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    3. 英語報刊閱讀 2(經濟類)

      • 所屬分類:
      • 作者:
        張雨金 主編
      • 出版社:
      • ISBN:9787562430353
      • 出版日期:2004-12-1
      • 原價:
      • 本書信息由合作網站提供,請前往以下網站購買:





      Unit 1 Globalization
      Text A: Why We Should Embrace Globalization
      Text B: Globalization Opens Door to New Dangers
      Text C: Survey Finds Support for Globalization, But amid Worries
      Reading Skills Development 1 — The Reason Why We Should Read Our Assigned Texts in Advance of a Class
      Unit 2 Evolution
      Text A: Manufacturing Industrial Evolution
      Text B: Wireless E-Business — the Evolution of a Revolution
      Text C: Trends in Electronic Banking Evolution
      Reading Skills Development 2 — Definitions of Main Heading and Subheading (1)
      Unit 3 Banking
      Text A: What the Banks Must Do
      Text B: M & A Lessons
      Text C: Trichet Will Bring Best Practice to the ECB
      Reading Skills Development 3 — Definitions of Main Heading and Subheading (2)
      Unit 4 Regional Economies
      Text A: China: Westward Ho!
      Text B: Shanghai — This Ain't China
      Text C: China: Westward Ho!
      Reading Skills Development 4 — Recognizing Enumerations
      Unit 5 Intelleetual Property
      Text A: Mine Games — Companies Are Coining Intellectual Property
      Text B: Spy vs Spy
      Text C: Intellectual Property
      Reading Skills Development 5 — Recognizing Definitions and Exalnples
      Unit 6 Business Crisis
      Text A: In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil Is Key Issue: US Drillers Eye Huge Petroleum Pool
      Text B: How Far Can It Fall?
      Text C: Oil and Empire: Say No to the Oil War
      Reading Skills Development 6 — Recognizing Signal Words
      Unit 7 Strategies
      Text A: Thinking Outside the Burger Box
      Text B: A Five-step Business Continuity Plan for CEOs
      Text C: Outside Directors Don't Mean Outsize Returns
      Reading Skills Development 7 — Addition Words
      Unit 8 Strategy Assessment
      Text A: Strategy Assessment
      Text B: Ebay Good Enron Bad
      Text C: New Approaches to Strategy Formulation
      Reading Skills Development 8 — Comparison or Contrast Words
      Unit 9 Management
      Text A: Managing Uncertainty
      Text B: Security Firm Cycles around the Bad Times
      Text C: Home Suite Home — What Recession?
      Reading Skills Development 9 — Illustration Words
      Unit 10 Business Ethics
      Text A: Earon — A Case for Better Understanding of Cash Flows
      Text B: Accounting after Anderson: What Has Changed, What Hash't
      Text C: The Moral Advantage: How to Succeed in Business by Doing the Right Thing
      Reading Skills Development 10 — Cause-and-Effect Words
      Unit 11 Business Rules
      Text A: Wal-Mart Rules
      Text B: Beating the Odds
      Text C: Four Ideas for Reforming Corporate Governance after Enron
      Reading Skills Development 1 1 — Recognizing Main Ideas in Paragraphs and Short Selections
      Unit 12 Corporate Ownership
      Text A: The Case for Going Private
      Text B: Bourses Kick off Nordic M & A
      Text C: American Airlines Plans to Buy TWA
      Reading Skills Development 12 — The Value of Finding the Main Idea
      Unit 13 Corporate Culture
      Text A: When Something Is Rotten
      Text B: Prosperous Entertaining for Business Success in UK
      Text C: Dunkin' Donuts Redux
      Reading Skills Development 13 — Knowing How to Outline
      Unit 14 Entrepreneurs
      Text A: The Next Picture Show
      Text B: Increasing Personal Productivity
      Text C: Graduates as Entrepreneurs
      Reading Skills Development 14 — Knowing How to Summarize
      Unit 15 Investor
      Text A: The Suit Is Back in Business
      Text B: Tips for Using Networking Skills to Attract Investors
      Text C: Secret CIO: Dressing for Success in a Tough Economy
      Reading Skills Development 15 — Skimming
      Unit 16 Business Supervisor
      Text A: Mind Your Own Business
      Text B: Control That Anger!
      Text C: Golden Business Ideas — Websites:First In, First Out
      Reading Skills Development 16 — Rapid Reading
      Appendix 1 New Words in Each Unit
      Appendix 2 Words Related to Business in Each Unit
      Appendix 3 Background Knowledge in Each Unit
      Appendix 4 The Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
      Appendix 5 World Currencies
      Appendix 6 World's Top 10 Banks, 2003
      Appendix 7 Forbes International 500, 2002
      Appendix 8 Forbes 500, 2003
      Appendix 9 List of Famous Entrepreneurs
      Appendix 10 Worldwide Intellectual Property Offices and Organizations


      書名 作者 出版社 價格 購買
      翻譯碩士英語 周瓊,黃敏.. 武漢大學出版社


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      高級英漢翻譯理論與實踐 第二版 (高校英語選修課系列教材.. 葉子南 著 清華大學出版社


      漢語寫作與百科知識考試指南 呂奇,黃敏.. 武漢大學出版社


      英語專業本科生教材修訂版:新編簡明英語語言學教程(第2版.. 戴煒棟,何.. 上海外語教育出版..


      英語聽力入門3000·教師用書1 張民倫 主.. 華東師范大學出版..


      高級英語(第三版)(1)(配光盤) 張漢熙,王.. 外語教學與研究出..


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