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LUO Yuqing is an associate professor and academic adviser for MA program in the School of Humanities at BUPT. She graduated from Capital Normal University with a Master’s Degree in Teaching of English as a Second/ Foreign Language. She was a visiting scholar in the writing lab at Purdue University, USA from 2006 to 2007. She also served as a teacher and coordinator in the Confucius Classroom at Emalua Campus of University of South Pacific in Vanuatu. She has co-authored several books, such as Technical Communication Skills, Advanced English Writing Course, Function English Course, Second Language Acquisition, etc. She has published academic papers like “Multimedia theory and practice in teaching of second language writing” and etc. She has lead and participated in several research projects, such as “English Writing—University Elite Course Building” and “Multimedia English Skills Training System”. She was also the third prize winner of the Beijing University Teaching Competition. Her research interest include second language acquisition, foreign language writing research and communication strategy training.