation for electrochemical sensing of 1-hydroxypyrene on electroreduced graphene oxide electrode, Talanta 192, 387-394.
[3] Pang, Y., Wang, Q., Ma, Y., Yue, Q., and Shen, X.* (2019) Facile preparation of mercapto modified magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for removal of mercury(II) from aqueous solutions, Desalination and Water Treatment 139, 288-296.
[4] Ma, T. T., Shen, X. F., Yang, C., Qian, H. L., Pang, Y. H.*, and Yan, X. P.* (2019) Covalent immobilization of covalent organic framework on stainless steel wire for solid-phase microextraction GC-MS/MS determination of sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in grilled meat samples, Talanta 201, 413-418.
[5] Pang, Y., Zhang, Q., Sun, X., Ji, J., Pi, F., Shen, X.* (2018) Self-assembled diphenylalanine peptide fibrils with ultra-high aspect ratio: a platform for sensitive electrochemical H2O2 sensor, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 8518-8529.
[6] Shen, X.*, Liu, D., and Pang, Y. (2016) Amyloid β 19-20 peptide in vitro self-assembled into architectural wires, Materials Letters 163, 12-15.
[7] 饒麗, 張明如, 劉娟, 龐月紅, 沈曉芳*。(2016)有機磷農藥殘留掌上檢測儀的設計。中國科學: 化學,46,274-279.
[8] Pang, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, W., Ding, H., and Shen, X.* (2016) Synergetic accumulation and simultaneous determination of naphthol isomers on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide modified electrode, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 769, 89-96.
[9] Ma, Y., Pang, Y., Liu, F., Xu, H., and Shen, X.* (2016) Microwave-assisted ultrafast synthesis of silver nanoparticles for detection of Hg(2)(+), Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc 153, 206-211.
[10] Shen, X.*, Ge, Z., and Pang, Y. (2015) Conjugating folate on superparamagnetic Fe 3 O 4 @Au nanoparticles using click chemistry, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 222, 37-43.
[11] Shen, X.*, Wang, Q., Chen, W., and Pang, Y. (2014) One-step synthesis of water-dispersible cysteine functionalized magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for mercury(II) removal from aqueous solutions, Applied Surface Science 317, 1028-1034.
[12] Shen, X.*, Deng, X., and Pang, Y. (2014) Self-assembly of Cu(ii) with amyloid β19–20 peptide: relevant to Alzheimer's disease, RSC Advances 4.
[13] Shen, X., Liu, Y., Pang, Y., and Yao, W. (2013) Conjugation of graphene on Au surface by π–π interaction and click chemistry, Electrochemistry Communications 30, 13-16.
[14] Shen, X.*, (2012) Encapsulation of CdTe quantum dots in polyvinylpyrrolidone nanoparticle for live cell imaging, Micro & Nano Letters 7.
[15] Shen, X.*, Cui, Y., Pang, Y., and Qian, H. (2012) Pre-concentration and in situ electrochemical sensing of 1-hydroxypyrene on an electrodeposited poly(3-methylthiophene) film modified electrode, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 667, 1-6.
[16] Shen, X.*, Cui, Y., Pang, Y., and Qian, H. (2012) Graphene oxide nanoribbon and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane assembled composite frameworks for pre-concentrating and electrochemical sensing of 1-hydroxypyrene, Electrochimica Acta 59, 91-99.
[17] Pang, Y., Ge, Z., Liu, Y., and Shen, X.* (2012) Covalent grafting folate on Au electrode via click chemistry, Electrochemistry Communications 23, 98-101.
[18] Pang, Y., Cui, Y., Ma, Y., Qian, H., and Shen, X.* (2012) Fluorescence quenching of cationic organic dye by graphene: interaction and its mechanism, Micro & Nano Letters 7.
[19] Pang, Y., Chen, Q., Shen, X., Tang, L., and Qian, H. (2010) Size-controlled Ag nanoparticle modified WO3 composite films for adjustment of electrochromic properties, Thin Solid Films 518, 1920-1924.
[20] Shen, X.* (2009) Combining microwave and ultrasound irradiation for rapid synthesis of nanowires: a case study on Pb(OH)Br, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 84, 1811-1817.
[21] Shen, X., and Yan, X.* (2008) Environmentally benign and cost-effective synthesis of well-aligned nanoporous PbS nanowire architectures, Journal of Materials Chemistry 18.
[22] Shen, X., and Yan, X.* (2007) Facile shape-controlled synthesis of well-aligned nanowire architectures in binary aqueous solution, Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 46, 7659-7663.