1 Presidential Campaign Speeches, Inaugural and Farewell Addresses
America's Future Will Be in Your Hands
Republican National Convention Acceptance
Address (excerpted)
Opportunity for All and Responsibility from All
Victory Speech
Endorsement Speech (excerpted)
First Inaugural Address (excerpted)
Inaugural Address
First Inaugural Address
First Inaugural Address
First Inaugural Address
Second Inaugural Address (excerpted)
Inaugural Address
Inaugural Address
Farewell Address (excerpted)
Farewell Address
Resignation Speech
Farewell Address
2 Speeches about Famous Events
Gettysburg Address
The Conservation of Natural Resources (excerpted)
The Four Freedoms (excerpted)
The Truman Doctrine (excerpted)
Address on the Capture of Saddam Hussein
Declaration of War on Japan
The Space Shuttle "Challenger" Tragedy Address
9/11 Address to the Nation
On War with Iraq
Address to the Nation on Tsunami
Speech at Tsinghua University
Speech at Yale
3 Celebrities' Famous Speeches
Farewell to Baseball Address
Farewell Address to Congress (excerpted)
Retirement Speech
Good Bye and Good Luck
Nobel Prize in Literature Acceptance Speech
Nobel Prize in Literature Acceptance Speech
I Have a Dream
Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence (excerpted)
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
On the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Obituary to Diana, Princess of Wales
Speech at Israel's Holocaust Memorial
Commencement Address at Wellesley College
Baccalaureate Address to Class of 2008 (excerpted)
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人人學音標:一生必學的英語發音入門書(1書+1MP3光盤+外.. | 中國和平音像電子.. | ¥29.80¥18.00 |
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