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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-09-11 相關院校:北京航空航天大學
楊軍,博士/副教授/博導,藍天新星。主要從事可靠性評估與驗證、試驗設計、質量控制與工藝可靠性等領域的研究、教學和工程應用工作,現任國際期刊《Applications and Applied Mathematics:An International Journal》、《ISRN Aerospace Engineering》與《International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》編委等,曾訪問新加坡國立大學、香港城市大學等。目前,主講研究生課2門,指導碩士研究生12名,已畢業6名,其中1名獲校級優秀碩士論文,1名獲校級優秀碩士畢業生,指導本科生畢業設計9人,其中2人獲優秀畢業設計;已出版《統計質量控制》、《可靠性數據分析》與《可靠性數據分析教程》等著作3部,參加起草國家標準3份,發表學術論文60多篇,包括22篇SCI與20余篇EI;授權國家發明專利2項;榮獲國防科學技術進步二等獎1項(2010年)與北航藍天新星(科研類)以及北航教學成果三等獎;已主持完成國防技術基礎2項、國家自然科學基金1項、領航創新基金1項;參與國家自然科學基金1項、總裝預先研究3項、技術基礎3項,同時參與多項工程科研課題的研究。
·2013年8月至2014年8月,訪問香港城市大學,Research Fellow;
·2008年11月至2009年3月,訪問新加坡國立大學,Research Fellow;
·期刊《Applications and Applied Mathematics:An International Journal》(AAM)編委(2010-)
·期刊《ISRN Aerospace Engineering》編委(2013.2-)
·期刊《International Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》(IJAAMM)編委(2013.9-)
[1]Yang Jun*, Gang Tingting, Cheng Yuan, Xie Min. Process capability indices based on the highest density interval, Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Accepted,2014(SCI)
[2]Zhai, Q., L. Xing, R. Peng and J. Yang. Multi-valued decision diagram-based reliability analysis of k-out-of-n cold standby systems subject to scheduled backups. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. Accepted,2015(SCI)
[3]Yang Jun*, Huan Yu, Cheng Yuan, Xie Min.Design of Gamma charts based on average time to signal, Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Accepted,2015(SCI)
[1]Yang Jun*, Yu Huan, Cheng Yuan, Xie Min. Design of exponential control charts based on average time to signal using a sequential sampling scheme, International Journal of Production Research. 53(7): 2131-2145, 2015(SCI)
[2]Qingqing Zhai, Jun Yang*, Rui Peng, Yu Zhao. A study of optimal component order in a general 1-out-of-n warm standby system. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 64(1):349-358.,2015(SCI)
[3]楊軍,彎夢雅,費思邈,趙宇. 一種功能解析和機理分析的故障判據確定方法,國家發明專利,專利號:201310196622.1,2015。
[1]Rui Peng, Qingqing Zhai, LiudongXing, JunYang. Reliability of demand-based phased-mission systems subject to fault level coverage.Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 121:18–25,2014(SCI)
[2]Zhai qingqing, Peng rui, Xing liudong, Yang Jun. Reliability of demand-based warm standby systems subject to fault level coverage,Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. Published online, DOI:10.1002/asmb.2010, 2014(SCI)
[3]Liu Zhenyu, Ma Xiaobing*,Jun Yang,Zhao Yu. "Reliability Modeling for Systems with Multiple Degradation Processes Using Inverse Gaussian Process and Copulas," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2014, Article ID 829597, 10 pages, 2014(SCI)
[4]Qingqing Zhai, Jun Yang*, Min Xie, Yu Zhao. Generalized moment-independent importance measures based on Minkowski Distance, European Journal of Operational Research, 239: 449-455, 2014(SCI)
[5]]Qingqing Zhai, Jun Yang*, Yu Zhao.Space-partition method for the variance-based sensitivity analysis: optimal partition scheme and comparative study, Reliability Engineering & System Safety,131:66-82, 2014(SCI)
[6]Huan Yu, Jun Yang*, Huadong Mo. Reliability Analysis of Repairable Multi-State System with Common Bus Performance Sharing, Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 132: 90-96,2014(SCI)
[1]RUI PENG,QINGQING ZHAI, LIUDONG XING and JUN YANG. Reliability of 1-out-of-(n+1) Warm Standby Systems Subject to Fault Level Coverage,International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol.9(1):117-120, 2013(EI)
[2]Yinsheng Yang, Changqing Guo, Yun Cheng, Jun Yang. Application of DEA-DA Model and Method on Quality Control in Production Process, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 300-301:1529-1532, 2013(EI)
[3]Ting-ting Gang, Jun Yang*, Yu Zhao. Multivariate Control Chart Based on the Highest Possibility Region, Journal of Applied Statistics,Vol. 40, No.8, 1673–1681,2013(SCI)
[4]Jun Yang,Tingting Gang,Yu Zhao. Availability of a periodically inspected system maintained through several minimal repairs before a replacement or a perfect repair,Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 741275, 6 pages,http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/741275.(SCI)
[5]王宗仁,楊軍,陳宇,張衛方. 載荷對高溫合金GH4169/K417間接觸熱導影響研究[J]. 稀有金屬材料與工程. Vol.42, No.5,1033-1037.(SCI)
[6]Qingqing Zhai, Rui Peng, Liudong Xing and Jun Yang. Binary decision diagram-based reliability evaluation of k-out-of-(n+k) warm standby systems subject to fault level coverage.Journal of Risk and Reliability,227(5) 540–548,2013(SCI)
[7]Shen Lijuan, Yang Jun*, Zhao Yu. Simultaneous Optimization of Robust Parameter and Tolerance Design based on Generalized Linear Models, Quality and Reliability Engineering International,29:1107-1115,2013(SCI)
[8]Jin Qin, Jun Yang, Yanwu Guo,Le Li and Rui Peng. Reliability of Circular Consecutively Connected Systems. International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol.9(4):462-464, 2013(EI)
[9]Wang Zongren, Yang Jun, Wang Shuang, Zhang Weifang. Compensation Heating Technology for Experimental Investigation of thermal contact conductance across GH4169/K417 interface[J]. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 42(8): 1572-1575,2013(SCI)
[1]楊軍,丁文興,馬小兵,趙宇 編著. 統計質量控制[M],中國質檢出版社/中國標準出版社,2012
[2]Gang Tingting, Yang Jun, Zhao Yu. Study of variation equivalence in machining process,Advanced Materials Research, vol:468-471, pp:1257-1261, 2012, Automation Equipment and Systems.(EI:20121414929102)
[3]Wang Zongren,Yang Jun,Chen Yu,Zhang Weifang. Experimental study of thermal contact conductance across solid/solid interface. Advanced Materials Research, vol: 503-504, pp:1082-1085, 2012, Frontiers of Manufacturing Science and Measuring Technology II.(EI:20122015019136)
[4]Wang Zongren, Yang Jun, Yang Ming-yuan, Zhang Weifang. Investigation on Thermal Contact Conductance Based on Data Analysis Method of Reliability [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,Vol.25 (5): 791-795 ,2012(SCI)
[5]Zongren WANG, Jun YANG, Mingyuan YANG and Weifang ZHANG. Experimental Study of Thermal Contact Conductance Based on Heat Transfer Theory with Variable Thermal Conductivity [J]. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol:40(4):677-681,2012.7(SCI)
[6]Jin Qin, Jun Yang. A new goodness-of-fit test for grouped data. Advanced Materials Research.Vol569,pp:455-460,2012(EI)
[7]Jun Yang, Xin Zhang. Zero-inflated Poisson model with grouped data, Advanced Materials Research. Vol.569,pp:627-631,2012(EI)
[8] Tingting Gang, Jun Yang*, Qing Gao, Yu Zhao and Jianbin Qiu. A Fuzzy Approach to Robust Control of Stochastic Non-Affine Nonlinear Systems,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol:2012(12), Article ID 439805, 17 pages.(SCI)
[9]孫旭,李翀,楊印生,楊軍. 基于網絡DEA方法的機械產品生產過程效率測度,吉林大學學報,42(Sup.1):484-488,2012
[10]Yinsheng Yang, Changqing Guo, Yun Cheng, Jun Yang. Research on Production Quality Control and Efficiency Measurement Based on DEA-Benchmark Model, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 190-191:151-155, 2012
[1]趙宇,楊軍,馬小兵編著. 可靠性數據分析[M],國防工業出版社,2011
[2]申麗娟,楊軍,趙宇. 基于方差傳遞模型的飛機蒙皮拉形工藝穩健設計,機械工業學報(EI),47(1):145-151,2011
[3]Jun Yang, Min Xie, Thong Ngee Goh. Outlier identification and robust parameter estimation of Zero-inflated Poisson model, Journal of Applied Statistics,38(02), pp:421-430,2011(SCI, DOI: 10.1080/02664760903456426)
[4]Jun Yang, Min Xie, Thong Ngee Goh. Control Limits Based on the Narrowest Confidence Interval, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 40(12):2172-2181(SCI, DOI: 10.1080/03610921003746685)
[5]申麗娟,楊軍,趙宇. 基于噪聲分布等分位點和均勻設計的外表設計,機械工業學報(EI),47(4):192-198,(EI:20111413898000)
[6]李進,趙宇,李文釗,楊軍. 基于權重系數的液體火箭發動機可靠性驗證方案,航空動力學報,26(4):931-934,(EI:20112714112338)
[7]Shen lijuan, Yang Jun, Zhao Yu. An Integration Design Optimization Framework of Robust Design, Axiomatic Design and Reliability-based Design, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 27(7):959-968.(SCI,DOI: 10.1002/qre.1188)
[8] Xu, Jiangnan; Yang, Jun; Li, Tao; Li, Dayu.The method of area selection for lunar landing based on the indicators of area risk assessment,ICRMS'2011,June 12-15, 2011, (EI:20113714317625)
[9] Fei, Simiao; Zhao, Yu; Yang, Jun; Huo, Lin.Delaunay Triangulation-based hazard area avoidance for spacecraft safe landing,Applied Mechanics and Materials,44-47:3721-3725,2011,(EI: 20110313586517)
[10]Li, Dayu;Yang, Jun; Li, Ming; Zhang, Xin. Control chart based on middle mean for fine manufacturing process, Advanced Materials Research, 339(1):406-410, 2011(EI: 20114114410049)
[1]Shen Lijuan, Zhao Yu, Yang Jun. Mean square error criteria to multiple quality characteristics robust design by the weighted Tchebycheff method, Advanced Materials Research, Vols.118-120(2010), pp:881-884(EI, )
[2] 李濤,楊軍. 月球探測器安全著陸風險評估研究,中國航空學會可靠性工程分會第十二屆學術年會論文集,2010
[3]Li Jin, Gang Tingting, Yang Jun. Fusion Method of Reliability Assessment Results Based on Comentropy,3rd International Institute of Statistics and Management Engineering Symposium, 2010.07, pp 726-729, Weihai.(ISTP)
[1]Yang Jun, Zou Guohua, Zhao Yu. Two Noniterative Algorithms for Computing Posteriors[J], Computational Statistics,23:443-453,2008(SCI)