- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
加拿大教育部 編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787201077345
- 出版日期:2012-9-1
西方家庭學校(Homeschool)原版經典教材 《美國學生歷史》(上下冊)(英漢雙語版)(贈送MP3光盤)
This set of graded readers published in the beginning of 20th
century was prescribed for use in the schools of Canada. Throughout
the work, two main aims are considered. Firstly, every lesson
centers about something in which children are interested. Secondly,
the children are lead to a love of literature. Many of the stories
and poems herein contained will be found again and again by the
children in the world’s best books.
Exercises “For Study” indicate important varieties of individual
work. Both study of word-forms and study of thought in the text are
The choice of selections aims to improve the taste, train the
judgment, ennoble the ideas, and exercises the imagination of the
pupils. So they can develop a good preference for good
《加拿大語文》全套五冊, 國內學生提升英語、了解加拿大歷史文化的優秀讀本
The lessons contained in this set of books are products of
experience in the schoolroom. They go forth in the hope of
rendering some service to teachers and to children alike.
Throughout the work, the children’s point of view has been kept
in mind as well as the teacher’s; First of all, they should be a
book which children like to read. Every lesson centers about
something in which children are interested. All teachers know that
labor of teaching is lessened when the interest of the pupils is
The name of the Series testifies to another aim of the book,—to
lead to a love of literature. Many of the stories and poems herein
contained will be found again and again by the children in the
world’s best books. A taste for good things, developed now,
lead the pupils to demand good things when free to choose.
Reading enables us to see with the keenest eyes, and listen to
the sweetest voices all time. The pupils are to be well-trained
through reading these carefully selected readers.
書名 | 作者 | 出版社 | 價格 | 購買 |
科學探索者 第二版(17冊)(目前最全的來自美國的科學系.. | 浙江教育出.. | 浙江教育出版社 | ¥406.00¥203.00 |
詳情 |
學生 閱讀經典--十萬個為什么(兒童版-彩圖注音版,全八卷.. | 秦巖松 主.. | 湖南少兒出版社 | ¥288.00¥39.90 |
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愛的教育(唯一榮獲意大利政府文化獎的全譯本)(原版插圖) | 埃•.. | 中國畫報出版社 | ¥26.80¥13.40 |
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美國語文(上下冊) 美國小學課文經典讀本(英漢雙語版) | (美)麥加.. | 天津社會科學院出.. | ¥79.80¥43.90 |
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《美國語文》(英漢雙語全譯本)(套裝共6冊) | (美)麥加.. | 天津社會科學院出.. | ¥258.80¥152.70 |
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美國小學主流科學教材:科學啟蒙(共9本1-3年級用書) | (美)丹尼.. | 浙江教育出版社 | ¥200.00¥140.80 |
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希臘神話第一輯奧林匹斯眾神(全六冊) | (古希臘).. | ¥90.00¥53.10 |
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美國小學主流科學教材:科學啟蒙(共9本4-6年級用書) | (美)丹尼.. | 浙江教育出版社 | ¥226.00¥174.70 |
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希臘神話第二輯神與人(全六冊) | (古臘神).. | ¥90.00¥53.10 |
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民國老課本 修身國文(最經典民國老課本,印行超千萬冊,.. | 中華文化大.. | 團結出版社 | ¥75.00¥44.30 |
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美國語文讀本(套裝1-6冊)--西方家庭學校(Homeschool)原版.. | (美)麥加.. | 上海三聯書店 | ¥118.00¥59.00 |
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學生 閱讀經典--最新兒童版十萬個為什么(彩圖注音版,-全.. | 秦巖松 主.. | 湖南少兒出版社 | ¥298.00¥39.90 |
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英國語文(英文原版)(套裝共六冊)(免費下載英文朗讀) | 英國托馬斯.. | 天津人民出版社 | ¥118.00¥69.10 |
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