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1998-2022 ChinaKaoyan.com Network Studio. All Rights Reserved. 滬ICP備12018245號
姓 名: 文湘華
所在單位: 水環(huán)境保護教研所
職 稱: 正高級
郵寄地址: 清華大學環(huán)境學院
辦公電話: 86-10-62772837
電子郵件: xhwen@tsinghua.edu.cn
辦公地點: 清華大學環(huán)境學院
博士研究生 清華大學環(huán)境工程系 1986.8—1990.8
碩士研究生 清華大學環(huán)境工程系 1983.9—1986.7
助理工程師 北京市市政工程設計院 1982.8—1983.8
本科生 北京建筑工程學院,市政工程系 1978.9—1982.7
2011.01—現(xiàn)在 清華大學環(huán)境學院 教授
1996.12—2011.01 清華大學環(huán)境科學與工程系 副教授,教授
1998.08—1998.10 英國 Leeds 大學土木工程系 訪問學者
1992.04—1996.12 中國科學院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心 助理研究員, 副研究員
1993.11—1994.06 美國Delaware大學土木工程系 訪問學者
1990.08—1992.04 中國科學院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心 客座研究
《現(xiàn)代環(huán)境生物學》 研究生課程
國家自然科學基金委: 城市污水處理系統(tǒng)中氨氧化古菌的富集與動力學特性,2011-2013
清華大學自主科研項目: 污水處理廠碳源高效富集轉化與資源能源化技術原理研究, (2010THZ02), 2011-2012
Surface Complexation model (ES & T),ISI? Citation Classic Award,2000
難降解有機工業(yè)廢水高新生物處理技術與關鍵設備,北京市科技進步獎, 一等獎,2002, 2008
有毒有害廢水高新生物處理技術,國家科技進步獎, 二等獎,2003, 2009
1) 一種聚乙烯醇固定化酶、微生物的方法. ZL 001 32126.9
2) 一種沸石濾料曝氣生物濾池處理污水的方法. ZL021 16307.3
3) 液體培養(yǎng)基中促進白腐真菌生長的天然添加劑. ZL03 1 00570.5
4) 雙層濾料曝氣生物濾池. ZL 02 1 29618.9
5) 一種可氣沖的外壓式柱式中空纖維膜組件. ZL 03 1 21949.7
6) 水平漩流懸浮載體生物膜反應器及其水體原位修復方法. ZL 2003 1 010305.4
7) 非滅菌環(huán)境白腐真菌降解活性染料的抑制細菌生長的液體培養(yǎng)基. ZL 2004 1 0073821.4
8) 應用白腐真菌降解降解環(huán)境污染物的兩階段方法. ZL 2004 1 0009796.3
9) 一株酵母菌及其應用. ZL. 2004 1 0088863.5
10) 一種利用超聲在線控制膜污染的方法. ZL 2005 1 0011799.5
11) 一株酵母及其應用. ZL 2005 1 0053675.3
12) 在非滅菌環(huán)境抑制雜菌生長的白腐真菌固定化方法. ZL 2005 1 01 25677.9
1. 沈耀良,文湘華,污泥消化和滅菌研究的新進展,國外環(huán)境科學技術,1:49-57,1986
2. 文湘華,錢易,生物穩(wěn)定塘水流特征研究, 環(huán)境科學學報, 11(1):17-24,1991
3. Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian, A Study on the Hydraulics of Waste Stabilization Pond, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(2):75-88,1991
4. 文湘華,錢易,顧夏聲,生物穩(wěn)定塘系統(tǒng)物質轉移平衡圖研究, 中國給水排水, 7(6):29-35,1991
5. 文湘華,錢易,顧夏聲,生物穩(wěn)定塘系統(tǒng)常規(guī)運行狀態(tài)模擬與分析, 環(huán)境科學, 13(3):2-6,1992
6. 文湘華,錢易,顧夏聲,生物穩(wěn)定塘系統(tǒng)碳、氮、磷遷移轉化模型的研究, 生態(tài)學報,12(1):193-200,1992
7. 文湘華,錢易,生物穩(wěn)定塘生態(tài)系統(tǒng)研究現(xiàn)狀評述, 環(huán)境污染與防治, 14(1):23-26,1992
8. 文湘華,水體沉積物重金屬質量基準研究, 環(huán)境化學, 12(5):334-341,1993
9. Xianghua Wen, Yi Qiang, Xiasheng Gu. An Ecological Model of Biological Stabilization Pond, Water Treatment, 18:43-54, 1993
10. Qing Du, Xianghua Wen, Hongxiao Tang. Surface Complexation Model for the Adsorption of Heavy Metals on the River Sediment nearby Poyang Lake. China Environment Science, 5(2): 140-148, 1994
11. Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian, Xiasheng Gu. Simulation and Analysis of Biological Stabilization Pond, Journal of Environmental Sciences,6(1):42-51,1994
12. Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian, Xiasheng Gu. Graphical Presentation of the Transformation of Some Nutrients in a Wastewater Stabilization Pond System, Water Research, 28(7): 1659-1665, 1994
13. Wang Z J, Ma M, Du Q and Wen X H. Toxic assessment by Photobacterium phosphoreum. China Environ. Sci., 5:159-164, 1994
14. 文湘華,杜青,湯鴻霄,樂安江沉積物對重金屬吸附模式的研究—表面絡合模式在天然沉積物研究中的應用,環(huán)境科學學報,16(1):13-22,1996
15. 文湘華,杜青,湯鴻霄,天然水體沉積物的表面特征和吸附特性 I. 天然沉積物的表面特征,環(huán)境化學,13(2):97-106,1996
16. 杜青,文湘華,湯鴻霄,天然水體沉積物的表面特征和吸附特性 II. 對金屬離子的吸附特性,環(huán)境化學,13(3):199-206,1996
17. 文湘華, Herbert E. Allen, 樂安江沉積物酸堿特性就其對重金屬釋放特性的影響, 環(huán)境化學, 13(6): 510-515,1996
18. Xianghua Wen, Qing Du, Hongxiao Tang, Heavy Metal Adsorption on the LeAn River Sediment: The Adsorption Model, J. Environ. Sci., 9(1):59-70, 1997
19. 文湘華, Herbert E. Allen, 樂安江沉積物酸可揮發(fā)硫化物含量及溶解氧含量對重金屬釋放特性的影響,環(huán)境科學, 18(4):32-34,1997
20. Xianghua Wen, LingZheng Wu, Yun Zhang, Yang Chu. An Optimized Microwave Preparation Procedure for the Elemantal Analysis of the Aquatic Sediment. Fresenlus’ Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 357:1111-1115,1997
21. Xianghua Wen, Qing Du, Hongxiao Tang. Surface Complexation Model for the Heavy Metal Adsorption on Natural Sediment. Environ. Sci. Technol., 32(7):87-875, 1998
22. 文湘華,吳玲鉦, 微波消解技術在沉積物樣品分析中的應用,環(huán)境科學進展,6(2):61-65, 1998
23. 邢傳紅、文湘華、錢易,管式膜-生物反應器處理城市污水的工藝設計,中國給水排水,15(1):1-4,1999
24. 王慧,文湘華,劉廣利,黃霞,施漢昌, 聚醚廢水處理工藝研究,中國環(huán)境科學,19(3) :273-276,1999
25. 文湘華,占新民,王建龍,錢易,含鹽廢水的生物處理研究進展,環(huán)境科學,20(3):106-109,1999
26. Xianghua Wen, Herbert E. Allen. Mobilization of Heavy Metals from Le An River Sediment. Science of the Total environment. 227(2,3):101-108, 1999
27. Wenxin Liu, Zijian Wang, Xianghua Wen, Hongxiao Tang. The Application of Preliminary Sediment Quality Criteria to Metal Contamination in the Le An River. Environment Pollution. 105(3):355-366, 1999
28. 桂萍,黃霞,陳穎,文湘華,錢易. 膜生物反應器運行條件對膜過濾特性的影響,環(huán)境科學,20(3):38-41,1999
29. 占新民,王建龍,文湘華等. NKA-II大孔吸附樹脂吸附高濃度苯胺溶液的試驗研究,環(huán)境化學,18(4):359-365,1999
30. 楊琦,文湘華,王志強. 濕式氧化處理城市污水廠污泥的研究,中國給水排水,15:4-7, 1999
31. Xianghua Wen, Xia Huang, Yi Qian. Comparison of Different Types of Membrane Bioreactor for Domestic Wastewater Treatment. Biosystem Studies. Vol. 2(1):136-141 2000.
32. 黃永恒,王建龍,文湘華,錢易. 折流式厭氧反應器的工藝特性及其運用. 中國給水排水,1999,15(7):18-20
33. Xianghua Wen, Chuanhong Xing, Yi Qian. A Kinetic Model for the Prediction of Sludge Formation in Membrane Bioreactor. Process Biochemistry. Vol. 35(3-4): 249-254,1999
34. 王東海,文湘華.低濃度生活污水化學強化一級處理的試驗研究, 給水排水, 25(9):10-13,1999
35. 王東海,文湘華,錢易. SBR在難降解有機物處理中的研究與應用,中國給水排水,15(11):29-32,1999
36. 王東海,文湘華. 處理難降解有機物的新型SBR反應器的發(fā)展, 環(huán)境科學進展,7(6):38-44,1999
37. 楊琦,文湘華,孟耀斌,錢易. 膜生物反應器處理丙烯腈廢水試驗,環(huán)境科學,21(2):85-87, 2000
38. 孟耀斌,文湘華等. 分置式膜-生物反應器處理生活污水及其體積負荷的確定, 環(huán)境科學,21(2):24-27, 2000
39. 馮業(yè)成,占新民,文湘華,王建龍等,活性污泥處理系統(tǒng)耐含鹽廢水沖擊負荷性能,環(huán)境科學,21(1): 106-108, 2000
40. 徐文東,文湘華. 高效菌處理染料廢水的研究,環(huán)境污染治理技術與設備,1(2): 9-16,2000
41. C.H. Xing, E. Tardieu, Y. Qian, X.H. Wen. Ultrafiltration Membrane Bioreactor for Urban Wastewater Reclamation. Journal of Membrane Science. vol 117, Issue1-2, pp73-82, 2000
42. Wang JL, Wen XH, Zhou D. Production of citric acid from molasses integrated with in-situ product separation by ion-exchange resin adsorption. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 75: (3) 231-234 DEC 2000
43. Xianghua Wen, Chuanhong Xing, Yi Qian. Ceramic ultra filtration membrane bioreactor for domestic wastewater treatment. Tshinghua Science and Technology, 5(3):283-287, 2000
44. 孟耀斌,文湘華,邢傳宏,錢易. 分置式膜生物反應器處理生活污水的抗沖擊負荷能力. 環(huán)境科學,21(6):22-26, 2000
45. 王東海,文湘華,錢易. 化學強化一級處理生活污水CORcr去除規(guī)律的研究. 環(huán)境工程,38-41,2000
46. 文湘華,王東海,錢易. 內循環(huán)SBR處理含染料廢水的研究. 環(huán)境科學學報,9:54-57,2000.
47. Zhan Xinmin, Wang jianlong, WEN Xianghua et al. Influence of inorganic salt on aerobic biodegradability of dyestuffs. Journal of Environmental Science. 12(4):416-421, 2000
48. Liyan Fu, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater in tow SBR systems. Process Biochemistry. 36/11, pp. 1111-1118, 2001
49. 付莉燕,文湘華,呂秋麗,錢易. 改良型SBR系統(tǒng)處理染料廢水的研究. 中國環(huán)境科學. 21(2): 128-132, 2001
50. 付莉燕,文湘華,錢易. 厭氧條件下活性翠藍生物降解性的研究. 上海環(huán)境科學. 20(6):274-276,2001
51. 許文東,文湘華,付莉燕. 偶氮染料派拉丁藍RRN脫色細菌的選育與研究,環(huán)境科學學報,21:127-132,2001
52. 付莉燕,文湘華,徐麗婕,錢易. 活性翠藍生物降解性能的試驗研究,環(huán)境科學,22(4):100-103, 2001
53. CH. Xing, Y. Qian, X.-H. Wen, W.-Z. Wu, D. Sun. "Physical and biological characteristics of a tangential flow MBR for municipal wastewater treatment" . J. Membr. Sci. Vol 191/1-2: 31-42. 2001.
54. 54 Xing CH, Wen XH, Qian Y, E. Tardieu "Microfiltration membrane coupled bioreactor for urban wastewater reclamation". Desalination. 141(1): 63-74, 2001
55. Xianghua Wen, Lingzheng Wu, Hongxiao Tang. Adsorption of Copper on Polluted River Sediment. Bull. of Environment Contamination and Toxicology. 67(6):913-920, 2001
56. 丁杭軍,文湘華,黃霞,劉若鵬. 一體式膜生物反應器處理醫(yī)院污水,中國給水排水,9:1-5, 2001
57. 林 剛,文湘華,錢 易. 應用白腐真菌技術處理難降解有機物的研究進展,環(huán)境污染治理技術與設備,2(4): 1-8, 2001
58. Xinmin Zhan, Jianlong Wang, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Indirect electrochemical treatment of saline dyestuff wastewater. Environmental Technology, 22(9):1105-1111, 2001
59. 付莉燕,文湘華,錢易. 二級SBR系統(tǒng)處理染料廢水長期運行的穩(wěn)定性. 環(huán)境科學,23(1):50-53, 2002
60. 劉恒, 王建龍, 文湘華. 啤酒酵母吸附重金屬離子鉛的研究. 環(huán)境科學研究, 15(2)26-29, 2002
61. Liyan Fu, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Removal of a copper-phthalocyanine dye from wastewater by acclimated sludge under anaerobic or aerobic conditions. Process Biochemistry. 37:1115-1156, 2002
62. 王榮昌,李翠珍,文湘華. 水體微型生物群落參數(shù)與水質指標相關性的研究,環(huán)境科學研究,15(4): 42-45, 2002
63. 劉超翔,黃霞,文湘華,錢易. 一體式膜-生物反應器處理毛染廢水的中試研究,給水排水,28(2)56-59,2002
64. 李花子,王建龍,文湘華. 聚乙烯醇-硼酸固定化方法的改進,環(huán)境科學研究,15(5):28-30, 2002
65. 李向飛,文湘華,林剛. 白腐真菌F1對染料脫色特性的研究,環(huán)境污染治理技術與設備,3(7): 1-4, 2002
66. Tian Wenhua, Wen Xianghua, Qian Yi. Features of double chamber bed and case study, Desalination. vol. 150, No. 3, pp. 269-275, 2002
67. 田文華,文湘華,錢易,沸石濾料曝氣生物濾池啟動性能研究,環(huán)境污染防治技術與設備,(12):38-42, 2002
68. 田文華,文湘華,錢易. 沸石濾料曝氣生物濾池去除COD和氨氮性能研究,中國給水排水,18(12): 13-15
69. 王保國,文湘華,陳翠仙. 膜分離技術在石油化工中應用研究現(xiàn)狀,化工進展, 21(12):881~886. 2002
70. Xing CH, Wen XH, Qian Y, Sun D, Klose PS, Zhang XQ. Fouling and cleaning of microfiltration membrane in municipal wastewater reclamation. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 47 (1): 263-270,71 2003
71. Wen XH, Fu LY, Qian Y. The performance of a two-stage SBR system in treating dye containing wastewater. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 47 (1): 291-296 2003
72. Xing CH, Wen XH, Qian Y, Wu WZ, Klose PS. Fouling and cleaning in an ultrafiltration membrane bioreactor for municipal wastewater treatment. SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 38 (8): 1773-1789 2003
73. 田文華,文湘華,崔燕平,錢易. 濾料粒徑對曝氣生物濾池硝化性能的影響,中國給水排水,19(5): 48-50,2003
74. 林剛,文湘華,錢易. 液體培養(yǎng)基中添加天然成份對白腐真菌Phanerochaete chrysosporium生長的促進作用. 環(huán)境科學,24(4):41-47, 2003
75. 王榮昌,文湘華,錢易. 流動床生物膜反應器在污水處理中的應用研究現(xiàn)狀. 環(huán)境污染治理技術與設備, 4(7): 79-85, 2003
76. 胡林林,王建龍,文湘華,錢易. 低溶解氧條件下生物脫氮研究中的新現(xiàn)象. 應用與環(huán)境生物學報,9(4):444-447, 2003
77. 田文華,文湘華,楊愛華,錢易. 沸石生物濾池處理低濃度生活污水的工藝性能及影響因素. 環(huán)境科學,24(5)97-101, 2003
78. Kaichang YU,Xianghua WEN*,QingJie BU, Xia Huang. Critical flux enhancements with air sparging in axial hollow fibers cross-flow microfitration of biologically treated wastewater. J of Membrane Science, 224:69-79, 2003
79. 喻國策,文湘華,李東鋒,李銳,錢易. 黃孢原毛平革菌在多種氨氮濃度下木質素降解酶的產生. 環(huán)境科學學報, 23(6): 802-806, 2003
80. Gang Lin, Xianghua WEN, Yi Qian. To enhance the reproduction of Phanerochaete chrysosporium by adding natural lixiviums in liquid medium. Journal of Environmental Science. 2003, 15: 808-814
81. 王榮昌,文湘華,錢易,激光掃描共聚焦顯微鏡用于生物膜研究,中國給水排水,18(12):23-25, 2003
82. 俞開昌,文湘華,卜慶杰,黃霞. 次臨界操作下的膜污染機理. 環(huán)境污染治理技術與設備. 5(1): 23-27, 2004
83. Wenhua Tian, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Using azeolite biofilter to remove organic pollutant and ammonia simultaneously. Journal of Environmental Science. 16(1): 90-93. 2004. (770AN)
84. 胡林林,楊寧,王建龍,文湘華,錢易. 微量曝氣條件下SBR反應器的運行特性研究. 環(huán)境科學學報,24(1):10-14, 2004-03-30
85. 王榮昌,文湘華,錢易. 生物膜反應器中好氧顆粒污泥形成機理的研究. 中國給水排水,20(3):5-8, 2004
86. 孫友峰,黃霞,文湘華. 過濾/曝氣兩用膜-生物反應器試驗研究. 環(huán)境污染治理技術與設備,5(4):18-22, 2004
87. GAO Dawen, WEN Xianghua, QIAN Yi. Decolorization of reactive brilliant red K-2BP with the white-rot fungi under non-sterile conditions. Chinese Science Bulletin. 48(9): 981-982, 2004
88. Xianghua Wen, Hangjiu Ding, Xia Huang, Ruopeng Liu. Treatment of Hospital Wastewater Using a Submerged Membrane-bioreactor. Process Biochemistry. 39(11): 1427-1431, 2004
89. 王榮昌,文湘華,錢易. 懸浮載體生物膜反應器修復受污染河水試驗研究. 環(huán)境科學,25(6)67-69, 2004
90. Wang Rongchang, Wen Xianghua, Qian Yi. Succession of aquatic microbial communities as a result of the water quality variations in continuous water. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 16(5):772-778. 2004. (SCI 851LY)
91. 李翠珍,文湘華. 白腐真菌F2的生長及產木質素降解酶特性的研究. 環(huán)境科學學報. 25(2):226-131, 2005
92. Hu LL, Wang JL, Wen XH, et al. The formation and characteristics of aerobic granules in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) by seeding anaerobic granules. Process Biochemistry 40 (1): 5-11, 2005
93. Hu LL, Wang JL, Wen XH, Qian Y Study on performance characteristics of SBR under limited dissolved oxygen Process Biochemistry, 40 (1): 293-296, 2005
94. GAO Da-wen, WEN Xiang-hua, QIAN Yi, ZHU Hong-tao. Effect of nitrogen concentration in culture mediums on growth and enzyme production of Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Journal of Environmental Science, 17(2):190-193, 2005
95. 卜慶杰 文湘華, 黃霞. 新型膜-生物反應器在不同通量下的膜污染特性研究. 環(huán)境污染防治技術與設備. 6(3):85-90, 2005
96. 余志晟,文湘華. 酵母菌株Pseudozyma rugulosa 對合成染料脫色的初步研究. 環(huán)境化學. 24(2):185-188, 2005
97. 高大文,文湘華,周曉燕,曾永剛,錢易. 非滅菌環(huán)境投加染料時間對白腐真菌降解活性染料的影響. 環(huán)境科學學報,25(4):519-524, 2005
98. Y Wu, X Huang, X. Wen and F. Chen. Function of dynamic membrane in self-forming dynamic membrane coupled bioreactor. Water Science & Technology. 51(6-7): 107-114, 2005
99. Guoce Yu, Xianghua Wen, Dongfeng Li, Rui Li & Yi Qian. Production of the ligninolytic enzymes by immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium in an air atmosphere. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 21:323-327, 2005
100. Rongchang WANG, Xianghua, WEN, Yi QIAN. Influence of carrier concentration on performance and microbial characteristics of biofilm in a suspended carrier biofilm reactor. Process Biochemistry. 40: 2992-3001, 2005
101. Zhisheng Yu, Xianghua Wen. Screening and identification of yeasts for decolorizing synthetic dyes in industrial wastewater. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 56:109-114, 2005
102. 余志晟,文湘華. 酵母Candida krusei對合成染料的脫色. 環(huán)境科學,26(5):137-142, 2005
103. 高大文,文湘華,錢易. 應用白腐真菌降解染料的研究現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展趨勢. 哈爾濱工業(yè)大學學報. 37(9): 1200-1204, 2005
104. 高大文,文湘華,錢易. 白腐真菌培養(yǎng)條件對其分泌木質素降解酶的影響. 中國環(huán)境科學,25(5):572-575, 2005
105. 高大文,文湘華,錢易. pH對白腐真菌液體培養(yǎng)基抑制雜菌效果的影響. 環(huán)境科學, 26(6):173-179, 2005
106. 張晶,李翠珍,文湘華. 天然浸出液對自分離白腐真菌產木質素降解酶的影響. 清華大學學報. 45(12):1629-1632, 2005
107. 高大文,文湘華,錢易. 白腐真菌木質素降解酶的反應器發(fā)酵. 環(huán)境科學, 27(2):333-337, 2006
108. 隋鵬哲,文湘華,黃霞. 厭氧膜-生物反應器中超聲控制膜污染研究. 環(huán)境污染防治技術與設備, 7(4):25-29, 2006
109. SUI Pengzhe;WEN Xianghua;HUANG Xia. Membrane fouling control by ultrasound in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor,F(xiàn)rontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 1(3): 362-367, 2007
110. 高大文,文湘華,周曉燕,錢易. 微量元素對白腐真菌的生長影響和抑制酵母的效果研究. 環(huán)境科學. 27(8): 156-160, 2006
111. Gao, DW; Wen, XH; Qian, Y. Decolorization of reactive brilliant red K-2BP by white rot fungus under sterile and non-sterile conditions. Journal of Environmental Sciences-CHINA, 18 (3): 428-432, 2006
112. Guoce Yu, Xianghua Wen, Rui Li, Yi Qian. In vitro degradation of a reactive azo dye by crude ligninolytic enzymes from nonimmersed liquid culture of Phanerochaete Chrysosporium. Process Biochemistry. 41,1987–1993. 2006
113. 王榮昌, 文湘華,錢易. 懸浮載體生物膜內硝化菌群空間分布規(guī)律,環(huán)境科學, 27 (11):2358 --2362,2006
114. R.C. Wang, X.H. Wen and Y. Qian. Microbial population structure changes in a suspended carrier biofilm reactor. Water Science and Technology, 2006 54(9) 145–153
115. Dawen Gao, Xianghua Wen, Yonggang Zeng, Yi Qian. Decolourization of a textile-reactive dye with Phanerochaete chrysosporium incubated in different ways under non-sterile conditions. Water Practice and Technology, vol. 1, issue 3, 2006
116. 周曉燕,文湘華,馮嫣. 葡萄糖補料對白腐真菌P.chrysosporium產木質素降解酶的影響, 環(huán)境科學學報, 27(3):363-368, 2007
ZHOU Xiaoyan, WEN Xianghua, FENG Yan. Influence of glucose feeding on the ligninolytic enzyme production of the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete Chrysosporium. Front. Environ. Sci. Engin. China. 2007, 2(1): 89–94
117. GAO DaWen, WEN XiangHua, QIAN Yi. Comparative study on using carbon or nitrogen limited medium to culture white rot fungi for reactive brilliant re dye K-2BP decolorization under non-sterile conditions. Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 50(5):718-724, 2007
118. 朱洪濤,文湘華,黃霞. 膜法水處理技術的最新研究進展,中國給水排水,23(22):12-17,2007
119. QIAN Yi;WEN Xianghua;HUANG Xia. Development and application of some renovated technologies for municipal wastewater treatment in China, Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 1(1):1-12, 2007
120. Pengzhe Sui, Xianghua Wen*, Xia Huang. Feasibility of employing ultrasound for on-line membrane fouling control in an anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Desalination, 219:203-213, 2008
121. 熊小平,文湘華,徐康寧,邊炳慧. 白腐真菌批式發(fā)酵動力學模型研究. 環(huán)境科學, 29(2):494-499, 2008
122. XIONG Xiaoping, WEN Xianghua, BIAN Binghui, QIAN Yi. Effects of culture conditions on ligninolytic enzymes and protease production by Phanerochaete Chrysosporium in air. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 20(1):94-100, 2008
123. 賈燕南,文湘華,李佳喜. 木質素降解酶對四環(huán)素的降解可行性.環(huán)境科學學報.28(1):68-75,2008
124. 朱洪濤,文湘華*,黃霞. 二級出水水質對中試臭氧-微濾工藝運行的影響. 環(huán)境科學學報.28(3):452-457,2008
125. 卜慶杰,朱洪濤,文湘華?,黃霞. 新型膜-生物反應器中膜絲長度對臨界通量的影響研究.環(huán)境科學學報.28(3):446-451,2008
126. 熊小平,文湘華,白亞楠,徐康寧,錢易. 白腐真菌發(fā)酵中胞外蛋白酶對MnP的產生及其穩(wěn)定性的影響. 環(huán)境科學學報. 28 (5):866-872,2008
127. Dawen Gao, Yonggang Zeng, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Competition strategies for the incubation of white rot fungi under non-sterile conditions. Process Biochemistry 43 :937–944, 2008
128. Hong Tao Zhu, Xiang Hua Wen*, Xia Huang. Pre-ozonation for dead-end microfiltration of the secondary effluent: suspended particles and membrane fouling. Desalination 231:166–174, 2008
129. Xianghua Wen, Pengzhe Sui and Xia Huang. Exerting ultrasound to control the membrane fouling in filtration of anaerobic activated sludge—mechanism and membrane damage. Water Science and Technology. 57(5):773-779, 2008
130. Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Wen,*, Xia Huang, Motoharu Noguchi, Yiping Gan. Membrane Fouling in the Reclamation of Secondary Effluent with an Ozone-membrane Hybrid System. Separation Science and Technology. 44(1):121 -130, 2009
131. 朱洪濤,文湘華?,黃霞. 臭氧對膜法水處理中膜污染的影響. 環(huán)境科. 30(1):302-312,2009
132. Wei Wang, Xianghua Wen*. Expression of lignin peroxidase H2 from Phanerochaete chrysosporium by multi-copy recombinant Pichia strain. Journal of Environmental Science. 21:218-212,2009
133. Xianghua Wen, Yannan Jia, Jiaxi Li.Degradation of tetracycline and oxytetracycline by crude lignin peroxidase prepared from Phanerochaete chrysosporium – A white rot fungus. Chemosphere 75:1003–1007, 2009
134. 黃浩華,張杰,文湘華,甘一萍,周軍. 城市污水處理廠A2/O工藝的節(jié)能降耗途徑研究. 環(huán)境工程學報. 3(1):35-38, 2009
135. 王曉慧,文湘華. MAR-FISH技術及其在環(huán)境微生物群落與功能研究中的應用. 微生物通報. 1:142-148, 2009
136. ZHOU Cheng,WEN Xiang-hua. A novel knotted cotton-thread carrier: its potential use in achieving the biomass renewal of Phanerochaete chrysosporium in an immobilized growth system. Science in China Series B: Chemistry.52(5)670-675, 2009
137. 王曉慧,文湘華*,楊寧寧,朱洪濤,許美蘭,丁鵾. 污水處理工藝對氨氧化菌與細菌群落的影響. 中國環(huán)境科學. 29(6):622-628, 2009
138. 周成,文湘華. 非滅菌條件下酸性藍45在白腐真菌反應器中的降解特性. 環(huán)境科學. 30(6):1797-1801, 2009
139. 王曉慧,文湘華*,張杰,趙穎,周軍,甘一萍. 城市污水處理廠活性污泥中氨氧化菌群落結構研究. 環(huán)境科學. 30(10):3002-3006, 2009
140. 張杰,文湘華,朱洪濤,許美蘭,王曉慧. 常溫下污泥水解酸化強化方法研究. 中國給水排水, 25(18): 10-15, 2009 (缺PDF)
141. 周成, 文湘華. 打結棉線載體對白腐真菌生長與合成MnP的促進作用, 清華大學學報, 49(1):830-833 ,2009
142. Li, Jiaxi, Wen, Xianghua. Noncovalent immobilization of manganese peroxidases from P. chrysosporium on carbon nanotubes. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China, 3(3), pp 294-299, 2009/9
143. Xianghua Wen*, Yannan Jia, Jiaxi Li. Enzymatic degradation of tetracycline and oxytetracycline by crude manganese peroxidase prepared from Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Journal of Hazardious Materials. 177 (2010) 924–928,2010
144. Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Wen∗, Xia Huang. Membrane organic fouling and the effect of pre-ozonation in microfiltration of secondary effluent organic matter. Journal of Membrane Science, 352: 213–221, 2010
145. 王曉慧,文湘華,馬娜,丁鵾,許美蘭,楊寧寧. 不同規(guī)模污水處理系統(tǒng)中微生物群落結構.清華大學學報. 50(3):411-414, 2010
146. Xiaohui Wang, Xianghua Wen, Craig Criddle, George Wells, Jie Zhang, Yin Zhao,Community analysis of ammoniaoxidizing bacteria in activated sludge of eight wastewater treatment systems. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 22(4): 627-634, 2010
147. Meilan Xu, Xianghua Wen, Xia Huang, and Yushan Li. Membrane Fouling Control in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Coupled with Online Ultrasound Equipment for Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge. Separation Science and Technology, 45: 941-947, 2010
148. 王曉慧,文湘華,丁鵾,張輝,周軍. T-RFLP方法分析城市污水處理廠中細菌群落的動態(tài)變化特征. 環(huán)境科學. 31(5):1307-1311, 2010
149. X. Wang, X. Wen, C. Criddle, H. Yan, Y. Zhang and K. Ding. Bacterial community dynamics in two full-scale wastewater treatment systems with functional stability. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 109 :1218–1226, 2010
150. Zhou Cheng, WEN Xiang-hua and Zhao Xi. Evaluation of manganese peroxidase (MnP) for its ability to resist the ozonization and thereafter decolorize methyl orange. Water science and Technology. 62(11): 2625-2629, 2010
151. 徐龍乾, 文湘華,丁杭軍. 木質素過氧化物酶在球型介孔材料上的固定化特性研究. 環(huán)境科學,31(10):2493-2499, 2010
152. Ningning Yang, XianghuaWen,∗T. David Waite, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang. Natural organicmatterfoulingofmicrofiltrationmembranes:Predictionof constant flux behavior from constant pressure materials properties determination. Journal of Membrane Science. 366: 192-202 ,2011
153. 劉宏波,文湘華*,趙芳. 利用活性污泥快速富集污水碳源的試驗研究. 環(huán)境科學, 32(4):131-136,2011
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《環(huán)境生物技術-原理與應用》,作者Bruce Rittmann, Perry McCarty. 譯者:文湘華,王建龍,清華大學出版社,2004
1) Xing, Chuanhong, Qian, Yi, Wen, Xianghua, Meng, Yao-bin. Performance of Microfiltration Membrane Bioreactor for Domestic Wastewater Reclamation. Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, Asia, 1998
2) xianghua Wen, Chuanhong Xing, Yi Qian. Characteristics of Ceramic Ultra Filtration Membrane Bioreactor for Domestic Wastewater Treatment. Sino-British Conference on Environmental Science and Engineeing. April 12-13, 1999, Beijing
3) Xianghua Wen, Chuanhong Xing, Yi Qian. Performance of membrane bioreactor for domestic wastewater treatment. International Workshop of Membrane Application for Water and Waste Water Treatment. April 27-29, 1999, Beijing.
4) Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Recent Studies on application of Membrane Bioreactor in Wastewater Treatment in China. The International Conference on Bioseparation Engineering, July4-7, 1999. NIKKO, Japan
5) Xianghua Wen, Xia Huang, Yi Qian. Comparison of Different Types of Membrane Bioreactor for Domestic Wastewater Treatment. Management of Water, Land and Gene Resources in food production. Sept. 26-27, 1999. Xian
6) Xianghua Wen, Lingzheng Wu, Hongxiao Tang. Adsorption/Desorption of Heavy Metals on a Contaminated River Sediment Sample. P143, 8th International Symposium on the Intereactions between Sediment and Water. Sept 13-17, 1999. Beijing
7) Zijian Wang, Xianghua Wen, Meizhou Mao, Hongxiao Tang. Mobility and Bioavailability of Sediment-bound Copper in Le an River, China. P164, 8th International Symposium on the Intereactions between Sediment and Water. Sept 13-17, 1999. Beijing
8) Xianghua Wen, Donghai Wang, Yi Qian.Study on an Inner-loop SBR for Dye Containing Wastewater Treatment,34th Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE). Kyoto University, 2000.3
9) Meng Yaobin, WEN Xianghua, XING Chuanhong, QIAN Yi. Modeling on Treatment Capability of Domestic Wastewater by Recirculated Membrane BioReactor (RMBR). IAW 2000 Conference, Critical Technologies to the World I 21st Century: Pollution Control and Reclamation in Process Industries. 2000.9.18-20. Beijing
10) Wang Jianlong, Huang Yongheng, Wen Xianghua, et al. Study on performance characteristics of the anaerobic baffled reactor(ABR). IAW 2000 Conference, Critical Technologies to the World I 21st Century: Pollution Control and Reclamation in Process Industries. 2000.9.18-20. Beijing
11) Zhan XM, Wang JL Wen XH. Qian Y. Removal of aniline from aqueous solution by macroporous adsorptive resin. IAW 2000 Conference, Critical Technologies to the World I 21st Century: Pollution Control and Reclamation in Process Industries. 2000.9.18-20. Beijing
12) Xia Huang, Ping Gui, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Treatment of refractory organic compound using a membrane bioreactor. 21 Century-International Symposium on Membrane Technology and Environment Protection. P.129-135, Sep. 18-21, 2000. Beijing, China
13) Xia Huang, Ping Gui, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Characteristics of a submerged membrane bioreactor in domestic wastewater treatment. Proceeding of Tsinghua University-Kyoto University Secondary Joint Conference on Energy and Environment. P.67-73, Nov. 13-14, 2000, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
14) Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen, Hangjun Ding, Ruopeng Liu, Yi Qian. Hospital Wastewater Treatment Using a Membrane Bioreactor. China/Italy Workshop on Membrane Process for Clean Production and for Sustainable Industrial Growth. P.188-191. Apr. 9-11, Beijing, 2001
15) Li Mo, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Characteristics of coagulation -microfiltration combination process for water purification, 2001 International Conference on Membrane Application, p.193-200, Sep.17-20, Shanghai, China
16) Hu Linlin, Wen Xianghua, Feng Yecheng, Wang Jianlong, Qian Yi. A Preliminary Study on Simultaneous Nitrification And Denitrification Under Low Oxygen Concentration. International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies. Beijing, China October 9-12, 2001
17) Feng Yecheng, Hu Linlin, Wang Jianlong, Wen Xianghua, Qian Yi. Primary research on simultaneous nitrificatin and denitrification(SND). International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies. Beijing, China October 9-12, 2001
18) Wen Xiang-hua*, Fu Li-yan and Qian Yi. The performance of a two-stage SBR system in treating dye containing wastewater. IWA Asia Environmental Technology. Singapore, October 30 – November 1, p123-128, 2001
19) Tian Wenhua, Wen Xianghua, Qian Yi. Features of Double Chamber Bed and Case Study. IWA Asia Environmental Technology. Singapore, October 30 – November 1, p599-604, 2001
20) C.-H. XING,X.-H. WEN,Y. QIAN,D.D. SUN, P.S. KLOSE,X.Q. ZHANG. Fouling and Cleaning of Microfiltration Membrane in Municipal Wastewater. IWA Asia Environmental Technology 2001, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2001, Singapore
21) MO li, HUANG xia, WEN Xianghua, QIAN yi. Characteristics of coagulation -microfiltration combination process for water purification. 2001 International conference on the application of membrane technology, Shang Hai-Hang Zhou. Sept. 17-20, 2001: 193-200
22) WEN Xianghua, YU Guoce, QIAN Yi. Fermentation of the ligninolytic enzymes by white rot fungi. The 4th Sino-Japan Workshop on Environmental Technology. Sept. 1-2, 2002
23) Wang Rongchang, Wen Xianghua, Qian Yi, Correlations between structural and functional parameters of aquatic microbial community and water quality indicators. Proceedings of IWA conference on Environmental Biotechnology. 8-9 Dec,2003, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
24) Xianghua WEN, Qing Jie BU,Xia HUANG. Study onFouling Characteristic of a Axial Hollow Fibers Cross-flow Microfiltration under Different Flux Operations. IWA Speciality Conference. Water Environment Membrane Technology, June 7-10, 2004, Seoul, Korea
25) Yingxi Wu, Xia Huang, Xianghua Wen. Function of Dynamic Membrane in Self-Forming Dynamic Membrane Coupled Bioreactor. IWA Speciality Conference. Water Environment Membrane Technology, June 7-10, 2004, Seoul, Korea
26) Dawen Gao, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Decolorization of reactive brilliant red K-2BP by white rot fungus under sterile and non-sterile conditions. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns. P1198-1205, 2004, Xiamen, China.
27) Rongchang Wang, Xianghua Wen, Yi Qian. Influence of COD to ammonia ratio in influent on distributions of ammonia oxidizing bacteria and nitrobacteria in a suspended carrier biofilm reactor. Proceedings of International symposium on Biotechnology for Environmental Pollution Control. 13-16, August, 2004, Beijing, China.
28) Xianghua WEN. Application of White Rot Fungus and Its Enzyme in organic pollutant degradation. The Inaugural New Zeland-China Environmental Conservation Conference. Sept. 24-25. 2004. Auckland, New Zealand.
29) Pengzhe SUI, Xianghua WEN*,Xia HUANG. Study on the methodology of membrane fouling control by ultrasound in anaerobic membrane bioreactor. International Symposium on Membrane Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment, 29-30, Aug. 2005. Beijing, China.
30) Xianghua WEN, Cuizhen LI. Production of Ligninolytic Enzymes by an Isolated White Rot Fungus F2. The 9th-10th Joint Seminars of JSPS-MOE Core University Program on Urban Environment : 20 – 21, Oct., 2005. Kunming, P.R. China
31) Hongtao ZHU, Xianghua WEN*, Xia HUANG. Effect of Pre-ozonation on Ceramic Membrane Fouling When Applied to Secondary Effluent Treatment. The 4th Membrane and Science Technology Symposium. Apr. 28-29, 2006. Singapore
32) Dawen GAO, Xianghua WEN*, Yonggang ZENG, Yi QIAN. Decolorization of a textile-reactive dye with Phanerochaete chrysosporium incubated in different ways under non-sterile conditions. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition. 10-14, Sept. 2006
33) Xianghua Wen*, Pengzhe Sui, Xia Huang. Exerting ultrasound to control the membrane fouling in filtration of anaerobic activated sludge-mechanism and membrane damage. the 4th International Water Association Conference on Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, 15-17 May 2007, Harrogate, UK. ISBN number: 978-1-86194-127-5.
34) Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Wen*, Xia Huang. Pre-ozonation for Dead-end Microfiltration of Secondary Effluent: Suspended Particles and Membrane Fouling. 4th International Water Association Conference on Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, 15-17 May 2007, Harrogate, UK. ISBN number: 978-1-86194-127-5.
35) Y. N. Jia, X. H. Wen*, J. X. Li. Degradation of Tetracycline and Oxytetracycline by Manganese Peroxidase from Phanerochaete Chrysosporium. 2nd IWA ASPIRE conference and exhibition, Oct.28-Nov.1, Perth, Australia
36) Wei Wang, Xianghua Wen. Heterologous expression of lignin peroxidase H2 of Phanerochaete chrysosporium in Pichia pastoris. 2nd IWA ASPIRE conference and exhibition, Oct.28-Nov.1, Perth, Australia
37) Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Wen * and Xia Huang. How water quality influences the MF performance in a pilot scale combined process? 6th regional symposium on membrane science and technology. 13-15 August 2008. Phuket Island, Thailand
38) Hongtao Zhu, Xianghua Wen *, Zhenhua Ren,Huang Xia. Characterization of organic fouling on cellulose acetate membrane during the microfiltration of secondary effluent and model solutions. 6th regional symposium on membrane science and technology. 13-15 August 2008. Phuket Island, Thailand
39) Xiaohui Wang, Xianghua Wen. Communities of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in activated sludge of various wastewater treatment plants in Beijing. the Thirteenth International Biotechnology Symopsium and Exhibition. Dalian, Oct.13-17. (Journal of Biotechnology, Volume 136, Supplement 1, October 2008, Page S610)
40) Xiaohui Wang, Xianghua Wen. Bacterial community dynamics in a functionally stable pilot-scale wastewater treatment plant. 5th IWA special conference, Microbial population dynamics in biological wastewater treatment, August 24 to 27, 2009, Aalborg, Denmark
41) Meilan Xu, Xianghua Wen*, Yushan Li.Digestion of Waste Active Sludge by an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Coupled with Online ultrasonic Equipment.12th IWA Sludge Conference Sustainable Management of Waste and Wastewater Sludges, Aug8-10, Harbin,2009.
42) Ningning Yang, Xianghua Wen*, T.David Waite, Xiaomao Wang, Xia Huang. Using a deliquoring model to indentify the cake porosity of the humic acid. IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition2009, Sep1-3, Beijing, 2009
43) Meilan Xu, Xianghua Wen*, Xia Huang, Yushan Li. Membrane Fouling Control in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Coupled with an Online Ultrasound Equipment for Digestion of Waste Active Sludge. IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition2009, Sep1-3, Beijing, 2009
44) X.H. Wang, X.H. Wen, Y Zhao, K. Ding. Functional Stability and Bacterial Community Dynamics in a Pilot- scale Wastewater Treatment System. The 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, 18-21, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
45) Zhou Cheng, WEN Xiang-hua, Zhao Xi. Evaluation of ozone for its potential use to control bacteria in a white rot fungi reactor system. The 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition, 18-21, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
46) Xianghua WEN. Enzymatic degradation of Pharmaceuticals and personal care produces by crude ligninolytic peroxidase prepared from Phanerochaete chrysosporium. BIT’s Inaugural Symposium on Enzyme & Biocatalysis. Apr. 22-25, Shanghai, China
47) Ningning Yang, Xianghua WEN, UF enhanced removal of odorants and NOM by biofiltration in drinking water treatment. The 7th International Membrane Science and Technology Conference, 11.22-26, Sydney, Australia
1) 文湘華,吳玲鉦,張云,初陽, 沉積物樣品元素分析微波預處理方法研究,’96 元素分析樣品預處理技術研討會, 1996.8
2) 文湘華,王東海,錢易. 內循環(huán)SBR處理含染料廢水的初步研究. 第一屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,1999,11 北京
3) 王建龍,黃永恒,文湘華,錢易. 折流式厭氧反應器(ABR)工藝特性及機理的研究,第一屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,1999,11 北京
4) 徐文東,文湘華,付莉燕. 偶氮染料派拉丁藍RRN脫色細菌的選育與研究。中國化學會第五屆水處理化學學術研討會,2000.11,北京
5) 王榮昌, 李翠珍, 文湘華, 錢易. 水體微型生物群落參數(shù)與水質指標相關性的研究. 第二屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,2001,11 北京
6) 田文華,,南國英,,文湘華, 錢易. 沸石床曝氣生物濾池處理低濃度生活污水試驗研究. 第二屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,2001,11 北京
7) 李向飛, 文湘華, 林剛. 白腐真菌的分離及其降解幾種染料特性的研究. 第二屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,2001,11 北京
8) 喻國策,文湘華,楊茂東,錢 易.黃孢原毛平革菌木質素過氧化物酶粗酶的活體外穩(wěn)定性.第六次全國環(huán)境微生物學術研討會,2003,8. 成都
9) 李翠珍,文湘華.白腐真菌產木質素降解酶發(fā)酵條件的優(yōu)化.第三屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,2003,11 北京
10) 王榮昌 王瑋 文湘華 錢易.懸浮載體生物膜反應器最佳載體投加量的確定.第三屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,2003,11 北京
11) 王榮昌 景永強 文湘華 錢易.懸浮載體生物膜反應器修復受污染河水試驗研究. 第三屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制研討會,2003,11 北京
12) 喻國策, 文湘華, 李銳, 錢易. 黃孢原毛平革菌木質素過氧化物酶粗酶對一種活性偶氮染料的脫色. 第三屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制學術研討會. 2003,11 北京
13) 卜慶杰 文湘華. 氣水兩相流分置式膜-生物反應器在不同通量條件下的運行.第三屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制學術研討會. 2003,11 北京
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15) 余志晟,文湘華,于丹 (2004) 染料脫色酵母菌的篩選和鑒定。第七次全國環(huán)境微生物學術會---環(huán)境微生物技術的研究、應用與成果轉化,上海,10月22日-10月25日
16) 高大文, 文湘華, 錢易.染料投加時間對非滅菌環(huán)境白腐真菌降解活性染料的影響.中國化學會第七屆水處理化學大會會議論文集.P312-318,2004年9月,中國.濟南.
17) 高大文, 文湘華, 錢易.不同C/N比液體培養(yǎng)基對非滅菌環(huán)境Phanerochaete chrysosporium脫色活性艷紅K-2BP的影響研究.第二屆全國環(huán)境化學學術報告會論文集.P7-13~7-16,2004年10月,中國.上海.
18) 王瑋,余志晟,文湘華. 白腐真菌總DNA 提取方法研究. 第八次全國環(huán)境微生物學術會,2005. 9 哈爾濱
19) 朱洪濤,文湘華,黃霞,張中華.用于再生水生產的陶瓷膜微濾組合工藝參數(shù)優(yōu)化研究, 第五屆環(huán)境模擬與污染控制學術研討會. 2007,11 北京
20) 周成,文湘華. 采用臭氧對白腐真菌反應器中的細菌進行控制的可能性,第八屆全國環(huán)境微生物學術會,2007,12.廣州
21) 王曉慧,文湘華. T-RFLP方法分析不同城市污水處理廠氨氧化菌群落結構, 第九屆全國環(huán)境微生物學術會,2008.11.28-12.2, 無錫
22) 楊寧寧,吳媛媛,徐千惠,文湘華. 2-MIB和geosmin降解菌群培養(yǎng)條件的優(yōu)化, 第十屆全國環(huán)境微生物學術會,2009.11.27-11.29, 武漢
23) 文湘華,楊寧寧,“BAF+UF去除致嗅物質及NOM的特性”,第五屆中國城鎮(zhèn)水務國際研討會,2010.11.1-11.3,無錫
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