- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
王春梅,李曉利 編著
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787561923900
- 出版日期:2009-8-1
IELTS Reading Activities
Unit One Natural Phenomena (自然現象)
Reading Passage 1: Earthquakes in History
Reading Passage 2: E1 Nino's
Reading Passage 3: Storms
Reading Passage 4: Coasts in Crisis
Reading Passage 5: Mount Saint Helens
Unit Two Important Events in Human History (人類歷史上的重大事件)
Reading Passage 1: The History of Coins
Reading Passage 2: The Olympic Games
Reading Passage 3: The Story of Aviation
Reading Passage 4: History of the Wheel
Reading Passage 5: The Mystery of Time
Unit Three Transportation (交通運輸)
Reading Passage 1: Rally for a Car-free Prospect Park
Reading Passage 2: Capacity Problems of Public Transportation System
Reading Passage 3: Teen Driving Safety: A National Priority
Reading Passage 4: Chicago Area Is Not Alone in Transit Woes, Survey Says
Reading Passage 5: When Public Transit Ceases to Be Public
Unit Four Language (語言)
Reading Passage 1: Language, Culture, and Health Care Delivery
Reading Passage 2: Critical Period
Reading Passage 3: Languages of the World
Reading Passage 4: Babbling
Reading Passage 5: Baby Talk
Unit Five Environmental Protection (環境保護)
Reading Passage 1: A Growing Coral Crisis
Reading Passage 2: Acid Rain: What's the Solution?
Reading Passage 3: Paper Recycling Process Benefits Environment and Profits
Reading Passage 4: Handle with Care
Reading Passage 5: Is the World Really Coming to an End?
Unit Six Animals (動物)
Reading Passage 1: The Animal Kingdom
Reading Passage 2: Life in the Water
Reading Passage 3: Bandit Birds: Crows
Reading Passage 4: Bees
Reading Passage 5: The ABC's of Adaptation: Staying Alive
Unit Seven Architecture (建筑)
Reading Passage 1: A New Expansion Plan of the Whitney Museum of American Art
Reading Passage 2: Forgotten Designers: Homes Built by Women
Reading Passage 3: Students Master the Art of Building
Reading Passage 4: Heads up! Roofs in Traditional Chinese Architecture
Reading Passage 5: A Brief Introduction to Traditional Chinese Architecture
Unit Eight Social Issues (社會問題)
Reading Passage 1: Rising Fuel Prices
Reading Passage 2: What Goes Wrong with Our Math Education?
Reading Passage 3: University Teachers Became Jobless
Reading Passage 4: Rising Food Prices
Reading Passage 5: World Bank's Poverty Estimates Revised
Unit Nine Medical Science (醫療衛生)
Reading Passage 1: Smoking and Cancer
Reading Passage 2: A Map for Smart Eating
Reading Passage 3: AIDS: the Nation's Worst Public-health Problem
Reading Passage 4: Identical Twins
Reading Passage 5: Genes
Unit Ten Agriculture, Industry and Commerce (農、工、商)
Reading Passage 1: Paper and Its Uses
Reading Passage 2: Personnel Recruiting
Reading Passage 3: Business Ethics
Reading Passage 4: Scientists Make Plants Grow Faster
Reading Passage 5: Glass
Unit Eleven Education (教育)
Reading Passage 1: Teacher-pupil Relations in the Digital Age
Reading Passage 2: Melbourne University Private
Reading Passage 3: Computers Change Learning
Reading Passage 4: The Diploma Program
Reading Passage 5: Music on the Mind
Unit Twelve Science and Technology (科學技術)
Reading Passage 1: Voice Recognition Goes Real
Reading Passage 2: Tomorrow's Telephones
Reading Passage 3: Office Space: Designing Your Next Office
Reading Passage 4: Millennium Seed Bank Project
Reading Passage 5: Upward Bound: Tales of Space Station Alpha
IELTS Reading Tests雅思閱讀模擬試題
Test 1
Reading Passage 1: Where Have All the Bees Gone?
Reading Passage 2: Rocking the House
Reading Passage 3: Sweeeet! The Skinny on Sugar Substitutes
Test 2
Reading Passage 1: Chew for Health
Reading Passage 2: How Do Animals Spend the Winter?
Reading Passage 3: Who Built the Pyramids and Why?
Test 3
Reading Passage 1: Sleepwalking--Fact or Fancy
Reading Passage 2: Born Bad?
Reading Passage 3: Hothouse Earth
Answer Key 答案
IELTS Reading Activities
IELTS Reading Tests
IELTS Reading Answer Sheet
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