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本科課程:發育生物學 生化分析
科研方向:腫瘤診斷藥物的研究 靶向治療藥物的研究 納米藥物載體的研究
社會職務:J Radioanal Nucl Chem審稿人
1、2012年7月-至今:美國新墨西哥大學藥學院,博士后 2、2006年5月-至今:北京科技大學生物科學與工程系,副教授 3、2003年9月-2006年5月:中國協和醫科大學北京協和醫院, 博士后 4、2000年9月-2003年9月:理學博士,北京師范大學 5、1997年9月-2000年7月:理學碩士,東北林業大學 6、1993年9月-1997年7月:理學學士,東北林業大學
1、國家自然科學青年基金“葉酸受體靶向納米脂質體硅納米粒體系靶向投遞缺氧誘導因子HIF-1 α siRNA 抗腫瘤活性的研究”,項目批準號:81301319,經費:23萬元,時間:2014. 01- 2016.12,負責人; 2、中央高校基本科研業務費“新型核酸代謝類腫瘤早期診斷分子探針的研究”,項目編號:FRF-BR-12-017,經費:10萬元,時間:2012.7-2014.7,負責人; 3、中俄國際合作項目“預防和免疫治療疫苗及其新型佐劑增強功能的研究”,項目編號:2008AR, 經費:30 萬
(1)王學斌,劉麗琴,陸潔,唐志剛,張現忠.二膦酸衍生物、99mTc標記的二膦酸衍生物及其應用,ZL 03156043.1,授權公告日2006年6月21日; (2)王學斌,劉麗琴,陸潔,唐志剛,張現忠.二膦酸衍生物、放射性99mTc標記的二膦酸衍生物及其應用,ZL 200310118032.3,授權公告日2007年3月14日。 獲獎: (1)2010年9月8-11日在意大利Bressanone (Bolzano)舉辦的“the 8th International Symposium on TECHNETIUM and OTHER RADIOMETALS in CHEMISTRY and MEDICINE”會議上獲得 “Marino Nicolini Prize”國際獎; (2)2011年4月獲得化學與生物工程學院首屆青年教師教學基本功大賽二等獎; (3)2012年9月獲得北京科技大學先進工作者。
[1]Liqin Liu*, Manchen Zhao, Zhuo Wang, Yuanyan Qin, Xuebin Wang. Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel technetium-99mlabeled HYNIC-D-glucose as a potential tumor imaging agent. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2014, 301(4): 731–737;
[2]Liqin Liu*, Manchen Zhao, Zhuo Wang, Yuanyan Qin, Xuebin Wang. Synthesis and biodistribution of 99mTc-HYNIC-DG as a novel potential tumor imaging agent. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2014, 41(7): 623;
[3]Kubra Durkan, Zongrun Jiang, Tammy L Rold, Gary L Sieckman,Timothy J Hoffman, Rajendra Prasad Bandari, Ashley F Szczodroski, Liqin Liu, Yubin Miao, Tamila Stott Reynolds, Charles J Smith
A heterodimeric [RGD-Glu-[(64)Cu-NO2A]-6-Ahx-RM2] αvβ3/GRPr-targeting antagonist radiotracer for PET imaging of prostate tumors. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2014, 41(2): 133-139;
[4]Liqin Liu, Yubin Miao*. Metastatic melanoma targeting property of a novel Tc-99m-labeled HYNIC-conjugated lactam bridge-cyclized alpha-MSH peptide. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 2014, 41(7): 622;
[5]Liqin Liu*, Junwei Wang, Yaqian Wei, Manchen Zhao, Lirui Liu, Xuebin Wang. Synthesis and biodistribution of 99mTcN-thymidine dithiocarbamate as a potential tumor imaging agent. J Label Compd Radiopharm, 2013, 56: S347;
[6]Jianquan Yang, Liqin Liu, Yubin Miao*. Effects of the Arg-Pro and Gly-Gly-Nle Moieties on Melanocortin-1 Receptor Binding Affinities of α-MSH Peptides. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2013, 4(10): 1000-1004;
[7]Liqin Liu*, Junwei Wang, Yaqian Wei, Manchen Zhao, Lirui Liu, Xuebin Wang. Synthesis and biodistribution of a novel 99mTc complex of HYNIC-Conjugated thymidine as a potential tumor imaging agent. J Label Compd Radiopharm, 2013, 56: S348;
[8]Liqin Liu*, Guangrong Zhong, Yaqian Wei, Min Zhang, Xuebin Wang. Synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel 99mTc complex of HYNIC-conjugated aminomethylenediphos-phonate as a potential bone imaging agent. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2011, 288(2): 467-473;
[9]Liqin Liu*, Min Zhang, Guangrong Zhong, Xuebin Wang. Synthesis and biodistribution of a novel 99mTc complex of HYNIC-conjugated metronidazole as a potential tumor hypoxia imaging agent. J Radioanal Nucl Chem, 2011, 287(3): 847-852;
[10]Liqin Liu*, Guangrong Zhong, Min Zhang, Xuebin Wang. Preparation, characterization and biodistribution of new technetium-99m complexes with DMP-AMDP and DMP-ACPDP. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2010, 37(6): 703;
[11]Liqin Liu*, Guangrong Zhong, Min Zhang, Xuebin Wang. Preparation, characterization and biodistribution of 99mTc-HYNIC-ACPDP as a novel potential bone imaging agent. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2010, 37(6): 704;
[12]Liqin Liu*, Min Zhang, Guangrong Zhong, Xuebin Wang. Preparation, characterization and biodistribution of 99mTc-HYNIC-MN as a novel potential tumor hypoxia imaging agent. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 2010, 37(6): 702.