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respectable, respectful, respective
respectable a.值得尊敬的,有好名聲的。
They are respectable people who are liked and trusted in their town.他們在家鄉是受人們敬愛和信任的人。
respectful a.尊敬他人的,恭敬的。
Students and teachers should have a respectful attitude toward each other.師生應該相互彬彬有禮。
respective a.單個的,分別的。
revolve, evolve, involve
revolve v.旋轉,轉動。
The room began to revolve , then he fainted.屋子開始旋轉,然后他就昏倒了。
evolve v.發展,演變。
Agriculture evolved slowly over thousands of years.幾千年來,農業發展得很緩慢。
involve v.需要,包含;使卷入,牽涉。
Getting a driver's license involves learning how to drive, studying the rules of the road, and taking a test.要得到駕駛執照需要學習開車,學習交通規則,還要經過考試。
sanction, sanitation
sanction n.認可,準許,批準。
I need my parents' sanction to stay out late.我晚回家需要得到父母的批準。
sanitation n.公共衛生,環境衛生,衛生設備。
Strict sanitation is used in businesses such as barber shops and restaurants.在理發店和餐館等營業場所執行嚴格的公共衛生制度。
scenery, scene, view, landscape
scenery n.風景,景色,舞臺布景,強調從美的角度看,某個國家或地區的總體外貌。
Each year, we spend our vacation in the mountains and enjoy the scenery.我們每年到山區渡假,并欣賞那里的風景。
scene n.指從遠處看到的某一具體景色、景象,也可以指人物的活動場面;(犯罪的)地點,現場。
They stood gazing the happy scene of children playing in the park.他們站在那里,注視著孩子們在公園里玩耍的場景。
view n.指從遠處或窗戶看到的視野范圍內的風景;觀點,看法。
Our house has a view of the park.我們的房子可以看到公園的景色。
landscape n. (自然的)風景,景色;風景畫。
The landscape seen from the mountains is green and beautiful.站在群山之巔看到的是一片美麗的綠色。
sensible, sensitive, sentimental, sensational
sensible a.有知覺的,可感知的;明智的。
The patient was speechless but still sensible.病人雖然不能說話但仍然有知覺。
sensitive a.敏感的,靈敏的。
This film is sensitive to light.這種膠片對光很敏感。
sentimental a.多愁善感的,感傷的。
The novel has scenes full of love and loss; it is so sentimental!小說有多處場景充滿愛情的悲歡離合,真是感傷啊!
sensational a.聳人聽聞的,令人激動的。
I read a sensational story about a ten-year-old mother.我聽到一則聳人聽聞的故事:十歲女孩做媽媽。
technological, technical
technological a.技術上的。
a major technological breakthrough主要技術性突破
technical a.技術的,工藝(學)的;專門的,深奧的。
The banker made some technical points about the economy in his speech.銀行家在他的關于經濟的演說中提出了幾個很專業的論點。
transaction, transition, transmission, transformation, transfer
transaction n.交易行為,處理。
Transactions of shares on the stock exchange were up today.
transition n. (從一種情況到另一種的)過渡,更替。
The transition from high school to college can be difficult for students.對于學生來說,從中學到大學的過渡會是困難的。
transmission n.傳播(比如疾病);廣播。
The transmission of germs can occur by contact, breathing, and eating.細菌通過接觸、呼吸和飲食傳播。
transformation n. (外觀或性質的)改變,改觀,轉變。
His character seems to have undergone a complete transformation since his marriage.他結婚之后性格判若兩人。
transfer n.轉移,轉讓;(工作的)調動;(旅途中的)換乘,改變路線。
The club's goalkeeper isn't happy here, and has asked a transfer.這個足球俱樂部的守門員在此過得不愉快,已經要求轉會到其他俱樂部。