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羅紹華,博士(后),副教授,碩士生導師。主要從事特種機電系統設計與智能控制、非線性系統動力學分析與智能控制等方面研究。以第一作者在國內外知名期刊發表學術論文23篇,論文SCI他引50余次,獲授權發明專利3項(包括國際專利)和省市級獎3項,主持國家自然科學基金、中國博士后基金等8項縱向課題,具有4年國企與外資工程師的經歷。在國際合作方面,已與University of Texas和University of South Carolina的相關人員進行了實質性合作。
社會兼職:承擔國家、省自然科學基金,國內外期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,Nonlinear Dynamics,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,Neurocomputing,IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems,Aerospace Science and Technology,Neural Computing and Applications,International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,IEEE Sensors Journal,International Journal of Control,European Transactions on Electrical Power, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering,Iranian Journal of Science and Technology,Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers等同行評審。
[1]Shaohua Luo, Shaobo Li, Trandinh Phung, Jianjun Hu, Chaotic behavior and adaptive control of the arch MEMS resonator with state constraint and sector input [J], IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(17): 6986-6995.
[2]Shaohua Luo, Shaobo Li, Farid Tajaddodianfar, Jianjun Hu, Anti-oscillation and chaos control of the fractional-order brushless DC motor system via adaptive echo state networks [J], Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018, 355(14):6435-6453.
[3]Shaohua Luo, Shaobo Li, Farid Tajaddodianfar, Jianjun Hu, Adaptive synchronization of the fractional-order chaotic arch micro-electro-mechanical system via Chebyshev neural network[J], IEEE Sensors Journal, 2018, 18(9): 3524-3532.
[4]Shaohua Luo, Shaobo Li, Farid Tajaddodianfar, Jianjun Hu, Observer-based adaptive stabilization of the fractional-order chaotic MEMS resonator [J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 92(3): 1079-1089.
[5]Shaohua Luo, Shaobo Li, Farid Tajaddodianfar, Chaos and adaptive control of the fractional-order magnetic-field electromechanical transducer[J], International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2017, 27(13):1750203.
[6]Shaohua Luo, Shaobo Li, Farid Tajaddodianfar, Adaptive chaos control of the fractional-order arch MEMS resonator[J], Nonlinear Dynamics, 2017, 91(1):539-547.