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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-08-12 相關院校:北京航空航天大學
主要研究方向及特色:香江學者,Electronic Commerce Research國際期刊編審,香港城市大學資訊系統博士。研究方向:物聯網與商務智能、知識和創新管理、旅游信息化等。講授《信息系統理論與方法》、《離散數學》、《項目管理》等課程。主持國家自然科學基金、香港研究資助局項目、北京自然科學基金、北京社會科學基金、航空科學基金等十余項。國際合作廣泛,與美國、歐洲、新加坡及中國香港的諸多信息系統領域知名學者建立了很好的學術關系。發表SCI/SSCI收錄等國際知名期刊發表論文10余篇,國際頂級會議和國內核心期刊論文近40篇。
香江學者,Electronic Commerce Research 國際期刊編審,香港城市大學資訊系統博士。
研究方向:物聯網與商務智能、知識和創新管理、旅游信息化等。講授《信息系統理論與方法》、《離散數學》、《項目管理》等課程。主持國家自然科學基金、香港研究資助局項目、北京自然科學基金、北京社會科學基金、航空科學基金等十余項。國際合作廣泛,與美國、歐洲、新加坡及中國香港的諸多信息系統領域知名學者建立了很好的學術關系。在Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Decision Support Systems, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering等國際知名期刊發表論文10余篇,International Conference on Information Systems, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences、Americas Conference on Information Systems, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems等國際頂級會議上發文近20余篇,國內核心期刊論文近20篇。
2. 教學情況
3. 發表學術論文情況
[1]Du, H.S., Hao, J.-X., Kwok, R.C.-W., and Wagner, C., Can a lean medium enhance large-group communication? Examining the impact of interactive mobile learning. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2010. 61(10): pp. 2122-2137. (SCI/SSCI收錄)
[2]Hao, J.-X., Kwok, R.C.-W., Lau, R.Y.-K., and Yu, A.Y., Predicting problem-solving performance using concept map: An Information-Theoretic Approach. Decision Support Systems, 2010. 48(4): pp. 613-621. (SCI收錄)
[3]Yu, A.Y., Hao, J.-X., Dong, X.Y., and Khalifa, M. Revisiting the effect of social capital on knowledge sharing in work teams: A multilevel approach. in Proceedings of Thirty-First International Conferences on Information Systems. 2010. Saint Louis, USA.(最佳論文提名獎)
[4]Wang, G., Hao, J.-X., Ma, J., and Jiang, H.B., A comparative assessment of ensemble learning for credit scoring. Expert Systems with Applications, 2011. 38(1): pp. 223-230. (SCI收錄)
[5]Wang, G., Hao, J.-X., Ma, J., and Huang, L.H., A new approach to intrusion detection using Artificial Neural Networks and fuzzy clustering. Expert Systems with Applications, 2010. 37(9): pp. 6225-6232. (SCI收錄)
[6]Lau, R.Y.-K., Song, D., Li, Y., Cheung, T., and Hao, J.-X., Toward a fuzzy domain ontology extraction method for adaptive e-Learning. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2009. 21(6): pp. 800-813. (SCI收錄)
[7]Pong, J., Kwok, R.C.-W., Lau, R.Y.-K., Hao, J.-X., and Wong, P., A comparative study of two automatic web document classification methods in a library setting. Journal of Information Science, 2008. 34(2): pp. 213-230.(SCI收錄)
[8]馬費成,郝金星.概念地圖在知識表示和知識評價中的應用(Ⅰ)——概念地圖的基本內涵.中國圖書館學報,2006(3): 5-9.
[9]馬費成,郝金星.概念地圖在知識表示與知識評價中的應用(Ⅱ)——概念地圖作為知識評價的工具及其研究框架.中國圖書館學報,2006(4): 22-27.
[10]馬費成,郝金星.概念地圖及其結構分析在知識評價中的應用(Ⅲ):實證研究.中國圖書館學報,2006(5): 9-16.
[11]郝金星.信息價值測度的注意力模型.情報學報,2003(5): 618-626.
[12]Hao, J.-X., Yu, A.Y., and Kwok, R.C.-W. A semantic analysis method for concept map-based knowledge modeling. in Proceedings of 2010 International Conferences on E-Business Intelligence. 2010. Kunming, China.
[13]Xu, Y., Chang, Z., Lin, J., Ma, J., Hao, J.-X., and Zhao, D. Network based approach for discovering academic researchers with shared interests. in 1st International Conference on E-Business and E-Government. 2010. Guangzhou, China.
[14]Xu, Y., Hao, J.-X., Lau, R.Y.K., Ma, J., Xu, W., and Zhao, D. A Personalized Researcher Recommendation Approach in Academic Contexts: Combining Social Networks and Semantic Concepts Analysis. in Proceedings of the 14th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). 2010.
[15]Xu, Y., Ma, J., Sun, Y., Hao, J.-X., Sun, Y., and Zhao, Y. Using social network analysis as strategy for e-commerce recommendation. in Proceedings of the 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS). 2009.
[16]Hao, J.-X., Kwok, R.C.-W., and Lau, R.Y.-K. Predicting problem-solving performance using concept map. in Proceedings of the Eleventh Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. 2007. Auckland, New Zealand.
[17]Lau, R.Y.-K., Hao, J.-X., Tang, M., and Zhou, X. Towards context-sensitive domain ontology extraction. in Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2007. Big Island, HI, USA.