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    3. 中國高級英語學習者隱喻能力發(fā)展研究——隱喻生涯假說闡釋 ..

      • 所屬分類:
      • 作者:
      • 出版社:
      • ISBN:9787030368379
      • 出版日期:2013-4-1
      • 原價:
      • 本書信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請前往以下網(wǎng)站購買:







      Chapter 1 General Introduction
      1.1 Metaphorical Competence-A Neglected Dimension in Second Language Pedagogy
      1.2 Defining and Classifying Metaphor
      1.3 Defining Metaphorical Competence
      1.4 The Importance of Metaphorical Competence in L2 Proficiency
      1.5 Structure of the Book
      Chapter 2 Studies on L2 Metaphorical Competence
      2.1 The Development of Metaphorical Competence in L2 Learners
      2.2 Factors Affecting the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence
      2.3 The Effect of Instruction on the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence
      2.4 A Critique of Previous Studies
      2.5 Summary
      Chapter 3 Conceptualizing the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence:In Search of a Theoretical Framework
      3.1 The Comparison Model
      3.2 The Categorization Model
      3.3 The Structure-mapping Model
      3.4 The Career of Metaphor Hypothesis
      3.5 The Career of Metaphor Hypothesis as a Theoretical Framework for Investigating the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence
      3.6 Summary
      Chapter 4 The Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence:A COM Hypothesis-based Account
      4.1 Redefining and Operationalizing L2 Metaphorical Competence
      4.2 Factors to be Considered in Investigating the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence
      4.2.1 Context
      4.2.2 Input
      4.3 Variables for Investigation of Metaphorical Competence Within the COM Hypothesis
      4.3.1 Metaphor Type
      4.3.2 Learning Condition
      4.4 Central Issue of Research
      4.5 Summary
      Chapter 5 The Development of Metaphorical Competence in Advanced Chinese EFL Learners-An Empirical Study
      5.1 Research Design
      5.2 Participants
      5.3 Materials
      5.3.1 Selection of Target Metaphors
      5.3.2 Generation of Grounds for the Target Metaphors
      5.3.3 Generation of Exposure Metaphors for the VT Group
      5.4 Instrumentation
      5.5 Procedures
      5.5.1 Phase One:Administration of the Pretest
      5.5.2 Phase Two:Experimental Treatment and Administration of the Posttest
      5.5.3 Phase Three:Administration of the Delayed Test and the SRT
      5.6 Data analysis
      5.6.1 Scoring of MFPT
      5.6.2 Coding and Scoring of MIT
      5.6.3 Coding and Scoring of MPT
      5.6.4 Coding of SRT Data
      5.7 Results
      5.7.1 Results for Research Hypotheses Testing
      5.7.2 Results for Metaphor Processing Strategies
      5.8 Summary
      Chapter 6 The COM Hypothesis Account of the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence
      6.1 The Effect of Metaphor Type on the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence
      6.2 The Effect of Learning Condition on the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence
      6.2.1 The Effect of Learning Condition on the Abstraction of Metaphoric Categories
      6.2.2 The Effect of Learning Condition on the Transfer of the Abstracted Metaphoric Categories
      6.3 The COM Hypothesis as a Theoretical Framework for the Development of L2 Metaphorical Competence:A Revisit
      6.4 Implications for Foreign Language Pedagogy
      6.5 Directions for Future Research
      Appendix 1 Familiarity Rating Test
      Appendix 2 Familiarity Ratings for the 115 Metaphors
      Appendix 3 Metaphor Classification Test for the 81 Metaphors
      Appendix 4 Results of Metaphor Classification Test for the 81 Metaphors
      Appendix 5 Exposure Materials for the VT Group
      Appendix 6 Metaphor Form Preference Test
      Appendix 7 Manipulation Materials for the SR Group(Similarity Rating Task)
      Appendix 8 Manipulation Materials for the SD Group(Similarity Discrimination Task)
      Appendix 9 Verbal Accounts of Thought Processes by Each Participant Group in the Stimulated Recall Task with Cues of Parsing Strategies
      List of Tables
      Table 5-1 Target Metaphors with Familiarity Ratings and Agreement Percentages
      Table 5-2 Grounds for the 24 Target Metaphors
      Table 5-3 Grounds for the 8 Hybrid Metaphors That Capture Both Mappings
      Table 5-4 Example Experimental Stimuli for the VT Group
      Table 5-5 Examples of Comparison and Categorization Cues
      Table 5-6 A Summary of Five Kinds of Domain Comparison(Gentner,1989:206)
      Table 5-7 Means and Standard Deviations of Four Participant Groups' Metaphor Form Preference on Three Metaphor Types Before and After Experimental Treatment
      Table 5-8 Two-way ANOVA(Mixed Design)for Metaphor Form Preference as a Function of Learning Condition and Metaphor Type
      Table 5-9 Means and Standard Deviations of Categorization Cues by Four Participant Groups on Three Metaphor Types Before and After Experimental Treatment
      Table 5-10 Two-way ANOVA(Mixed Design)for Use of Categorization Cues as a Function of Learning Condition and Metaphor Type
      Table 5-11 Means and Standard Deviations of Correctly Supplied Target Terms by Four Participant Groups on Three Types of Metaphor with Accuracy Rates(%)
      Table 5-12 Means and Standard Deviations of Original Target Terms by Four Participant Groups for Three Types of Metaphor on Two Occasions
      Table 5-13 Two-way ANOVA(Mixed Design)for Production of Original Target Terms as a Function of Learning Condition and Metaphor Type
      Table 5-14 Frequency Distribution of Strategy Use by Four Participant Groups When Interpreting Three Types of Metaphor(Single Parsing)
      Table 5-15 Frequency Distribution of Strategy Use by Four Participant Groups When Interpreting Three Types of Metaphor(Multiple Parsing)
      List of Figures
      Figure 3-1 A Feature-matching Interpretation of the Metaphor Dew is a veil
      Figure 3-2 A Categorization Interpretation of the Metaphor My job is a jail
      Figure 3-3a Cross Categorization of Lawyer and Shark
      Figure 3-3b Cross Categorization of Lawyer and Shark
      Figure 3-4 Overview of the Algorithm Used by the Structuremapping Engine
      Figure 3-5 A Structure-mapping Interpretation of the Metaphor Men are wolves
      Figure 3-6 A Structure-mapping Interpretation of the Metaphor Socrates is a midwife
      Figure 3-7 The Career of Metaphor
      Figure 3-8 The Career of Metaphor:From Novel to Conventional Metaphor
      Figure 4-1 Similarity Space,Showing Different Kinds of Matches in Terms of the Degree of Relational Versus Object-Description Overlap
      Figure 5-1 The Investigative Procedures to Trace L2 Learners' Development of MC
      Figure 5-2 A Schematic View of the Data Collection Procedures for the Study
      Figure 5-3 Metaphor Interpretation Processes


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