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1995年獲云南大學應用物理學專業理學學士學位;2004年獲華東師范大學教育技術學專業理學碩士學位;2012年獲云南大學理論物理專業理學博士學位。曾任玉溪師范學院物理與教育技術系副主任和教務處副處長。主要擔任《熱學》、《熱力學與統計物理》等課程的教學,曾獲校級優秀教學成果一等獎2項,參編教材1部,發表教研論文10余篇,指導學生參加全國大學生數學建模競賽4次獲全國二等獎,多次獲省級獎。現主要從事統計物理與復雜系統方面的研究,主持省級自然科學基金項目2項,參與國家自然科學基金項目、省自然科學基金項目和省教育廳科研項目各1項,近年來在Chin.Phys.B, Chin.Phys.Lett, Physica A, Eur.Phys.J.B, J.Stat.Mech., Phys. Scr., Int.J.Theor. Phys., Int.J.Mod.Phys.B等國內外學術刊物上發表論文20余篇,其中SCI論文14篇,1篇論文獲玉溪市科協優秀科技論文一等獎。現為玉溪市中青年學科技術帶頭人,云南省高校理論物理創新團隊核心成員,玉溪師范學院理論物理校級重點學科核心成員,云南省物理學會理事。
[1] Z.L. Jia and D.C. Mei. Controlling the noise enhanced stability effect via noise recycling in a metastable system. Eur. Phys. J. B, 85: 139(2012).
[2] Z.L. Jia and D.C. Mei. Effects of linear and nonlinear time-delayed feedback on the noise enhanced stability phenomenon in a periodically driven bistable system. J. Stat. Mech.: Exp. and Theor., P10010(2011).
[3] Z.L. Jia and D.C. Mei. Noise enhanced stability effect in a metastable system with two different kinds of time delays and cross-correlated noises. Phys. Scr., 83: 035008(2011).
[4] Z.L. Jia. Influences of noise correlation and time delay on stochastic resonance induced by multiplicative signal in a cancer growth system, Chin.Phys.B, 19: 020504(2010).
[5] Z.L. Jia. Time-delay induced reentrance phenomenon in a triple-well potential system driven by cross-correlated noises. Int. J. Theor. Phys.,48: 226-231(2009).
[6]Z.L. Jia. Effects of time delay on transient behavior of a time-delayed metastable system subjected to cross-correlated noises. Physica A, 387:6247-6251(2008).