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    3. 語用遷移與二語水平的關系研究

      • 所屬分類:
      • 作者:
        盧加偉,張曉莉 著
      • 出版社:
      • ISBN:9787030258205
      • 出版日期:2009-11-1
      • 原價:
      • 本書信息由合作網站提供,請前往以下網站購買:





      Chapter 1 Introduction
       1.1 Origin of the Research
       1.2 Method of the Research
       1.3 Organization of the Book
      Chapter 2 Literature Review
       2.1 Speech Act Theory
       2.2 Refusals across Cultures
        2.2.1 Rubin's Study
        2.2.2 Liao and Bresnahan's Study
        2.2.3 Nelson et al.'s Study
        2.2.4 Wang Aihua's Study
       2.3 Concepts of Language Transfer and Pragmatic Transfer
        2.3.1 Language Transfer
        2.3.2 Pragmatic Transfer
       2.4 Major Studies on Pragmatic Transfer in Speech Acts
        2.4.1 Studies on Pragmatic Transfer in Other Speech Acts
        2.4.2 Studies on Pragmatic Transfer in Refusal Speech Act
       2.5 Studies on the Relationship between L2 Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer
      Chapter 3 Research Design and Theoretical Framework
       3.1 Research Questions
       3.2 Research Methodology
        3.2.1 Subjects
        3.2.2 Instruments
        3.2.3 Data Analysis
       3.3 An Operational Criterion for Discussing Pragmatic Transfer
        3.3.1 Necessary Evidence for Identifying the Occurrence of Pra~natic Transfer
        3.3.2 A Basic Principle for Pragmatic Transfer Identification
        3.3.3 Defining the Degree of Discrepancy
        3.3.4 Pragmatic Transfer Reclassified
       3.4 A Hypothesis on the Relationship between L2 Linguistic Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer
        3.4.1 A Working Criterion to Judge the Relationship between L2 Linguistic Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer
        3.4.2 A Hypothesis on the Relationship between L2 Linguistic Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer
       3.5 Main Theories Employed in Discussing Pragmatic Transfer
        3.5.1 Politeness Theory
        3.5.2 Gile's Accommodation Theory
       3.6 A General Research Procedure of the Study
      Chapter 4 Pragmatic Transfer in Chinese EFL Learners' Refusals
       4.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas
        4.1.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Requests
        4.1.2 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Invitations
        4.1.3 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestions
        4.1.4 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offers
      4.2 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas
        4.2.1 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Requests
        4.2.2 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Invitations
        4.2.3 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestions
        4.2.4 Evidences of Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offers
       4.3 Discussions on Pragmatic Transfer in L2 Refusals
        4.3.1 Types of Pragmatic Transfer in the Speech Act of Refusal
        4.3.2 Influences of Eliciting Factors on Pragmatic Transfer
      Chapter 5 The Relationship between L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer
       5.1 The Relationship between Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Each Refusal Eliciting Factor
        5.1.1 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Requests
        5.1.2 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Invitations
        5.1.3 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestions
        5.1.4 The Relationship in the Frequency of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offers
      5.2 The Relationship between Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Each Refusal Eliciting Factor
        5.2.1 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Requests
        5.2.2 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Invitations
        5.2.3 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Suggestions
        5.2.4 The Relationship in the Order of Semantic Formulas in Refusals to Offers
       5.3 Discussions on the Relationship between L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer in the Refusal Speech Act
        5.3.1 The Influence of Eliciting Factors on the Relationship between L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer
        5.3.2 Other Factors Affecting the Relationship between Linguistic Proficiency and Pragmatic Transfer
        5.3.3 Hypothesis Testing: the Relationship between L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer
        5.3.4 The Acquisition Expectation for the Relationship between L2 Proficiency and L1 Pragmatic Transfer: Positive or Negative?
      Chapter 6 Causal Factors for Pragmatic Transfer and Reassessment of Its Role in SLA
      6.1 Causal Factors for Pragmatic Transfer
        6.1.1 Learner-external Factors for Pragmatic Transfer
        6.1.2 Learner-internal Factors for Pragmatic Transfer
      6.2 Reassessment of the Role of Pragmatic Transfer in SLA
      Chapter 7 Major Findings and Prospects for Future Studies
      7.1 Major Findings of the Present Study
      7.2 Significance of the Research
      7.3 Prospects for Future Studies on Pragmatic Transfer
      Appendix I Discourse Completion Test
      Appendix II Discourse Completion Test [Chinese Version]
      Appendix III Classification of Refusals [Beebe et al. (1990)]
      Appendix IV Classification of Refusals (Revised Version for This Book)


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