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    3. 2018年福建農林大學植物保護學院鄭文輝副教授導師組考研調劑信息

      高校名稱 福建農林大學 所在省市 福建
      調劑專業(yè) 植物病理學 是否有公費名額 未知
      發(fā)布時間 2018-02-13 截止時間 未注明





      鄭文輝,博士,副教授,碩士生導師,中國植物病理學會會員,美國植物病理學會會員,福建農林大學“金山學者”青年拔尖人才。2013-2014先后在美國德克薩斯農工大學和新加坡國立大學淡馬錫研究所訪學。曾獲福建省優(yōu)秀博士論文,先后主持福建農林大學優(yōu)博基金、植保學院特別資助基金及青年基金、中國博士后基金、國家自然科學基金青年和面上等項目。以第一作者或通訊作者(包括共同第一、共同通訊作者)在 《PLoS Genetics》、《New Phytologist》和《Environmental Microbiology》等國際知名刊物上發(fā)表SCI論文多篇。






      (1) Yakubu Saddeeq Abubakar, Wenhui Zheng*, Stefan Olsson, Jie Zhou*, Updated Insight into the Physiological and Pathological Roles of the Retromer Complex, International Journal of Molecular Science, 2017, 18(8), 1601.

      (2) Zachary Schultzhaus, Wenhui Zheng, Zonghua Wang, Rosa Mouriño-Pérez, Brian Shaw, Phospholipid flippases DnfA and DnfB exhibit differential dynamics within the A. nidulans Spitzenkörper, Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2017, 99:26~28.

      (3) Piao Yang, Yunyun Chen, Huiming Wu, Wenqin Fang, Qifu Liang, Yangling Zheng, Stefan Olsson, Dongmei Zhang, Jie Zhou, Zonghua Wang*, Wenhui Zheng*, The 5-oxoprolinase is required for conidiation, sexual reproduction, virulence and deoxynivalenol production of Fusarium graminearum. Current Genetics, 2017, 1-17.

      (4) Huawei Zheng, Zhongkun Guo, Yang Xi, Mingyue Yuan, Yahong Lin, Congxian Wu, Yakubu Saddeeq Abubakar, Xianying Dou, Guangpu Li, Zonghua Wang*, Wenhui Zheng*, Jie Zhou*, Sorting nexin (MoVps17) is required for fungal development and plant infection by regulating endosome dynamics in the rice blast fungus, Environmental Microbiology, 2017, 19: 4301–4317.


      (1) Zheng, Wenhui(#) , Zheng, Huawei(#) , Zhao, Xu(#) , Zhang, Ying, Xie, Qiurong, Lin, Xiaolian, Chen, Ahai, Yu, Wenying, Lu, Guodong, Shim, Won-Bo, Zhou, Jie, Wang, Zonghua, Retrograde trafficking from the endosome to the trans-Golgi network mediated by the retromer is required for fungal development and pathogenicity in Fusarium graminearum, New Phytologist, 2016, 210(4):1327~1343.

      (2) Xie, Qiurong(#) , Chen, Ahai (#), Zheng, Wenhui(#) , Xu, Huaijian, Shang, Wenjie, Zheng, Huawei, Zhang, Dongmei, Zhou, Jie, Lu, Guodong, Li, Guangpu, Wang, Zonghua, Endosomal sorting complexes required for transport-0 is essential for fungal development and pathogenicity in Fusarium graminearum, Environmental Microbiology, 2016,18(11):3742~3757.

      (3) Xu Zhao(#), Wenhui Zheng(#), Zhenhui Zhong, Xiaoting Chen, Airong Wang, Zonghua Wang, Genome-wide analysis of RNA-interference pathway in Brassica napus, and the expression profile of BnAGOs in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum infection. European journal of plant pathology. 2016, 146: 565. doi:10.1007/s10658-016-0942-6.

      (4) Ahai Chen , Qiurong Xie, Yahong Lin, Huaijian Xu, Wenjie Shang, Jun Zhang, Dongmei Zhang, Wenhui Zheng*, Guangpu Li*, Zonghua Wang*, Septins are involved in nuclear division, morphogenesis and pathogenicity in Fusarium graminearum, Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2016,94:79~87.


      (1) Zheng, Wenhui(#) , Zhou, Jie(#) , He, Yunlong, Xie, Qiurong, Chen, Ahai, Zheng, Huawei, Shi, Lei, Zhao, Xu, Zhang, Chengkang, Huang, Qingping, Fang, Kunhai, Lu, Guodong, Ebbole, Daniel J, Li, Guangpu, Naqvi, Naweed I,Wang, Zonghua, Retromer Is Essential for Autophagy-Dependent Plant Infection by the Rice Blast Fungus, PLoS Genetics, 2015, 11(12):e1005704

      (2) Zheng, Huawei(#), Zheng, Wenhui(#) , Wu, Congxian, Yang, Jie, Xi, Yang, Xie, Qiurong, Zhao, Xu, Deng, Xiaolong, Lu, Guodong, Li, Guangpu, Ebbole, Daniel, Zhou, Jie, Wang, Zonghua, Rab GTPases are essential for membrane trafficking-dependent growth and pathogenicity in Fusarium graminearum, Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 17(11):4580~4599.


      (1) Zheng, Wenhui(#), Zhao, Xu, Xie, Qiurong, Huang, Qingping, Zhang, Chengkang, Zhai, Huanchen, Xu, Liping, Lu, Guodong, Shim, Won-Bo, Wang, Zonghua, A conserved homeobox transcription factor Htf1 is required for phialide development and conidiogenesis in Fusarium species, PLoS One, 2012, 7(9):e45432

      (2) Zheng, Yan(#), Zheng, Wenhui(#), Lin, Fucheng, Zhang, Ying, Yi, Yunping, Wang, Baohua, Lu, Guodong, Wang, Zonghua, Wu, Weiren, AVR1-CO39 is a predominant locus governing the broad avirulence of Magnaporthe oryzae 2539 on cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.), Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2011, 24(1):13~17

      (3) Liu, Wende, Xie, Shiyong, Zhao, Xinhua, Chen, Xin, Zheng, Wenhui, Lu, Guodong, Xu, Jin-Rong, Wang, Zonghua, A homeobox gene is essential for conidiogenesis of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 2010, 23(4):366~375

      (4) Chengkang Zhang, Yang Wang, Jianqiang Wang, Zhenzhen Zhai, Lianhu Zhang, Wenhui Zheng, Wu Zheng, Wenying Yu, Jie Zhou, Guodong Lu, Won-Bo Shim, Zonghua Wang, Functional characterization of Rho family small GTPases in Fusarium graminearum, Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2013,61:90~99

      (5) 鄭文輝(#) , 趙旭, 張承康, 魯國東, 王宗華, 王愛榮, 禾谷鐮刀菌Homeobox基因結構及其演化關系分析,熱帶作物學報, 2009,(02):205~210

      (6) 趙旭, 鄭文輝, 張承康, 王愛榮, 魯國東, 王宗華, 禾谷鐮刀菌侵染擬南芥的研究, 亞熱帶農業(yè)研究, 2009,(02):111~115

      (7) 張紅紅, 鄭文輝, 駱瓊, 喬向威, 陳阿海, 余文英, 王宗華, 禾谷鐮刀菌Homeobox轉錄因子FgHtf1敲除突變體基因差異表達分析, 中國科技論, 2015,(12):1392~1397





      刪除信息請聯(lián)系 tiaoji@163.com




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