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郵寄地址 清華大學環境學院,100084
2007.9-2012.7 清華大學環境學院,環境科學與工程專業,博士
2003.9-2007.7 中國海洋大學環境科學與工程學院,環境工程專業,本科
2016.12-今 清華大學環境學院,副教授,博士生導師
2015.7-2016.12 清華大學環境學院,助理教授,博士生導師
2014.4-2015.7 清華大學環境學院,講師
2012.8-2014.4 美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學土木與環境工程學院,博士后
2008.8-2009.8 美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學土木與環境工程學院,訪問學者
?1. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, Water Research, ChemSusChem, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Scientific Reports, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Cleaner Production, Electrochemistry Communications, Bioelectrochemistry, Electrochimica Acta, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, RSC Advances等13個SCI期刊審稿人
2. 國際水協會(International Water Association, IWA) 中國青年委員會常務委員
3. 國際微生物電化學技術協會(International Society for Microbial Electrochemistry and Technology, ISMET)會員
4. 國際氫能協會(International Association for Hydrogen Energy, IAHE)會員
5. 美國化學會(American Chemical Society, ACS)會員
6. 美國環境工程與科學教授協會(Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors, AEESP)會員
7. 中美環境工程與科學教授學者協會(Chinese-American Professors in Environmental Engineering and Science, CAPEES)會員
1. 基于膜生物電化學系統的污水能量梯級利用與水深度凈化,國家自然科學基金面上項目,項目負責人,2018-2021
2. 膜電極催化臭氧氧化技術,環境模擬與污染控制國家重點聯合實驗室聯合基金,聯合項目共同負責人,2018-2020
3. 界面調控催化氧化耦合新型生物膜反應技術研發和示范,國家重點研發計劃項目子課題,子課題負責人,2016-2019
4. 基于污水自持能量的生物電化學耦合系統污水梯級處理研究,清華大學自主科研計劃,項目負責人,2017-2018
5. 生物電化學系統新型活性炭空氣陰極開發與應用研究,國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,項目負責人,2015-2017
6. 亞微米級活性炭催化臭氧氧化耦合內循環膜反應器的研究,環境模擬與污染控制國家重點聯合實驗室專項課題,項目負責人,2015-2017
7. 空氣型微生物燃料電池分隔材料、陰極及構型優化,教育部博士生學術新人獎、清華大學博士生科研創新基金,項目負責人,2010-2012
8. 基于微生物燃料電池的可持續污水處理技術研究,美國戰略環境研究與發展項目,技術負責人,2012-2015
9. 污水處理系統與農業用水的能源可持續發展研究,沙特KAUST項目,參與者,2008-2014
10. 微生物燃料電池同步產電和處理廢水的關鍵技術,國家863計劃,參與者,2011-2015
11. 分級好/缺氧耦合生物陰極型微生物燃料電池產電和脫氮技術,國家863計劃,參與者,2010-2011
12. 新型污水處理系統微生物燃料電池的構型優化研究,美國國家科學基金會項目,參與者,2007-2009
13. 雙筒型微生物燃料電池污水產電與同時脫氮技術研究,國家863計劃,參與者,2006-2009
14. 基于微生物燃料電池的創新性污水凈化與產電技術研究,科技部國際科技合作項目,參與者,2006-2009
1. 國家自然科學基金委員會第五屆環境工程青年論壇最佳報告獎,2017
2. 清華大學優秀班(級)主任一等獎,2017
3. 清華大學大學生研究訓練(SRT)計劃優秀指導教師一等獎,2017
4. Water Research杰出審稿人獎,2017
5. 清華大學第35屆“挑戰杯”學生課外學術科技作品競賽優秀指導教師,2017
6. 清華大學環境學院教學先進個人,2017
7. 清華大學大學生研究訓練(SRT)計劃優秀指導教師一等獎,2016
8. 清華大學第33屆“挑戰杯”學生課外學術科技作品競賽優秀指導教師,2015
9. 清華大學環境學院學生工作先進個人,2015
10. 入選清華大學骨干人才支持計劃,2014
11. 北京市優秀博士論文,2013
12. 清華大學優秀博士論文一等獎,2012
13. 清華大學優秀博士畢業生,2012
14. 清華大學特等獎學金,2011
15. 清華大學優秀輔導員標兵,2011
16. 百人會英才獎,2011
17. 教育部博士研究生學術新人獎,2010
18. 上海同濟高廷耀環?萍及l展基金會青年博士生杰出環保人才獎,2010
1. Xu, T., Wang, Q., Wu, S., Fu, B., Liang, P., Huang, X., Zhang, X. 2018. A novel filtration composite anode configuration of microbial fuel cell for efficient wastewater treatment and enhanced power generation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 178: 305-313.
2. Dong, H., Liu, X., Xu, T., Wang, Q., Chen, X., Chen, S., Zhang, H., Liang, P., Huang, X., Zhang, X. 2018. Hydrogen peroxide generation in microbial fuel cells using graphene-based air-cathodes. Bioresource Technology, 247(Supplement C), 684-689.
3. Chen, T., Gu, W., Li, G., Wang, Q., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2018. Significant enhancement in catalytic ozonation efficacy: From granular to super-fine powdered activated carbon. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 12(1), 6.
4. Zuo, K., Chen, M., Liu, F., Xiao, K., Zuo, J., Cao, X., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2018. Coupling microfiltration membrane with biocathode microbial desalination cell enhances advanced purification and long-term stability for treatment of domestic wastewater. Journal of Membrane Science, 547, 34-42.
5. Chen, X., Zhou, H., Zuo, K., Zhou, Y., Wang, Q., Sun, D., Gao, Y., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Ren, Z.J., Huang, X. 2017. Self-sustaining advanced wastewater purification and simultaneous in situ nutrient recovery in a novel bioelectrochemical system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 330, 692-697.
6. Zhang, X., Wang, Q., Xia, X., He, W., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2017. Addition of conductive particles to improve the performance of activated carbon air-cathodes in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 3(5), 806-810. (Featured as Front Cover, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology HOT Article)
7. Chen, X., Gao, Y., Hou, D., Ma, H., Lu, L., Sun, D., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X., Ren, Z.J. 2017. The Microbial Electrochemical Current Accelerates Urea Hydrolysis for Recovery of Nutrients from Source-Separated Urine. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 4(7), 305-310.
8. Liang, P., Zhang, C., Jiang, Y., Bian, Y., Zhang, H., Sun, X., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2017. Performance enhancement of microbial fuel cell by applying transient-state regulation. Applied Energy, 185, Part 1, 582-588.
9. Ren, S., Li, M., Sun, J., Bian, Y., Zuo, K., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2017. A Novel Electrochemical Reactor for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Recovery from Domestic Wastewater. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 11(4).
10. Stager, J.L., Zhang, X., Logan, B.E. 2017. Addition of acetate improves stability of power generation using microbial fuel cells treating domestic wastewater. Bioelectrochemistry, 118, 154-160.
11. Zhang, S., Chang, J., Lin, C., Pan, Y., Cui, K., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2017. Enhancement of methanogenesis via direct interspecies electron transfer between Geobacteraceae and Methanosaetaceae conducted by granular activated carbon. Bioresource Technology, 245, 132-137.
12. Zuo, K., Chang, J., Liu, F., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2017. Enhanced organics removal and partial desalination of high strength industrial wastewater with a multi-stage microbial desalination cell. Desalination, 423, 104-110.
13. Zhang, X., He, W., Zhang, R., Wang, Q., Liang, P., Huang, X., Logan, B.E., Fellinger, T.-P. 2016. High-performance carbon aerogel air-cathodes for microbial fuel cells. ChemSusChem, 9(19), 2788-2795. (Featured as ChemSusChem VIP Paper, Front Cover)
14. Wang, Q., Zhang, X., Lv, R., Chen, X., Xue, B., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2016. Binder-free nitrogen-doped graphene catalyst air-cathodes for microbial fuel cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4(32), 12387-12391. (Featured as Front Cover)
15. Zhang, X., He, W., Yang, W., Liu, J., Wang, Q., Liang, P., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2016. Diffusion layer characteristics for increasing the performance of activated carbon air cathodes in microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2(2), 266-273. (Featured as Front Cover, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Top 10 Most Accessed Article in 2016)
16. Chen, X., Sun, H., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2016. Optimization of membrane stack configuration in enlarged microbial desalination cells for efficient water desalination. Journal of Power Sources, 324, 79-85.
17. Chen, C.-Y., Tang, C., Wang, H.-F., Chen, C.-M., Zhang, X., Huang, X., Zhang, Q. 2016. Oxygen reduction reaction on graphene in an electro-Fenton system: In situ generation of H2O2 for the oxidation of organic compounds. ChemSusChem, 9(10), 1194-1199.
18. Ailijiang, N., Chang, J., Liang, P., Li, P., Wu, Q., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2016. Electrical stimulation on biodegradation of phenol and responses of microbial communities in conductive carriers supported biofilms of the bioelectrochemical reactor. Bioresource Technology, 201, 1-7.
19. Ailijiang, N., Chang, J., Wu, Q., Li, P., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2016. Phenol Degradation by Suspended Biomass in Aerobic/Anaerobic Electrochemical Reactor. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 227(7), 233.
20. Chen, X., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2016. Bioelectrochemical systems-driven directional ion transport enables low-energy water desalination, pollutant removal, and resource recovery. Bioresource Technology, 215, 274-284.
21. He, W., Wallack, M.J., Kim, K.-Y., Zhang, X., Yang, W., Zhu, X., Feng, Y., Logan, B.E. 2016. The effect of flow modes and electrode combinations on the performance of a multiple module microbial fuel cell installed at wastewater treatment plant. Water Research, 105, 351-360.
22. He, W., Zhang, X., Liu, J., Zhu, X., Feng, Y., Logan, B.E. 2016. Microbial fuel cells with an integrated spacer and separate anode and cathode modules. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2(1), 186-195.
23. Wu, Q., Chang, J., Yan, X., Ailijiang, N., Fan, Q., Wang, S., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2016. Electrical stimulation enhanced denitrification of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 106, 125-128.
24. Wu, S., Li, H., Zhou, X., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Jiang, Y., Huang, X. 2016. A novel pilot-scale stacked microbial fuel cell for efficient electricity generation and wastewater treatment. Water Research, 98, 396-403.
25. Yan, X., Wu, Q., Sun, J., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Xiao, K., Huang, X. 2016. Hydrodynamic optimization of membrane bioreactor by horizontal geometry modification using computational fluid dynamics. Bioresource Technology, 200, 328-334.
26. Zhang, C., Liang, P., Yang, X., Jiang, Y., Bian, Y., Chen, C., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2016. Binder-free graphene and manganese oxide coated carbon felt anode for high-performance microbial fuel cell. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 81, 32-38.
27. Zuo, K., Liu, F., Ren, S., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2016. A novel multi-stage microbial desalination cell for simultaneous desalination and enhanced organics and nitrogen removal from domestic wastewater. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2(5), 832-837.
28. Zhang, X., He, W., Ren, L., Stager, J., Evans, P.J., Logan, B.E. 2015. COD removal characteristics in air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 176, 23-31.
29. Chen, X., Sun, D., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2015. Novel self-driven microbial nutrient recovery cell with simultaneous wastewater purification. Scientific Reports, 5, 15744.
30. Li, P., Ailijiang, N., Cao, X., Lei, T., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, X., Teng, J. 2015. Pretreatment of coal gasification wastewater by adsorption using activated carbons and activated coke. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 482, 177-183.
31. Wang, S., Liang, S., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Sun, J., Wu, S., Huang, X. 2015. In-situ combined dual-layer CNT/PVDF membrane for electrically-enhanced fouling resistance. Journal of Membrane Science, 491, 37-44.
32. Zhang, J., Satti, A., Chen, X., Xiao, K., Sun, J., Yan, X., Liang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2015. Low-voltage electric field applied into MBR for fouling suppression: Performance and mechanisms. Chemical Engineering Journal, 273, 223-230.
33. Zuo, K., Liang, S., Liang, P., Zhou, X., Sun, D., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2015. Carbon filtration cathode in microbial fuel cell to enhance wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology, 185, 426-430.
34. Zhang, X., Pant, D., Zhang, F., Liu, J., He, W., Logan, B.E. 2014. Long-term performance of chemically and physically modified activated carbons in air cathodes of microbial fuel cells. ChemElectroChem, 1(11), 1859-1866. (Featured as Frontispiece)
35. Zhang, X., Xia, X., Ivanov, I., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2014. Enhanced activated carbon cathode performance for microbial fuel cell by blending carbon black. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(3), 2075-2081.
36. Hoskins, D.L., Zhang, X., Hickner, M.A., Logan, B.E. 2014. Spray-on polyvinyl alcohol separators and impact on power production in air-cathode microbial fuel cells with different solution conductivities. Bioresource Technology, 172, 156-161.
37. Liu, J., Zhang, F., He, W., Zhang, X., Feng, Y., Logan, B.E. 2014. Intermittent contact of fluidized anode particles containing exoelectrogenic biofilms for continuous power generation in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources, 261(0), 278-284.
38. Luo, X., Zhang, F., Liu, J., Zhang, X., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2014. Methane production in microbial reverse-electrodialysis methanogenesis cells (MRMCs) using thermolytic solutions. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(15), 8911-8918.
39. Ren, L., Zhang, X., He, W., Logan, B.E. 2014. High current densities enable exoelectrogens to outcompete aerobic heterotrophs for substrate. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111(11), 2163-2169.
40. Zhang, X., Liang, P., Shi, J., Wei, J., Huang, X. 2013. Using a glass fiber separator in a single-chamber air-cathode microbial fuel cell shortens start-up time and improves anode performance at ambient and mesophilic temperatures. Bioresource Technology, 130(0), 529-535.
41. Zhang, X., Shi, J., Liang, P., Wei, J., Huang, X., Zhang, C., Logan, B.E. 2013. Power generation by packed-bed air-cathode microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 142(0), 109-114.
42. Luo, X., Nam, J.-Y., Zhang, F., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2013. Optimization of membrane stack configuration for efficient hydrogen production in microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells coupled with thermolytic solutions. Bioresource Technology, 140(0), 399-405.
43. Xia, X., Zhang, F., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2013. Use of pyrolyzed iron ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid modified activated carbon as air–cathode catalyst in microbial fuel cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5(16), 7862-7866.
44. Chen, X., Liang, P., Wei, Z., Zhang, X., Huang, X. 2012. Sustainable water desalination and electricity generation in a separator coupled stacked microbial desalination cell with buffer free electrolyte circulation. Bioresource Technology, 119(0), 88-93.
45. Luo, X., Cao, X., Mo, Y., Xiao, K., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Huang, X. 2012. Power generation by coupling reverse electrodialysis and ammonium bicarbonate: Implication for recovery of waste heat. Electrochemistry Communications, 19(0), 25-28.
46. Zhang, X., Cheng, S., Liang, P., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2011. Scalable air cathode microbial fuel cells using glass fiber separators, plastic mesh supporters, and graphite fiber brush anodes. Bioresource Technology, 102(1), 372-375.
47. Zhang, X., Sun, H., Liang, P., Huang, X., Chen, X., Logan, B.E. 2011. Air-cathode structure optimization in separator-coupled microbial fuel cells. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 30(1), 267-271.
48. Wang, X., Cheng, S., Zhang, X., Li, X.-y., Logan, B.E. 2011. Impact of salinity on cathode catalyst performance in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(21), 13900-13906.
49. Zhang, X., Cheng, S., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2010. The use of nylon and glass fiber filter separators with different pore sizes in air-cathode single-chamber microbial fuel cells. Energy & Environmental Science, 3(5), 659 - 664.
50. Zhang, X., Cheng, S., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2010. Improved performance of single-chamber microbial fuel cells through control of membrane deformation. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 25(7), 1825-1828.
51. Zhang, X., Cheng, S., Wang, X., Huang, X., Logan, B.E. 2009. Separator characteristics for increasing performance of microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(21), 8456-8461.
52. Cao, X., Huang, X., Liang, P., Boon, N., Fan, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, X. 2009. A completely anoxic microbial fuel cell using a photo-biocathode for cathodic carbon dioxide reduction. Energy & Environmental Science, 2(5), 498-501.
53. Cao, X., Huang, X., Zhang, X., Liang, P., Fan, M. 2009. A mini-microbial fuel cell for voltage testing of exoelectrogenic bacteria. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China, 3(3), 307-312.
54. Cao, X., Huang, X., Liang, P., Xiao, K., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Logan, B.E. 2009. A new method for water desalination using microbial desalination cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(18), 7148-7152.