- 所售圖書均為第三方提供

- 所屬分類:
- 作者:
鐘平 等主編
- 出版社:
- ISBN:9787502241049
- 出版日期:2008-3-1
上篇 考研英語歷年真題來源報刊閱讀實戰(zhàn)模擬篇
Unit 1
1. And man-made life
2. As penny-pinchers hover, business trips rebound
3. Born digital
4. Does light make you fat?
5. Don' t shoot the messenger
Unit 2
6. Are men the new minority?
7. Free parking comes at a price
8. Colleges see 16% increase in study of sign language
9. Basket cases
10. Worth a go
Unit 3
11. Shopping for a smartphone, with a focus on features
12. Textbooks' digital future
13. Do male students need affirmative action
14. Don' t shoot the messenger
15. Genes as mirrors of life experiences
Unit 4
16. From hoarding to hiring
17. Human communication:Gesture Politics
18. The marmite effect
19. Fashion victim
20. Greed)guts?
Unit 5
21. When a visa becomes a headache
22. A vitamin a day may do more harm than good
23. How to live with climate change
24. Microsofi's slick new vista
25. Stop pandering on education
Unit 6
26. All the world' s a stage
27. Finalists are in demand
28. Male jab to reduce cervical cancer
29. So what's it all worth?
30. Stress and the City
Unit 7
31. Your reputation precedes
32. Study shows cost of birth defects
33. You've been framed
34. Health-care reform is in the air, but...
35. Hiring companies should show the love
Unit 8
36. How to keep your team talking
37. IBM shrinks its Lenovo stake
38. In-car technology sharply accelerates
39. Internet TV is finally a reality show
40. Meeting all the world' s tech needs
Unit 9
41. The apples come together
42. The flavor of memories
43. The mystery of consciousness
44. Time travel in the brain
45. Venture capital's growing aspirations
Unit 10
46. Who made your T-shirt
47. Air pollution raises risk of heart disease in women
48. First mover
49. For start-ups, the ultimate goal becoming a verb
50. From walkman to hollow men
Unit 11
51. Highly charged motoring
52. How siestas help memory
53. Nobel' s greatest prize
54. In praise of techno-austerity
55. Is there life after debt?
Unit 12
56. It's a smart world
57. Junk bond
58. Lawyers and your money
59. Learning the right lessons
60. Loose clicks sink ships
Unit 13
61. M-powered
62. Poverty is more likely cause of mistrust than race, says study
63. Search and employ
64. The joyless or the jobless
65. Winning ways
Unit 14
66. The skills from zapping' em
67. Vaccines :A new health food
68. The world's most valuable stuff
69. U. N. Weighs how to answer a knock on Earth' s Door
70. U. S. school graduation rate is rising
Unit 15
71. Why GM is good for us
72. Organ transplants:Your part or mine?
73. Affluence Happiness( and how to measure it)
74. Brain cancer : Happy families, hidden dangers
75. Economics focus : Rate of decline
Unit 16
77. A Passover sermon, a play, and a century of the Melting pot
78. Athens: Then & Now
79. A robot in the kitchen
80. Pass the bacteria, please!
Unit 17
81. Online booksellers face higher costs for shipping abroad
82. Up close and edible:Green tea
83. English as language of global education
84. Global warming
85. Guilt)plea in deadly Tennessee school shooting
Unit 18
86. Higher rates ! Bigger fees!
87. What do babies know?
88. Limited resources
89. Microsoft brings instant chat to TV screen, through games
90. Moment of truth
Unit 19
91. The world since September l lth
92. Federal reserve :Difference of opinion
93. When the cure is not worth the cost
94. Poor nations to bear brunt as world warms
95. The faUing dollar
Unit 20
96. Democrats and global warming
97. Senate inquiry in loan case is studying stock transfer
98. Can milk make ,ou happy? Can fish make you smart?
99. From Genes to GMOS
100. Sevchelles : A president in paradise
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