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通訊地址 江南大學油脂及植物蛋白研究中心(國工樓B2115)
蔣將,江南大學食品學院校聘教授、碩士生導師, 2011年加入江南大學食品學院,研究方向為蛋白乳液研究,主要從事乳液界面學、蛋白物性學、肉制品加工研究。目前擔任Journal of Food Science 雜志編委。承擔國家自然科學青年基金、863項目、十三五國家重點研發計劃子課題等項目研究。已發表SCI論文16篇,總引用次數550余次,其中一篇為2018ESI高引論文。國際會議特邀報告(美國化學會ACS,美國食品科技年會IFT)4次,墻報10余次。
1.Jiang, J., Zhu, B., Liu, Y., and Xiong, Y.L. 2014. Interfacial structural role of pH-shifting processed pea protein in the oxidative stability of O/W emulsions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62:1683–1691.引用次數:40.
2.Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2015. Technologies and mechanisms for safety control of ready-to-eat muscle foods: an updated review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 55:1886-1901.引用次數:9.
3.Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2015. Role of interfacial protein membrane in oxidative stability of vegetable oil substitution emulsions applicable to nutritionally modified sausage. Meat science 109:56-65.引用次數:18.
4.Jiang, J., and Xiong, Y.L. 2016. Natural antioxidants as food and feed additives to promote health benefits and quality of meat products: A review. Meat Science 120:107–117. 引用次數:91.
5.Jiang, J., Tang, X., Xue, Y., Lin, G. and Xiong, Y.L. 2017. Dietary linseed oil supplemented with organic selenium improved the fatty acid nutritional profile, muscular selenium deposition, water retention, and tenderness of fresh pork. Meat Science 131:99-106. 引用次數:16.
6.Jiang, J., Jin, Y., Liang, X., Piatko, M., Campbell, S., Lo, S.K. and Liu, Y., 2018. Synergetic interfacial adsorption of protein and low-molecular-weight emulsifiers in aerated emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids 81: 15-22.引用次數:10.
7.Jiang, J., Zhang, Z., Zhao, J. and Liu, Y., 2018. The effect of non-covalent interaction of chlorogenic acid with whey protein and casein on physicochemical and radical-scavenging activity of in vitro protein digests. Food Chemistry 268: 334-341.引用次數:6.
8.Jiang, J., Wang, Q. and Xiong, Y.L., 2018. A pH shift approach to the improvement of interfacial properties of plant seed proteins. Current Opinion in Food Science.引用次數:3.
9.Jiang, J., Jing, W., Xiong, Y.L. and Liu, Y, 2019. Interfacial competitive adsorption of different amphipathicity emulsifiers and milk protein affect fat crystallization, physical properties, and morphology of frozen aerated emulsion. Food Hydrocolloids, 87: 670-678.引用次數:1.
10.Jiang, J., Song, Z., Wang, Q., Xu, X., Liu, Y., and Xiong, Y. L. (2019). Ultrasound-mediated interfacial protein adsorption and fat crystallization in cholesterol-reduced lard emulsion. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 104641.引用次數:0.
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