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    3. Modern Computational Approaches Meets Traditional Chinese Medicine.現代計..

      • 所屬分類:
      • 作者:
        吳朝暉,陳華鈞,姜曉紅 著
      • 出版社:
      • ISBN:9787308084574
      • 出版日期:2012-8-1
      • 原價:
      • 本書信息由合作網站提供,請前往以下網站購買:





           《現代計算技術與中醫藥信息處理(英文版)(精)》編著者吳朝暉、陳華鈞、姜曉紅。 TCM has an independently evolving knowledge system, which is expressedmainly in the Chinese language. TCM knowledge discovery and knowledge man-agement have emerged as innovative approaches for the preservation and utilizationof this knowledge system. It aims at the computerization of TCM information andknowledge to provide intelligent resources and supporting evidence for clinicaldecision making, drug discovery, and education.

      1 Overview of Knowledge Discovery in Traditional Chinese Medicine
      1.1  Introduction
      1.2  The State of the Art of TCM Data Resources
            1.2.1  Traditional Chinese Medical Literature Analysis and
      Retrieval System
            1.2.2  Figures and Photographs of Traditional Chinese Drug
            1.2.3  Database of Chinese Medical Formulae
            1.2.4  Database of Chemical Composition from Chinese Herbal
            1.2.5  Clinical Medicine Database
            1.2.6  TCM Electronic Medical Record Database
      1.3  Review of KDTCM Research
            1.3.1  Knowledge Discovery for CMF Research
            1.3.2  Knowledge Discovery for CHM Research
            1.3.3  Knowledge Discovery for Research of TCM Syndrome
            1.3.4  Knowledge Discovery for TCM Clinical Diagnosis
      1.4  Discussio and Future Directio
      1.5  Conclusio
      2 Integrative Mining of Traditional Chinese Medicine Literature and
      MEDLINE for Functional Gene Networks
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Connecting TCM Syndrome to Modern Biomedicine by
            Integrative Literature Mining
      2.3  Related Work on Biomedical Literature Mining
      2.4  Name Entity and Relation Extraction Methods
            2.4.1  Bubble-Bootstrapping Method
            2.4.2  Relation Weight Computing
      2.5  MeDisco/3S System
      2.6  Results
            2.6.1  Functional Gene Networks
            2.6.2  Functional Analysis of Genes from Syndrome Pepective
      2.7  Conclusio
      3 MapReduce-Based Network Motif Detection for Traditional Chinese
      3.1  Introduction
      3.2  Related Work
      3.3  MapReduce-Based Pattern Finding
            3.3.1  MRPF Framework
            3.3.2  Neighbor Vertices Finding and Pattern Initialization
            3.3.3  Pattern Exteion
            3.3.4  Frequency Computing
      3.4  Application to Prescription Compatibility Structure Detection
            3.4.1  Motifs Detection Results
            3.4.2  Performance Analysis
      3.5  Conclusio
      4 Data Quality for Knowledge Discovery in Traditional Chinese
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Key Data Quality Dimeio in TCM
            4.2.1  Representation Granularity
            4.2.2  Representation Coistency
            4.2.3  Completeness
      4.3  Methods to Handle Data Quality Problems
            4.3.1  Handling Representation Granularity
            4.3.2  Handling Representation Coistency
            4.3.3  Handling Completeness
      4.4  Conclusio
      5 Service-Oriented Data Mining in Traditional Chinese Medicine
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  Related Work
             5.2.1  Traditional Data Mining Software
             5.2.2  Data Mining Systems for Specific Field
             5.2.3  Distributed Data Mining Platform
             5.2.4  The Spora Demo
      5.3  System Architecture and Data Mining Service
             5.3.1  Hierarchical Structure
             5.3.2  Service Operator Organization
             5.3.3  User Interaction and Visualization
      5.4  Case Studies
             5.4.1  Case 1 : Domain-Driven KDD Support for TCM
             5.4.2  Case 2: Data Mining Based on Distributed Resources
             5.4.3  Case 3: Data Mining Process as a Service
      5.5  Conclusio
      6 Semantic E-Science for Traditional Chinese Medicine
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  Results
            6.2.1  System Architecture
            6.2.2  TCM Domain Ontology
            6.2.3  DartMapping
            6.2.4  DartSearch
            6.2.5  DartQuery
            6.2.6  TCM Service Coordination
            6.2.7  Knowledge Discovery Service
            6.2.8  DartFlow
            6.2.9  TCM Collaborative Research Scenario
            6.2.10 Task-Driven Information Allocation
            6.2.11 Collaborative Information Sharing
            6.2.12 Scientific Service Coordination
      6.3  Discussion
      6.4  Conclusio
      6.5  Methods
            6.5.1  TCM OntoLogy Engineering
            6.5.2  View-Based Semantic Mapping
            6.5.3  Semantic-Based Service Matchmaking
      7 Ontology Development for Unified Traditional Chinese Medical
      Language System
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2  The Principle and Knowledge System of TCM
      7.3  What Is an Ontology?
      7.4  Protege 2000: The Tool We Use
      7.5  Ontology Design and Development for UTCMLS
            7.5.1  Methodology of Ontology Development
            7.5.2  Knowledge Acquisition
            7.5.3  Integrating and Merging of TCM Ontology
      7.6  Results
            7.6.1  The Core Top-Level Categories
            7.6.2  Subontologies and the Hierarchical Structure
            7.6.3  Concept Structure
            7.6.4  Semantic Structure
            7.6.5  Semantic Types and Semantic Relatiohips
      7.7  Conclusio Causal Knowledge Modeling for Traditional Chinese
      Medicine Using OWL 2
      8 Causal Knowledge Modeling for Traditional Chinese Medicine Using
      OWL 2
      9 Dynamic Subontology Evolution for Traditional Chinese Medicine
      Web Ontology
      10 Semantic Association Mining for Traditional Chinese Medicine
      11 Semantic-Based Database Integration for Traditional Chinese
      12 Probabilistic Semantic Relatiohip Discovery from Traditional
      Chinese Medical Literature
      13 Deriving Similarity Graphs from Traditional Chinese Medicine
      Linked Data on the Semantic Web


      書名 作者 出版社 價格 購買
      內科學(七版/本科臨床/十一五規劃/配光盤) 陸再英 等.. 人民衛生出版社


      診斷學(七版/本科臨床/配光盤) 陳文杉 等.. 人民衛生出版社


      內科學(二版/八年制/配光盤)(上下冊) 王吉耀 主.. 人民衛生出版社


      外科學 第七版(本科臨床/十一五規劃/配光盤) 吳在德 等.. 人民衛生出版社


      中醫基礎理論(新世紀全國高等中醫藥教材) 中國中醫藥出版社


      內科護理學(五版/本科護理/配光盤) 尤黎明 等.. 人民衛生出版社


      神經病學(二版/八年制/配光盤) 吳江 主編 人民衛生出版社


      婦產科學(七版/本科臨床/十一五規劃/配光盤) 樂杰 主編 人民衛生出版社


      中藥學——新世紀第二版全國高等中醫藥院校規劃教材(供中.. 高學敏 主.. 中國中醫藥出版社


      婦產科學(二版/八年制/配光盤) 豐有吉等 .. 人民衛生出版社


      人體解剖學彩色圖譜(第二版).全國規劃教材配套用書(最清.. 隋鴻錦 等.. 人民軍醫出版社


      兒科學(七版/本科臨床/十一五規劃/配光盤) 沈曉明 等.. 人民衛生出版社


      臨床診斷學(二版/八年制/配光盤) 歐陽欽 主.. 人民衛生出版社


      系統解剖學 第七版 (本科臨床/十一五規劃/配光盤) 柏樹令 主.. 人民衛生出版社


      外科學:上下冊(配光盤) 陳孝平 主.. 人民衛生出版社


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      病理學(第2版)含光盤 陳杰 等主.. 人民衛生出版社


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      病理學(七版/本科臨床/十一五規劃/配光盤) 李玉林 主.. 人民衛生出版社


      病理生理學(第二版/配光盤) 李桂源 主.. 人民衛生出版社


      眼科學(二版/八年制/配光盤) 葛堅 主編 人民衛生出版社


      醫學影像診斷學(三版/本科影像/配光盤) 白人駒 等.. 人民衛生出版社


      外科護理學學習指導及習題集——供本科護理學類專業用 曹偉新 等.. 人民衛生出版社


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