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    3. 英語文體學教程

      • 所屬分類:
      • 作者:
        徐有志 編著
      • 出版社:
      • ISBN:9787040171426
      • 出版日期:2005-3-1
      • 原價:
      • 本書信息由合作網站提供,請前往以下網站購買:





      《英語文體學教程》 (初版為《現代英語文體學》)本著基礎理論與實踐并重的原則,簡明闡述了當代文體學的理論框架和語言分析方法,具體探討了語言使用的場合特征與語言特征的相互關系,詳細分析了各體英語(包括方言和語域,主要是語域)的語言特點,重點指明了不同體裁文學作品(包括小說、戲劇和詩歌)的文字特色。本書對初步掌握文體學理論概貌和語言描述方法,系統了解各體英語特點,提高恰當運用英語的交際能力,逐步熟悉不同體裁文學作品的語言風格,加深對文學作品的理解和欣賞,無疑將起到一定的作用。本書可供大學英語專業高年級學生使用,也可供攻讀碩士學位的研究生和其他英語工作者參考。《英語文體學教程》的編著者徐有志同志是英語語言文學資深教授、博士生導師,長期從事文體學教學與研究,在美進修期間又得到語言學博JsCarolyn Dirksen教授及人類學博J:Murl Dirksen教授的幫助。本書初版手稿曾由河南大學外語系名譽主任、英語語言文學研究所所長、博士生導師,華籍美人ShirleyWood教授審校,經中山大學外國語學院博士生導師王宗炎教授審閱并作序。
      1 The Concern of Stylistics
       1.1 Stylistics
       1.2 Language
       1.3 Aspects ofthe Speech Event
       1.4 Language Varieties and Function
       1.5 Style
       1.6 The Study ofStyle
       1.7 The Concern of Stylistic Study
       1.8 Stylistics and Other Spheres of Study
      2 The Need for Stylistic Study
       2.1 Stylistic Study Helps Cultivate a Sense of Ap.. propriateness
       2.2 Stylistic Study Sharpens the Understanding and Appreciation of Literary Works
       2.3 Stylistic Study Helps Achieve Adaptation in Translation
      3 Varieties of Language
      3.1 Two Kinds ofVarieties
      3.2 Dialects
       3.3 Registers
       3.4 The Mutual Dependence Between Register and Dialect
       3.5 The Social Meaning of Language Varieties
      4 Linguistic Description
       4.l The Aims of Stylistics in Linguistic Descrip-tion
       4.2 Levels of Language
       4.3 Stylistic Features
       4.4 Procedure of Linguistic Description
       4.5 The Practical Description and Analysis This Book
      5 Formal vs Informal Language 72
       5.1 The Interpersonal Function of Language
       5.2 Degres of Formality
       5.3 Functional Tenor and Degress of Formality
       5.4 Matin Joes"Classification
       5.5 Speech Situation and Formality
       5.6 Formality and Linguistic Features
       5.7Sets of Co-occurring Features
       5.8 Involved vs Informational Texts
       5.9 Tenors, Field ,and Mode
      6 Spoken vs Written Language
       6.1 Striking Differences
       6.2 Stylistic Differences
       6.3 Examples of Contrast
       6.4 More Delicate Distinctions Amongst Modes of Discourse
       6.5 Mode ,Field ,and Tenors
      7 The English of Conversation
       7.1 Necessity of Studying Speech
       7.2 Necessity of Sudying Conversation
       7.3 Object of Study
       7.4 An Adapted Way of Transcription
       7.5 A Sample Text of Casual Conversation
       7.6 General Features
       7.7 Stylistic Features in Terms of Levels of Language
       7.8 Summary
       7.9 Other Kinds 0t Conversation
      8 The English of Public Speech
       8.1 Scope of Public Speech
       8.2 A Sample Text for Analysis
       8.3 General Features of Public Speech
       8.4 Stylistic Features of Public Speech
      9 The English of Advertising 135
       9.1 Advertising English as a Variety
       9.2 Newspaper Advertising
       9.3 Radio Advertising
      10 The English of News Reporting
       10.1 The English of News Reporting as a Variety
       10.2 Two Sample Texts for Analysis 158
       10.3 General Features of Newspaper Reporting
       10.4 Stylistic Features of Newspaper Reporting
       10.5 Stylistic Features of Radio and Television News
      11 The English of Science and Technology 180
       11.1 The Scope of the English of Science and Tech-nology
       11.2 Sample Texts for Analysis
       11.3 General Features of EST
       11.4 Stylistic Features of EST
       11.5 Features of Spoken EST
      12 The English of Legal Documents
       12.1 The English of Legal Documents as a Variety
       12.2 Sample Texts for Analysis
       12.3 Stylistic Features of Legal English
      13 The English of Literature(I)——General Remarks 218
       13.1 Literature as Language Art 219
       13.2 Literary Language and Ordinary Language
       13.3 Literary English as fl Variety
      14 The English of Literature(II)——The Language of Fiction
       14.1 Manipulation of Semantic Roles
       14.2 Creation of Images and Symbols
       14.3 Preference in Diction
       14.4 Artistic Manipulation of Sentence Variety and Rhythm
       14.5 Employment of Various Points of View
       14.6 The Subtle Workings of Authorial Tone
       14.7 Various Ways of Presenting Speech and Thought
      15 The English of Literature(III)——The Language of Drama
       15.1 Manipulation of the Naturalness of Characters"Speech
       15.2 Exploitation of Different Speech Act.Turn-taking and Politeness Patterns
       15.3 Use of Assumptions,PresuppositiOns and Conversational Implicature
      16 The English of Literature(IV)--The Language of Poetry
       16.1 Various Devices for Compression
       16.2 Extreme Care in Word Choice
       16.3 Free Arrangement of Word Order
       16.4 Lexical and Syntactical Repetition
       16.5 Full Manipulation of Sound Effects
       16.6 The Manipulation of Sight
       16.7 Analysis of Poems at All Levels


      書名 作者 出版社 價格 購買
      翻譯碩士英語 周瓊,黃敏.. 武漢大學出版社


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      漢語寫作與百科知識考試指南 呂奇,黃敏.. 武漢大學出版社


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