1. ZhongCheng Mu, A. N. Dancygier, Wei Zhang, D. Z. Yankelevsky. Revisiting the dynamic compressive behavior of concrete-like materials. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2012; 49: 91-102. (SCI 000308623800008)
2. Wei Zhang, Yunfei Deng, Zongsheng Cao, Gang Wei. Experimental Investigations on the Ballistic Performance of Monolithic and Layered Metal Plates Subjected to Impact by Blunt Rigid Projectiles. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2012, 49: 115-129. (SCI000308623800010)
3. Yunfei Deng, Wei Zhang, Zongsheng Cao. Experimental investigation on the ballistic resistance of monolithic and multi-layered plates against hemispherical-nosed projectiles impact. Materials and Design 2012, 41:266–281. (SCI000305988100035)
4. Lin Musen, Pang Baojun, Zhang Wei. Dynamic mechanical behavior and microstructural evolution of the Al-6Mg alloy subjected to three treatment conditions, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 27(3), pp 432-436, 2012(SCI000305234100008)
5. Zitao Guo, Wei Zhang, Xinke Xiao, Gang Wei, Peng Ren.. An investigation into horizontal water entry behaviors of projectiles with different nose shapes. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2012, 49:43-60. (SCI000308623800005)
6. Zitao Guo, Wei Zhang. Experimental and theoretical study on the high-speed horizontal water entry behaviors of cylindrical projectiles. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2012, 24(2): 217-225.(SCI000306107500007)
7. Yunfei Deng, Wei Zhang, Zongsheng Cao. Experimental investigation on the ballistic resistance of monolithic and multi-layered plates against ogival-nosed rigid projectiles impact. Materials and Design. 2013, 44:228-239. (SCI000310572200029)
8. Yunfei Deng, Wei Zhang, Zongsheng Cao. The ballistic performance of metal plates subjected to impact by blunt-nosed projectiles of different strength. Materials and Design. 2014, 54:1056–1067 (SCI000328690400132)
9. Deng Yunfei, Zhang Wei, Yang Yonggang, Wei Gang. The ballistic performance of metal plates subjected to impact by projectiles of different strength. Materials and Design. 2014,58:305-315 (SCI000333423900039)
10. Deng Yunfei, Zhang Wei, Yang Yonggang, Shi Lizhong, Wei gang.Experimental investigation on the ballistic performance of double-layered plates subjected to impact by projectile of high strength. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014, 70:38-49 (SCI000336777900004)
11. Gang Wei , Wei Zhang**, Wei Huang, Nan Ye, Yubo Gao, Yugang Ni. Effect of strength and ductility on deformation and fracture of three kinds of aluminum alloys during Taylor tests. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014,73:75-90.(SCI)(EI20143017970176)
12. Yubo Gao , Wei Zhang , Gang Wei, Yugang Ni, Xuanming Cai, Nan Ye, Wei Huang. A new method for Hugoniot equation of state of polycarbonate. Measurement, 2015,68:246-256 (SCI)
13. Huang Wei, Zhang Wei, Guo Zitao, Ren Peng, Li Dacheng, Ye Nan, Gao Yubo. An Experimental Investigation of Water-Filled Tank Subjected to Horizontal High Speed Impact. Experimental Mechanics, 2015, 55:1123-1138(SCI)
14. Cai Xuanming, Zhang Wei. Initiation and energy release characteristics studies on polymer bonded explosive materials under high speed impact. Materials and Design. 2015, 68:18–23 (SCI)
15. Cai Xuanming, Zhang Wei.Study on dynamic mechanical response of a polymer bonded explosive under high strain rates. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications. 2015,9(3-4)(SCI)
16. Yubo Gao, Tiegang Tang, Chenhong Yi, Wei Zhang, Dacheng Li, Wenbo Xie, Wei Huang, Nan Ye. Study of static and dynamic behavior of TiB2–B4C composite. Materials and Design. 2016, 92:814–822 (SCI)
17. Wei Huang, Bin Jia, Wei Zhang*, Xianglin Huang, Dacheng Li, Peng Ren. Dynamic Failure of Clamped Metallic Circular Plates Subjected to Underwater Impulsive loads. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 94:96-108(SCI)
18. Wenbo Xie, Wei Zhang*, Naihang Kuang, Dacheng Li ,Wei Huang, Yubo Gao , NanYe , Licheng Guo,Peng Ren. Experimental investigation of normal and oblique impacts on CFRPs by high velocity steel sphere. Composites Part B,2016,99:483-493 (SCI)
19. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang*, Nan Ye, Dacheng Li, Yubo Gao, Wenbo Xie. Dynamic Response and Failure of PVC Foam Core Metallic Sandwich Subjected to Underwater Impulsive Loading. Composites Part B,2016, 97:226-238 (SCI)
20. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang*, Dacheng Li, Yubo Gao, Nan Ye, Peng Ren. Dynamic Failure of Honeycomb-core Sandwich Structures Subjected to Underwater Impulsive Loads. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids,2016(SCI)
21. Wei Zhang*, Nan Ye. High strain rate and quasi-static compression behavior and energy absorption characteristic of PVC foam. Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics, 2016,2(4): 212-215
22. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang*, Xianglin Huang, Dacheng Li, Wenbo Xie. Dynamic response of aluminum corrugated sandwich subjected to underwater impulsive loading: Experiment and numerical simulation. International Journal of Impact Engineering,2017,109:78-91 (SCI)
23. Nan Ye, Wei Zhang*, Wei Huang, Dacheng Li, Yubo Gao , Peng Ren. Dynamic response and failure of sandwich plates with PVC foam core subjected to impulsive loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017,109:121-130,(SCI)
25. X Z Kong, H Wu, Q Fang, W Zhang, Y K Xiao. Projectile penetration into mortar targets with abroad range of striking
velocities: Test and analyses. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2017, 106:18-29(SCI)
26. Yubo Gao, Wei Zhang,Tiegang Tang, Chenhong Yi. Dynamic tensile behavior of Flattened Brazilian Disc of TiB2-B4C composites. Advanced Materials and Structural Engineering. 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02786-2,51-55(EI,ISTP)
27. ZHANG Wei, WEI Gang, XIAO Xin-Ke, GUO Zi-Tao. Effect of fracture criteria on Taylor impact fracture. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2013, 19(6): 63-67, (EI20131616213922)
28. REN Peng, ZHANG Wei, GUO Zi-Tao, WEI Gang. Numerical simulation for deformation of multi-layer steel plates under underwater impulsive loading. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2012, 19(3): 68-72(EI20123415358003 )
29. ZHANG Wei,DENG Yun-Fei, et al. Experimental investigation on the ballistic resistance of metal plates subjected to impact of rigid projectiles. Journal of China Ordnance, 2012, 8(4): 217–222
51. Zhang Wei; Ren Peng;. Experimental and numerical study of water-filled vessel impacted by flat projectiles. AIP Conf. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 500, n PART 11, 2014, 18th APS-SCCM and 24th AIRAPT - Mechanics and Engineering.(EI20142517843093)
52. Ren Peng; Zhang Wei. Underwater shock response of air-backed thin aluminum alloy plates: an experimental and numerical study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 500, n PART 11, 2014, 18th APS-SCCM and 24th AIRAPT - Mechanics and Engineering.(EI20142517843224)
53. Wei Gang; Zhang Wei. Perforation of thin aluminum alloy plates by blunt projectiles-experimental and numerical investigation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 500, n PART 11, 2014, 18th APS-SCCM and 24th AIRAPT - Mechanics and Engineering.(EI20142517843104)
54. Wei Gang; Zhang Wei. Deformation and Fracture Behavior of Steel Projectiles Impact AD95 Ceramic Targets-Experimental Investigation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 500, n PART 11, 2014, 18th APS-SCCM and 24th AIRAPT - Mechanics and Engineering.(EI20142517843233)
55. Ma, Wen-lai; Zhang, Wei; Pang, Bao-Jun. Simulation of characteristics of debris cloud produced by hypervelocity impact. Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 940: 300-305 (EI20142917948132)
56. Wei Huang, Wei Zhang, Nan Ye, Dacheng Li ,Dynamic response of clamped corrugated sandwich plates subjected to underwater impulsive loads. 19th Biennial Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter(SCCM-2015), 2015/7/14-2015/7/19, Tampa, 2015/6
57. WEI ZHANG, YAFEI QI, WEI HUANG, YUBO GAO.Experimental investigation on underwater trajectory deviation of high-speed projectile with different nose shapes. The19th Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SCCM-2015), 2015/6/14-2015/6/19, Tampa, 2015/6
58. Wei Zhang, Yubo Gao, Xuanming Cai, Nan Ye and Wei Huang. Experimental Study on the Mechnical Behaviors of Polycarbonate. The19th Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SCCM-2015), 2015/6/14-2015/6/19, Tampa, 2015/6
59. Wei Zhang,Xuanming Cai. Shock-induced Initiation and Energy Release Behavior of Polymer Bonded Explosive Materials. The19th Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SCCM-2015), 2015/6/14-2015/6/19, Tampa, 2015/6
60. Wei Zhang, Xianglin Huang, Wei Huang, Dacheng Li. Experimental Investigation on Ballistic Stability of High-Speed Projectile in Sand. The19th Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SCCM-2015), 2015/6/14-2015/6/19, Tampa, 2015/6