- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
田貴森 主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787544609906
- 出版日期:2008-10-1
Unit 1 Research and Writing
1. Defining academic writing
2. Major types of research
3. Major features of academic writing
Unit 2 Choosing a Topic
1. Criteria of good topics
2. Major sources of research topics
3. Suggested steps for choosing a topic
Unit 3 Reviewing Related Literature
1. Locating the sources of related literature
2. Searching strategies
3. Evaluating materials
Unit 4 Style and Mechanics
1. Academic writing style
2. Language focus: citation and tenses
3. Tips on mechanics
Unit 5 Documentation
1. Purpose of documentation
2. Major formats and styles of documentation
3. Examples of citing and listing sources
Unit 1 Major Elements of Research Papers
1. Understanding library research
2. Major approaches of research papers
3. Majorcomponents of research papers
Unit 2 Formulating a Thesis Statement
1. Function of a thesis statement
2. Basic requirements for a thesis statement
3. Tips on writing a thesis statement
Unit 3 Drafting and Revising the Research Paper
1. Structure and the writing process
2. Revising for unity and coherence
3. Editing for clarity and style
Unit 4 Writing the Abstract
1. Features and elements of the abstract
2. Tips on writing the abstract
3. Checklist for a good abstract
Unit 5 Tips on Good Writing
1. Respect your ideas
2. Write it with style
3. Avoid common grammatical errors
Unit 1 Major Elements of Research Reports
1. Understanding the research process
2. Major components of research reports
3. Major features of research reports
Unit 2 Writing an Introduction
1. Major components of introductions
2. Different ways of starting introductions
3. Tips on writing introductions
Unit 3 Describing the Investigation
1. Major components of describing the investigation
2. Tips on describing the investigation
3. Samples of research descriptions
Unit 4 Using Graphics
1. Purpose of using graphics
2. Major types of graphics
3. Samples of using graphics
Unit 5 Reporting Results and Discussion
1. Major components of reporting results
2. Writing the discussion of results
3. Writing the conclusion
Unit 1 Major Elements of a Graduation Thesis
1. Major purposes of a graduation thesis
2. Major types of a graduation thesis
3. Major components of a graduation thesis
Unit 2 Writing About Literature and Translation Studies
1. Choosing a topic and finding an approach
2. Tips on writing about literature
3. Tips on writing about translation studies
Unit 3 Writing About Linguistics and Language Teaching
1. Choosing a topic and finding an approach
2. Major topics of language studies
3. Major topics of language teaching
Unit 4 Constructing an Outline
1. Types of outlines
2. Formats of outlines
3. Organizing ideas and writing the outline
Unit 5 Drafting and Revising a Graduation Thesis
1. Structure and style of a graduation thesis
2. Macro-revision of content and organization
3. Micro-revision of language and mechanics
Appendix Ⅰ Eye Contact in the ELT Classroom of Chinese EFL Students.
Appendix Ⅱ The Evasion Episode of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn—A Reasonable Ending
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