This book is concerned with both how toconduct research and howto write a thesis or a dissertation.Graduate students, I havefound,face difficulties not only inactual research but also inwriting up theirtheses/dissertations.This book addresses questionsthat have actuallybeen experienced bymyself and my students. Forexample. How can Iselect a suitabletopic? Which research designshould I employ? What isthe best timefor me to collect data and inwhich way? Should I analyze the dataquantitatively orqualitatively? What is the differencebetweenreporting a result anddiscussing a result? What should becovered by aliteraturereview?
'Give a man a fish and he eats for aday. Teach him how to fishand heeats for a lifetime. ' Doingresearch is a mystery to manygraduate students and secondlanguageteache in China. This book aimsto demystify the process ofcarryingout research in the field ofapplied linguistics, particularlyinthe area of second languageacquisition and teaching. This bookiswritten for those who have noprevious research experience at allorthose who have done someresearch without formal training. Itisparticularly useful forgraduate students of applied linguistics,secondlanguage teache andteacher-traine.
PrefacePart I Introduction1. What is research? Definition ofresearch Visualizing the research process Classificatio ofresearch Summary Discussion questio2. Fundamental concepts Hypothesis, theory and model Population and sample Variables Levels of measurement Operationalization Summary DiscussionquestioPart II Researching3. Developing research questio Procedures Problems in question formation Summary Discussionquestio4. Reading the literature Sources of literature Proceduresfor reviewing the literature Deciding the scope Summarizing theinformation Summary Discussion questio5. Selecting research desig Quantitative and qualitative Links between question and design Amono-design or a mixed design? Complexities in classifying desig Summary Discussion questio6. A survey study A brief de*ion Itrument designing, questionnaire Scaling techniques Selectingsubjects Administering the questionnaire Summary Discussionquestio7. An experimental study What is an experimental study? Causality Validity in experimentation Types of experimentalstudies Procedures for an experimental study Summary Discussionquestio8. A ease study What is a case study? Selecting thesubjects Collecting data Summary Discussion questio9. Basicstatistics A brief de*ion of statistics De*ivestatistics Inferential statistics Summary Discussion questio10.The analysis of quantitative data Overview of SPSS for windows Questionnaire data analysis Analyzing data from an experiment Summary Discussion questio11. The analysis of qualitative data Choices in analyzing qualitative data Data preparation Qualitative analysis Validity and reliability Summary DiscussionquestioPart III Thesis Writing12. An overview of thesis writing Definitio The structure of a thesis Summary Discussionquestio13. Writing up a thesis/dissertation Writing anintroduction Writing a literature review Describing methodology Reporting results and discussion Writing the conclusion chapter Summary Discussion questio14. Writing style Academic writingstyle APA writing format Summary Discussion questio References Appendixes Appendix one:A Survey Study Appendix two:AnExperimental Study. Appendix three: A Case Study Appendix four:Questionnaire De*ion Appendix five: Random NumbeSubjectindexAuthor index
This book is concerned with both how toconduct research and howto write a thesis or a dissertation.Graduate students, I havefound,face difficulties not only inactual research but also inwriting up theirtheses/dissertations.This book addresses questionsthat have actuallybeen experienced bymyself and my students. Forexample. How can Iselect a suitabletopic? Which research designshould I employ? What isthe best timefor me to collect data and inwhich way? Should I analyze the dataquantitatively orqualitatively? What is the differencebetweenreporting a result anddiscussing a result? What should becovered by aliteraturereview?
'Give a man a fish and he eats for aday. Teach him how to fishand heeats for a lifetime. ' Doingresearch is a mystery to manygraduate students and secondlanguageteache in China. This book aimsto demystify the process ofcarryingout research in the field ofapplied linguistics, particularlyinthe area of second languageacquisition and teaching. This bookiswritten for those who have noprevious research experience at allorthose who have done someresearch without formal training. Itisparticularly useful forgraduate students of applied linguistics,secondlanguage teache andteacher-traine.
PrefacePart I Introduction1. What is research? Definition ofresearch Visualizing the research process Classificatio ofresearch Summary Discussion questio2. Fundamental concepts Hypothesis, theory and model Population and sample Variables Levels of measurement Operationalization Summary DiscussionquestioPart II Researching3. Developing research questio Procedures Problems in question formation Summary Discussionquestio4. Reading the literature Sources of literature Proceduresfor reviewing the literature Deciding the scope Summarizing theinformation Summary Discussion questio5. Selecting research desig Quantitative and qualitative Links between question and design Amono-design or a mixed design? Complexities in classifying desig Summary Discussion questio6. A survey study A brief de*ion Itrument designing, questionnaire Scaling techniques Selectingsubjects Administering the questionnaire Summary Discussionquestio7. An experimental study What is an experimental study? Causality Validity in experimentation Types of experimentalstudies Procedures for an experimental study Summary Discussionquestio8. A ease study What is a case study? Selecting thesubjects Collecting data Summary Discussion questio9. Basicstatistics A brief de*ion of statistics De*ivestatistics Inferential statistics Summary Discussion questio10.The analysis of quantitative data Overview of SPSS for windows Questionnaire data analysis Analyzing data from an experiment Summary Discussion questio11. The analysis of qualitative data Choices in analyzing qualitative data Data preparation Qualitative analysis Validity and reliability Summary DiscussionquestioPart III Thesis Writing12. An overview of thesis writing Definitio The structure of a thesis Summary Discussionquestio13. Writing up a thesis/dissertation Writing anintroduction Writing a literature review Describing methodology Reporting results and discussion Writing the conclusion chapter Summary Discussion questio14. Writing style Academic writingstyle APA writing format Summary Discussion questio References Appendixes Appendix one:A Survey Study Appendix two:AnExperimental Study. Appendix three: A Case Study Appendix four:Questionnaire De*ion Appendix five: Random NumbeSubjectindexAuthor index
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