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科研方向: 超親潤界面、傳感納米馬達等領域的應用研究
2017年/06~至今:北京科技大學,化學與生物工程學院,副教授/副研究員,碩導; 2012/09~2017/06:北京科技大學,化學工程學院,化學博士學位; 2013/09~2015/08:加州大學圣地亞哥分校,聯合培養博士生,納米工程系,導師:Joseph Wang; 2008/09~2012/06:北京科技大學,化學專業,理學學士學位。
1.中央高校基礎科研業務費研究項目,10萬,(2017/12~2019/12),主持; 2.北京市自然科學基金青年項目,10萬,(2018/01~2019/12),主持; 3.國家自然科學基金青年項目,25萬,(2019/01~2021/12),主持; 4.博新計劃,60萬,(2018/06-2020/06),主持; 5.國家自然科學基金重大項目,2000萬,參與。
2018年10:中國分析測試協會科學技術獎(CAIA),一等獎 2018年10:教育部自然科學技術獎,二等獎,排名4 2017年12: 學科競賽優秀指導教師, 2017年第九屆北京市大學生化學實驗競賽, 省部級, 一等獎, 排名1 2015年06:北京科技大學2014年度十佳新聞人物 2017年06:北京科技大學校長獎章(Top 10) 2017年06:北京市優秀畢業生(Top 1%) 2013年05:國家留學基金委留學獎金
在Adv. Mater.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、ACS Nano、Nano Lett.、Adv. Func. Mater.等材料、化學和納米領域頂級期刊發表論文30余篇。研究成果相繼被Materials Views、Nanowerk,、Phys.org、JSTO in the news、Electronic Products等國內外雜志媒體以亮點的形式報道20余次。論文的總被引用頻次900余次(Google Scholar,2019.3),
1. T. Xu,* G. Cheng, C. Liu, T. Li, X. Zhang, Dynamic Assembly of Microspheres under Ultrasound Field. Chem-Asian J, 2019, 10.1002/asia.201900066, (影響因子:3.692,化學二區) Special Issue entitled "Smart Chemistry, Smart Motors." invited by Theresa Kueckmann
2. Y. Xing,§ Q. Pan,§ X. Du*, T. Xu*, Y. He, and X. Zhang*. Dendritic Janus Nanomotors with Precisely Modulated Coverages and their Effects on Propulsion. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b22612 (影響因子: 8.284,工程技術一區)
3. Y. Song, T. Xu,* L. Xu* and X. Zhang*. Nanodendritic Gold/Graphene-Based Biosensor for Tri-Mode miRNA Sensing. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 1742-1745 (影響因子:6.29,化學一區)
4. X. He, T. Xu,* W. Gao, L. Xu, T. Pan, X. Zhang*. Flexible Superwettable Tapes for On-Site Detection of Heavy Metals. Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 14105-14110 (影響因子:6.042,化學一區)
5. B. Dai,§ S. Li,§ T. Xu,§ Y. Wang, F. Zhang, § Z. Gu, and S. Wang*. Artificial Asymmetric Cilia of Dielectric Elastomer for Cargo Transportation. 2018, 10, 42979 (共同一作,影響因子:8.284,工程技術一區)
6. Y. Song, T. Xu,* L. Xu* and X. Zhang*, Superwettable Nanodendritic Gold Substrate for Directly miRNA SERS Detection. Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 20990-20994 (影響因子:7.233,工程技術一區)
7. T. Xu; Song, Y.; Gao, W.; Wu, T.; Xu, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Superwettable Electrochemical Biosensor toward Detection of Cancer Biomarkers. ACS Sens 2018, 3, 72-78. (影響因子:5.711,工程技術一區)
8. Liu, C.; Xu, T.;* Xu, L.; Zhang, X.,* Controllable Swarming and Assembly of Micro/Nanomachines. Micromachines 2018, 9, 10. (影響因子:2.222,工程技術三區)
9. Xu, T.; Shi, W.; Huang, J.; Song, Y.; Zhang, F.; Xu, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Superwettable Microchips as a Platform toward Microgravity Biosensing. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 621-626. (影響因子:13.709,工程技術一區)
10. Xu, T.; Gao, W.; Xu, L. P.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Fuel-Free Synthetic Micro-/Nanomachines. Adv. Mater. 2017. 29, 1603250 (高被引論文,影響因子:21.888,工程技術一區)
Featured on Journal Frontispiece.
Highlighted in ''Micro and Nanorobots to the Rescue!'' Advanced Science News, 2017
11. Xu T., Xu L. P.,* Zhang, X.* Ultrasound Propulsion of Micro-/Nanomotors, Applied Mater. Today 2017, 9, 493
12. Liu, C.; Huang, J.; Song, Y.; Xu, T.;* Zhang, X.,* Controlling the micro/nanomotors motion and their application in precision medicine. SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica 2017, 47, 29-38.
13. Shi, W.;§ Xu, T.;§ Xu, L. P.; Chen, Y.; Wen, Y.; Zhang, X.; Wang, S., Cell micropatterns based on silicone-oil-modified slippery surfaces. Nanoscale 2016, 8, 18612-18615. (共同一作,影響因子:7.233,工程技術一區)
14. Xu, T.; Scafa, N.; Xu, L. P.; Zhou, S.; Abdullah Al-Ghanem, K.; Mahboob, S.; Fugetsu, B.; Zhang, X., Electrochemical hydrogen sulfide biosensors. Analyst 2016, 141, 1185-1195. (影響因子:3.864,化學二區)
15. Li, J.;§ Li, T.;§ Xu, T.;§ Kiristi, M.; Liu, W.; Wu, Z.; Wang, J., Magneto-Acoustic Hybrid Nanomotor. Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 4814-4821. (共同一作,影響因子:12.080,工程技術一區)
Highlighted in ''Fuel-free nanomotor is powered by ultrasound and magnetic fields'' Phys.org, Jun 2015
Highlighted in ''Researchers introduce nanomotor powered not by fuel, but rather, ultrasound and magnetic fields'' Electronic Products, Jul 2015
16. Xu, T.; Soto, F.; Gao, W.; Dong, R.; Garcia-Gradilla, V.; Magana, E.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J., Reversible Swarming and Separation of Self-Propelled Chemically Powered Nanomotors under Acoustic Fields. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 2163-2166. (影響因子:14.357,化學一區)
17. Xu, T.; Soto, F.; Gao, W.; Garcia-Gradilla, V.; Li, J.; Zhang, X.; Wang, J., Ultrasound-Modulated Bubble Propulsion of Chemically Powered Microengines. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 8552-8555. (影響因子:14.357,化學一區)
Highlighted in "Tiny Bubbles Could Propel Big Countermeasures to Chem-Bio Threats", JSTO in the News, 2014.
18. Xu, T.; Scafa, N.; Xu, L.-P.; Su, L.; Li, C.; Zhou, S.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, X., Electrochemical Sensors for Nitric Oxide Detection in Biological Applications. Electroanalysis 2014, 26, 449-468. (影響因子:2.851,化學三區)