組織學與胚胎學實驗指導(英文版)A Laboratory Manual of Histology and Embryol..
- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
曾園冊 等主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787117160698
- 出版日期:2012-7-1
The laboratory manual consists of
twenty four chapters. Besides introduction, each chapter contains
the experimental description, claim, content, demonstration and
questions. To reach the aim for training students, the teacher
requests not only to observe systematically tissue section, but
also to describe the morphological characteristic of cell, tissue
or organ at three different levels in the laboratory manual. The
students are also requested to prepare some specimens and to
observe them in a few chapters. All chapters contain the questions
to inspire student imagination.
The laboratory manual consists of twenty four chapters. Besides introduction, each chapter contains the experimental description, claim, content, demonstration and questions. To reach the aim for training students, the teacher requests not only to observe systematically tissue section, but also to describe the morphological characteristic of cell, tissue or organ at three different levels in the laboratory manual. The students are also requested to prepare some specimens and to observe them in a few chapters. All chapters contain the questions to inspire student imagination.
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內科學(七版/本科臨床/十一五規劃/配光盤) | 陸再英 等.. | 人民衛生出版社 | ¥79.00¥63.20 |
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內科學(二版/八年制/配光盤)(上下冊) | 王吉耀 主.. | 人民衛生出版社 | ¥139.00¥111.20 |
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