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    3. 透視中國(英文版)

      • 所屬分類:
        FOR 老外
      • 作者:
        周黎明 著
      • 出版社:
      • ISBN:9787508513379
      • 出版日期:2008-6-1
      • 原價:
      • 本書信息由合作網站提供,請前往以下網站購買:





      作者介紹:Raymond Zhou
      Raymond Zhou is a writer who is hard to define or categorize: He is prolific in English and Chinese; his topics and interests cover many areas,from culture to socia! issues; he is comfortable with all media platforms,including print, online and television, or government-oriented, market-driven and grassroots; and he explores many genres, from journalistic reporting to commentary essays, to genre-busting experiments in fusing fiction and nonfiction.
      Above all, Zhou is praised for his ability to cross the boundaries of languages and cultures. Immersed in both Chinese and Western (specially American) cultures, he often deciphers a Chinese controversy from a Western perspective and vice versa. The ease with which he shifts his viewpoint endows him with a rare openness and independence of thinking.
      Zhou started writing in California's Silicon Valley in the early days of the Internet boom. His focus has shifted from high tech and e-commerce, to business, movies, arts and culture in general, and from social issues to travel and humor. He began to blur the lines of some of these areas in recent years.
      X-Ray: Examining the China Enigma is a collection of 99 columns Raymond Zhou wrote for China Daily in the past few years. It is one man's adventure into the murky world of mostly mundane changes - progress and frustration that make up the tableau of a country in breakneck growth.
      Zhou shies away from the big issues that everyone is familiar with; instead, he focuses on controversies that cannot be explained away with broad black-and-white strokes. His keen insight, sometimes infused with biting humor,adds a multi-dimensional hue to what would otherwise be regular issues of the week.
      What makes Zhou stand out is his unique perspective and his acute rationality. He refuses to join in crowd-pleasing choruses, and he does not take any preconceived stands. He appreciates complexity and encourages the reader to do the same.
      Vast and sweeping changes are made up of many smaller ones - some expected, others more difficult to digest. By dissecting some of the befuddling happenings of the past few years,Zhou has put a personal mark on cracking the codes - cultural and otherwise - that run the emerging power that is China.
      Barely a contemporary subject is spared in this collection of commentaries written by Raymond Zhou over the past three years. From the weighty to the frothy, Zhou charts the dramatic changes taking place in China by striving to be a voice of reason. With each topic - China's youth, culture and the arts, the Intemet,morality and spirituality, the economy, and East-West relations - Zhou projects the same message: keep an open mind and exercise moderation.


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