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    3. 溫州醫科大學浙南水科學研究院2015年考研調劑信息

      高校名稱 溫州醫科大學 所在省市 浙江
      調劑專業 詳情見招生目錄 是否有公費名額 未知
      發布時間 2015-03-19 截止時間 未注明




      1)溫州醫科大學環境與公共衛生學院水環境應用技術研究所(iWATER);2)浙南水科學研究院;3)溫州市水域科學與環境生態重點實驗室; 4)浙江省流域水環境與健康風險研究重點實驗室(溫州醫科大學)。



      Randy Dahlgren,教授、碩導。長期從事水資源保護與管理、水環境評估和治理等科學研究,研究包括農田、森林、牧場、濕地及河湖等生態系統中的生物地球化學循環過程,特別在水文學、地球化學和生物行為在調控生源要素循環中的相互作用,化學物質在地表和地下水間的遷移轉化,以及火成土壤的來源及礦物學等領域具有很高的學術造詣。已發表SCI學術論文170余篇,其中4篇發表于國際頂級科學雜志《Nature》上。溫州市人民政府于2012年向他頒發雁蕩友誼獎,浙江省人民政府于2013年向他頒發了西湖友誼獎。2013年入選浙江省“千人計劃”海鷗項目。




      1)張明華,主持浙江省重大專項“基于GIS平臺的溫瑞塘河水環境污染治理信息與決策系統研究與應用示范”(2009-2012);2)王學東,主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“萘甲酸鹽類離子液體對抗生素配合物的強熒光增敏機理及分析應用”(2014-2017) ;3)王學東,主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“離子液體對酚類雌激素熒光衍生物的介導效應機理及分析應用”(2011-2013) ;4)商栩,主持國家自然科學基金青年項目“陸源有機質對河口浮游橈足類的營養貢獻研究” (2010-2012);4)鄧歡歡,主持國家自然科學基金青年項目“新型纖維填料人工濕地凈化效果及基質堵塞的機制研究” (2012-2014)。

      五、   研究手段與儀器設備:








      八、   優先考慮的報考方向:




      電話:0577 86699595


      請有意調劑的考生盡快登錄“全國碩士生招生調劑服務系統”,遞交調劑申請,并將詳細的個人簡歷,聯系方式,考生基本信息,考研成績發往郵箱iwater2013@163.com  溫州醫科大學環境與公共衛生學院將于2015年3月下旬統一安排復試。




      1. Minghua Zhang* and Jianming Xu. Nonpoint Source Pollution, Environmental Quality, and Ecosystem Health in China: Introduction to the Special Section.Journal of Environmental Quality, 2011, 40:1685-1694. (SCI 收錄)

      2. Huanhuan Deng, Liyun Ge*, Tan Xu, Minghua Zhang, Xuedong Wang and Yalei Zhang. Analysis of the Metabolic Utilization of Carbon Sources and Potential Functional Diversity of the Bacterial Community in Lab-scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2011, 40:1730-1736. (SCI 收錄)

      3. Lu Ping, Kun Mei, Yujin Zhang, Lingling Liao, Bibo Long, Randy A. Dahlgren and Minghua Zhang*. Spatial and temporal variations of nitrogen pollution in Wen-Rui Tang River watershed, Zhejiang, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011, 180(1): 501-520. (SCI 收錄)

      4. Luo, Yuzhou and Minghua Zhang*. Environmental modeling and exposure assessment of sediment-associated pyrethroids in an agricultural watershed. PloS ONE, 2011, 6(1): e15794. (SCI 收錄)

      5. Kun Mei, Yuanli Zhu, Lingling Liao, Xu Shang, Randy Dahlgren and Minghua Zhang*. Optimizing water quality monitoring networks using continuous longitudinal monitoring data: A case study of Wen-Rui Tang River, Wenzhou, China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2011, 13(10): 2755-2762. (SCI 收錄)

      6. Michael L. Grieneisen and Minghua Zhang*. The current status of climate change research. Nature Climate Change, 2011, 1(2): 72–73. (SCI 收錄)

      7. Michael L. Grieneisen and Minghua Zhang*. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Evolving Definitions and Growing Footprint on the Scientific Landscape. Small, 2011, 7(20): 2836-2839. (SCI 收錄)

      8. Huanqiang Liu, Minghua Zhang, Xuedong Wang*, Yujie Zou, Wenwei Wang, Meiping Ma, Yanyan Li, Huili Wang*. Extraction and determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in water and urine samples using solidified floating organic drop microextraction along with high performance liquid chromatography. Microchimica Acta, 2012, 176: 303-309. (SCI 收錄)

      9. Shuhui Huang, Huanqiang Liu, Minghua Zhang, and Xuedong Wang*. Effect of water-flow on nutrient mitigation from surface water in drainage ditches. International Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 2012, 10(1): 650-655. (SCI 收錄)

      10. Michael L. Grieneisen and Minghua Zhang*. The ongoing proliferation of nano journals. Nature Nanotechnology, 2013. (SCI 收錄)

      11. Michael L. Grieneisen and Minghua Zhang*. A comprehensive survey of retracted articles from the scholarly literature. PLoS ONE, 2013. (SCI 收錄)

      12. Xingmei Liu, Yu Zhan, Yuzhou Luo, Minghua Zhang, Shu Geng and Jianming Xu*. Almond organophosphate and pyrethroid use in the San Joaquin Valley and their associated environmental risk. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2013. (SCI 收錄)

      13. Jun Li, Huixia Liu, Yancheng Li, Mei Kun, Randy Dahlgren and Minghua Zhang*. Monitoring and Modeling Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics through Continuous Longitudinal Sampling: A Case Study in Wen-Rui Tang River, Wenzhou, China. Hydrological Processes, 2013. (SCI 收錄)

      14. Wang, H., Deng, H., Ma, L., & 葛利云. The effect of carbon source on extracellular polymeric substances production and its influence on sludge floc properties. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2014, 89(4), 516-521. (SCI 收錄)

      15. Xiaoxue Ma, Xu Shang, Lachun Wang*, Randy A. Dahlgren*, and Minghua Zhang*. Innovative approach for the development of a water quality identification index—a case study from the Wen-Rui Tang River watershed, China.Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.925829. (SCI 收錄)

      16. Michael L. Grieneisen, Yu Zhan, Daniel Potter, and Minghua Zhang*. Biodiversity, Taxonomic Infrastructure, International Collaboration, and New Species Discovery. BioScience, 2014, 64(4): 322-332. (SCI 收錄)

      17. Kun Mei, Lingling Liao, Yuanli Zhu, Ping Lu, Zhengfeng Wang, Randy A. Dahlgren, Minghua Zhang*. Evaluation of spatial-temporal variations and trends in surface water quality across a rural-suburban-urban interface, Environmental Scinece and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(13): 8036-8051. (SCI 收錄)

      18. Michael L. Grieneisen*, Yu Zhan, Daniel Potter, and Minghua Zhang. Biodiversity, Taxonomic Infrastructure, International Collaboration, and New Species Discovery. BioScience, 2014, 64(4):322-332. (SCI 收錄)




      刪除信息請聯系 tiaoji@163.com




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