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    3. 2021年南通大學醫學院醫學生物化學與分子生物學調劑信息

      高校名稱 南通大學 所在省市 江蘇
      調劑專業 醫學生物化學、分子生物學 是否有公費名額 未知
      發布時間 2021-03-16 截止時間 未注明




      秘曉林,博士,教授,博士研究生導師。入選中國科學院“引進國外杰出人才--百人計劃”、遼寧省“攀登學者”。國家自然科學基金、國家重大科學研究計劃、博士后科學基金、美國國家科學基金研究生項目等評議人,sci雜志international journal of
      nanomedicine顧問編委,current proteomics、plos one編委,中國生化藥物雜志編委,中國環境誘變劑學會理事,遼寧省醫學會醫學遺傳學分會副主任委員,biomaterials、genetics、international journal of nanomedicine等sci雜志審稿人。主持國家重點基礎研

      1990年畢業于蘭州大學生物化學專業,獲學士學位;1996年畢業于衛生部蘭州生物制品研究所免疫學和微生物學專業,獲碩士學位;1999年畢業于中國預防醫學科學院病原生物學專業,獲博士學位。同年赴美國,在國立衛生研究院(national institutes of health)國
      家癌癥研究所(national cancer institute)從事博士后研究,隨后任職美國國立衛生研究院國家癌癥研究所研究學者。作為通訊作者,研究成果發表在proceedings of national academy of sciences usa、plos genetics、oncogene、biomaterials、human
      molecular genetics等國際知名學術期刊。





      1.dai z., li d. *, du x., ge y., hursh d.a., bi x. * drosophila caliban preserves intestinal homeostasis and lifespan through regulating mitochondrial dynamics and redox state in enterocytes. plos genetics. 2020. 16(10):e1009140.  if 5.4

      2.li d., liu y., pei c., zhang p., pan l., xiao j., meng s., yuan z., bi x. * mir-285-yki/mask double-negative feedback loop mediates blood-brain barrier integrity in drosophila. proceedings of national academy of sciences usa. 2017. 114(12): e2365-e2374.  if 9.7

      3.song f., li d. *, wang y., bi x.* drosophila caliban mediates g1-s transition and ionizing radiation induced s phase checkpoint. cell cycle. 2018. 17(18): 2256-2267.  if 3.3

      4.yuan q., tian r., zhao h., li l., bi x. * multiple arginine residues are methylated in drosophila mre11 and required for survival following ionizing radiation. g3: genes genomes genetics. 2018. 8 (6): 2099-2106.  if 2.7

      5.li d. and bi x. * effect of teratogens on development of drosophila melanogaster. teratogenicity testing: methods and protocols. methods in molecular biology. springer. 2018. 1797:233-241.

      6.cong, w., wang, p., qu, y., tang, j., bai, r., zhao, y., chen, c. *, bi, x. * evalutation of the influence of fullerenol on aging and stress resistance using caenorhabditis elegans. biomaterials. 2015. 42:78-86.  if 8.6

      7.jiang k., liu m., lin g., mao b., cheng w., liu h., gal j., zhu h., yuan z., deng w., liu q., gong p., bi x. *, meng s. * tumor suppressor spred2 interaction with lc3 promotes autophagosome maturation and induces autophagy-dependent
      cell death. oncotarget. 2016. 7 (18): 25652-25667.  if 5.2

      8.chen, h., wang, b., feng, w. *, du, w., ouyang, h., chai, z., bi, x.*  oral magnetite nanoparticles disturb the development of drosophila melanogaster from oogenesis to adult emergence. nanotoxicology. 2015. 9(3):302-312.  if 7.9

      9.yuan, q., han, j., cong, w., ge, y., ma, d., dai, z., li, y. *, bi, x. * docetaxel-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles suppress breast cancer cells growth with improved cell apoptosis and gene expression profile and reduced
      myelosuppression toxicity. international journal of nanomedicine. 2014.  9(1): 4829-4846.  if 4.3

      10.fang, g., zhang, d., yin, h., zheng, l., bi, x.*, yuan, l.*  centlein maintains centrosome cohesion by bridging an interaction between c-nap1 and cep68. journal of cell science. 2014.  127 :1631-1639.  if 5.4

      11.wang, y., wang, z., joshi, bh., puri, r., stultz, b., yuan, q., bai, y., zhou, p., yuan, z., hursh, da., bi, x.* the tumor suppressor caliban regulates dna damage induced apoptosis through p53-dependent and ╟independent activity.
      oncogene. 2013. 32(33):3857-66.  if 8.6

      12.liu, w., jiang, f., bi, x.*, zhang, q*. drosophila fmrp participates in dna damage response by regulating g2/m cell cycle checkpoint and apoptosis. human molecular genetics. 2012, 21(21):4655-68.  if 7.7

      13.kong, l., yuan y., zhu, h., li, y., guo, q., zhao, y., wang, q., bi, x.*, gao,x*. the suppression of prostate lncap cancer cells growth by selenium nanoparticles through akt/mdm2/ar controlled apoptosis. biomaterials. 2011.32(27):
      6515-6522.  if 7.6

      14.wang, p., bai, y., song, b., wang, y., liu, d., lai, y., bi, x.*, yuan, z*. pp1a-mediated dephosphorylation positively regulates yap2 activity. plos one. 2011.6(9):e24288.  if 4.1

      15.gao, g., bi, x., chen, j., srikanta, d., rong, ys. mre11-rad50-nbs complex is required to cap telomeres during drosophila embryogenesis. proceedings of national academy of sciences usa. 2009. 106(26): 10728╟10733.(equal
      contribution).  if 9.4

      16.bi, x., jones, t., abbasi, f., lee, h., stultz, b., hursh, d., mortin, m. drosophila caliban, a nuclear export mediator, can function as a tumor suppressor in human lung cancer cells. oncogene. 2005. 24:8229-8239.  if 6.8

      17.bi, x., srikanta, d., fanti,l., pimpinelli,s., badugu,r., kellum,r., rong, y.s. * drosophila atm and atr checkpoint kinases control partially redundant pathways for telomere maintenance. proceedings of national academy of sciences
      usa. 2005. 102(42):15167-15172.  if 10.2

      18.bi, x., gong, m., srikanta, d., rong, y.s. * drophila atm and mre11 are essential for the g2/m checkpoint induced by low-dose irradiation. genetics. 2005. 171:845-847.  if 4.4

      19.bi, x., wei, s.d., rong, y.s. * telomere protection without a telomerase: the role of atm and mre11 in drosophila telomere maintenance. current biology. 2004. 14:1348-1353.  if 11.9

      20.bi, x., kajava, a., demidenko, z., jones, t., mortin, m. * the carboxyl terminus of prospero regulates its subcellular localization.  molecular and cellular  biology.  2003. 23 (3): 1014-1024.  if 8.9




      招生專業:醫學生物化學與分子生物學  1001z2。





      刪除信息請聯系 tiaoji@163.com




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