Unit 1 An Overview of Business Letter Writing
1.1 The Principles for Effective Writing
1.1.1 Completeness
1.1.2 Clearness
1.1.3 Conciseness
1.1.4 Consideration
1.1.5 Courtesy
1.1.6 Concreteness
1.1.7 Correctness
1.2 The Style and Tone of Business Letter Writing
1.2.1 Conversational Style
1.2.2 Avoid the Archaic Language ofBusiness
1.2.3 Use Positive Language and Avoid Anger
1.3 Preparation before Writing
1.3.1 Studying Your Reader's Interest
1.3.2 Planning What You Will Write and Writing Effectively
1.3.3 Deciding to Adopt the Proper Layout,Tone and Style
1.4 Writing Naturally and Sincerely
Unit 2 The Structure and sty'les of Business Letters
2.1 Principal Parts
2.1.1 Letterhead
2.1.2 Date
2.1.3 Inside Address
2.1.4 Salutation
2.1.5 Body of the Letter
2.1.6 Complimentary Close
2.1.7 Signature
2.2 Optional Elements
2.2.1 Attention Line
2.2.2 Subject Line
2.2.3 Enclosure
2.2.4 Copy Notation
2.2.5 Postscript
2.3 Styles of a Business Letter
2.3.1 Indented Style
2.3.2 Semi-block Style
2.3.3 Modified Block Style
2.3.4 Full Block Style
2.4 The Spacing and the Margin and Envelop Add ressing
2.4.1 The Spacing
2.4.2 The Margin
2.4.3 Envelop Addressing
Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Letter Samples
Unit 4 Inquiries and Replies
4.1 Inquiry
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Letter Samples
4.2 Reply
4.2.1 Introduction
4.2.2 Letter Samples
Unit 5 Quotations,Offers and Counter Offers
5.1 Quotations and Offers
5.1.1 Infroduction
5.1.2 Letter Samples
5.2 Counter Offers
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Letter Samples
Unit 6 Orders and Acknowledgements
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Letter Samples
Unit 7 Payment by Leffer of Credit
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Letter Samples
Unit 8 Other Methods of Payment
8.1 Introduction of Other Methods of Payment
8.1.1 Bill of Exchange
8.1.2 Collection
8.1.3 Remittance
8.2 Writing for Other Methods of Payment
8.3 Letter Samples
Unit 9 Collection Leflers
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Collection Appeals
9.1.2 Collection Series
9.2 Letter Samples
Unit 10 Packing
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Letter Samples
Unit 11 Shipping
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Letter samples
Unit 12 Insurance
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Letter Samples
Unit 13 Complaints and Claims
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Letter Samples
Unit 14 Agency
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Letter Samples
Appendix A Useful Abbreviations in International Trade
Appendix B INCOTERMS 2000,the Relevant Documents and Other Useful Expressions
Appendix C The Comparison of the Old and New Language Styles
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