Barron's AP 物理B(第4版)(含1張CD-ROM)(原版引進巴朗權威品牌,數十萬高分..
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787506295239
- 出版日期:2011-1-1
備考指南 考點透析
in this review book, you will be taught several strategies for making your learning and studying more efficient. these are skills that will always be useful and that you can apply across the curriculum for many different subjects.
each topical review chapter contains ten multiple-choice questions that differ in variety, style, and level of difficulty. their purpose is to provide you with a balanced set of questions that test your level of understanding of the review material. some questions may be easier or more difficult than the actual ap physics b exam questions because, unlike the actual test, which covers a broad range of subjects, each chapter in this book deals with a specific topic. in addition to the multiple-choice questions there are free-response problems that also vary in difficulty. full solutions and explanations follow the questions. additional problem-solving strategies are also provided.
before the review chapters, there is a diagnostic examination designed to measure your initial level of understanding or to use for practice. at the end of the book,two additional sample examinations are provided. each examination is fully explained with solutions and guidelines.
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高考物理 新課標專用 2013 B版·5年高考3年模擬·曲一線科.. | 曲一線 主.. | 首都師范大學出版.. | ¥49.00¥39.20 |
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高考物理(廣東省專用)(2012年6月印刷)2013年B版--5年.. | 曲一線 主.. | 教育科學出版社 | ¥49.00¥39.20 |
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高校自主招生考試直通車 物理(2013) | 范小輝 編.. | 上海交通大學出版.. | ¥39.00¥27.60 |
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