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    3. 綠色中國(英文版) Green China

      • 所屬分類:
        FOR 老外
      • 作者:
        (英)默里,(英)谷義仁 著
      • 出版社:
      • ISBN:9787508505862
      • 出版日期:2004-9-1
      • 原價:
      • 本書信息由合作網站提供,請前往以下網站購買:





      Green China, as well as this particular work, developed from a recognition that China was tackling a wide range of serious environmental problems within the context of her rapid industrialization, urbanization, transition to a market-oriented economy and growing consumerism that would inevitably have great impact not only on the lives of its own vast population, but also for those inhabiting neighboring countries and even the world at large.The problems have been well documented in the Western media, but the solutions being tried have perhaps not been so well publicized, and this book is an attempt to redress the balance.

      Instead of lack of respect for Nature, enhanced environmental education ensures that there is resurgence in respect for the power and beauty of China's environment.There is a renewed quest for exemplars, of models of good practice in human/environment interaction, a quest that has several dimensions. And so, one dimension of such a quest is the historical one, seeking examples of ecological harmony in past practice. A cheerful future is one in which the ills of deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution, air pollution and the like are effectively tackled via a concerted effort across the country. Officials and cadres provide a key leadership role, but there is realization that local people must have a major rote in combating environmental destruction.Participation and involvement will be crucial. It is likely that the energies and drive of young people will have to be mobilized, as it has been for a number of environmental campaigns such as those concerned with forestation. But all those involved will need to ensure that there is not a false concern to meet arbitrary short-term targets, but instead a genuine desire to improve the local, regional and national environment via long term efforts. This will not be a 'quick fix'; instead it will be an arduous and hard road, but one in which people gain from a sense of working hard together towards a better future.
      Section One Roots of China's Environmental Concerns
      Chapter 1 Introduction
      Achievements So Far
      Whose Responsibility ?
      Chapter 2 China's varied environment
      Seven Physical Regions
      Chapter 3 Historical Preconditions
      Twin Threats: Drought and Flood
      Impact of Han Migrations
      Chapter 4 Socialist Transformations
      Mixed Results in the Countryside
      Section Two Air Pollution
      Chapter 5 Industrial Pollution
      Shougang and Benxi: Models for Change
      Township and Village Enterprises
      Chapter 6 Coal and Its Alternatives
      Leading Coal Consumer
      Nuclear and Natural Gas Alternatives
      Chapter 7 Gridlock and Smog
      The Bane of Traffic Jams
      Exhaust Emission Fears
      Countermeasures on Many Fronts
      Section Three Water Issues
      Chapter 8 Pollution of Waterways
      Tackling Domestic Wastewater
      Saving the Lakes
      Red Tide Threat
      Chapter 9 Sharing Limited Water
      Diverting Water from South to North
      Yellow River's Future in Doubt
      Alternative Scenarios
      Seawater Option
      Chapter 10 The Three Gorges Dam
      Positive Points
      Negative Points
      Section Four Waste Disposal
      Chapter 11 Consumer Society and Its Waste
      Pros and Cons of Urbanization
      Growth of Consumerism
      Chapter 12 Leveling the Waste Mountain
      Cities under Siege
      Still a Long Way to Go
      Section Five Land Loss and Recovery
      Chapter 13 Greening the Deserts
      Promoting Public Involvement
      Chapter 14 Nature Reserves
      Tibetan Example of Nature First
      Pastureland and Forestry Protection
      Section Six Summing up
      Chapter 15 Bleak Futures, Cheerful Futures
      Bleak Scenario
      Optimistic Scenario
      Final Word


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