- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
考天下名師團 編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787511410450
- 出版日期:2011-8-1
本書信息由合作網(wǎng)站提供,請前往以下網(wǎng)站購買: 京東商城
第一部分 寓言故事
passage 1
an optimist
passage 2
choice of counsellors
passage 3
the horse and the dog
passage 4
the goose that laid the gold eggs
passage 5
the cook and the cat
passage 6
the shepherd and the nightingale
passage 7
the wolf and the lion
passage 8
a subtle hint
passage 9
the cat and the cock passage 10
each to his own kind
passage 11
the ant and the fly
passage 12
safety in numbers
passage 13
the miser
passage 14
more threatening than tigers
第二部分 成語故事
passage 1
the more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed
passage 2
decadent music
passage 3
learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones
passage 4
an arrow at the end of its flight
passage 5
swollen with arrogance
passage 6
being extremely exhausted
passage 7
letting the one who tied the bell on the
tiger take it off
passage 8
like a crane standing among chickens
passage 9
as pressing as a fire singeing one's eyebrows
passage 10
more than sufficient
passage 11
raising the standard of revolt
passage 12
arrogantly overbearing
passage 13
extremely skillful
passage 14
exhausted its tricks
passage 15
the snipe and the clam grappled
第三部分 幽默笑話
passage 1
the lawyer and the rancher
passage 2
blonde at work
passage 3
he's mine
passage 4
passage 5
a call-in tape
passage 6
where there's a will
passage 7
false alarm
passage 8
man arrested
passage 9
mad martin
passage 10
such a neighbor
passage 11
the three monks
第四部分 名人鐵事
passage 1
carver's pioneer work with peanuts
passage 2
jefferson and the jockey
passage 3
his company was valued $ 500 million
passage 4
refused because she was a woman
passage 5
jim thorpe, a sad, bewildered man
passage 6
the presidents' pets
passage 7
innocent of any sense of responsibility
passage 8
mark twain's speechmaking strategy ( i )
passage 9
mark twain's speechmaking strategy ( ii )
passage 10
"roosevelt", a bad word?
passage 11
king john and the abbot
passage 12
lincoln's beard
passage 13
the columbian exchange
第五部分 人物先鋒
passage 1
gates' way
passage 2
web inventor wins millennium technology prize
passage 3
the s2nd president of the united states
passage 4
albert einstein
passage 5
should shakespeare be made modern?
passage 6
first flight: how wright brothers changed world
passage 7
part-time job is a full-time success
passage 8
economics nobelists tackle time
passage 9
einstein wins again
passage 10
"old" europe has more millionaires than u.s. , study finds
passage 11
then and now
passage 12
discovering the key to the secret of life
passage 13
new loc chief seen as "mr. clean"
第六部分 民間故事
passage 1
traditional witchcraft
passage 2
passage 3
robin hood
passage 4
robert bruce and the spider
passage 5
pecos bill
passage 6
passage 7
passage 8
the unicorn
passage 9
passage 10
passage 11
jack and the beanstalk
附錄 四級高分必備詞匯