Chapter 1 General Tips for Speaking to an
1.1 Relaxing beforehand
1.2 Position in the room
1.3 Posture
1.4 Gestures
1.5 Eye contact
1.6 Asking questions and inviting
1.7 Voice
1.8 Pronunciation
1.9 Assignment
Chapter 2 Technical/scientific Presentation
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Preparing a presentation
2.3 Giving the presentation
2.4 Discussion skills
2.5 Learning from model articles
2.6 Assignments
Chapter 3 Technical/scientific Writing in General
3.1 Language and style
3.2 Jargon
3.3 Abbreviations and acronyms
3.4 First person or third person?
3.5 Non-discrilnination language
3.6 Transition signals in technical
3.7 Punctuations
3.8 Learning from model articles
3.9 Assignments
Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Technical/scientific
Writing——Report Writing
4.1 The basic structure of a report
4.2 Analyse and plan your task
4.3 Preparation
4.4 Length of text
4.5 Economy of words
4.6 Choice of words
4.7 Choice of verbs
4.8 Choice of pronouns
4.9 Use of grammar and spelling
4.10 Graphical communication
4.11 Orchestration
4.12 Lay out
4.13 Some specially important sections of
your report writing
4.14 Learning from model articles
4.15 Assignments
Chapter 5 Some Practical Tips for Mutual Translation
between Chinese and English
5.1 Translation from English to Chinese in
technical/scientific writing
5.2 Some practical tips of translating a
Chinese technical report/paper into English
5.3 Assignment
Chapter 6 Academic Paper Writing
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Needs of Readers
6.3 The basic structure of a paper
6.4 Some practical wording skills
6.5 A Brief Summary
6.6 A complete example for abstract,
introduction and conclusion
6.7 Learning from model articles
6.8 Assignments
Chapter 7 Academic Paper Submitting
7.1 Matching your paper with right
7.2 Examining procedure and
7.3 How to satisfy your would-be
7.4 An examining sheet from an european
7.5 Learning from model articles
7.6 Assignments
Chapter 8 A Brief Guide for Research Proposals
8.1 Aim
8.2 Originality
8.3 Literature review
8.4 Theoretical orientation
8.5 Methodology
8.6 Research program timetable
8.7 References
8.8 Learning from model articles
8.9 Assignments
Chapter 9 The Fundamentals of Effective
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Verbal communication in general
9.3 Face to face with a group
9.4 Communication with your boss
9.5 Written communication
9.6 Some critical issues on business
communication in English
9.7 Assignments
Chapter 10 Job Application
10.1 Prepare and send your application
10.2 Interviews
A.1 Speed—reading in business
A.2 專業技術報告中選取的漢譯英參考譯文
A.3 My viewpoint on Chinese English
A.4 英語溝通與中西文化
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實用皮革箱包行業英語 | 林遠鵬 編.. | 世界圖書出版公司 | ¥48.00¥38.40 |
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朗文如何教口語(朗文教師發展譯叢)(中國教育學會外語教.. | 【英】斯科.. | 人民郵電出版社 | ¥49.00¥39.20 |
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汽車專業英語 | 宋紅英 主.. | 機械工業出版社 | ¥25.00¥18.80 |
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