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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-29 相關院校:蘭州大學
姓 名:陳根
Name:Chen Gen
職 務:副教授
Duty: Associate Professor
1.Research of Model organism Caenorhabditis elegans as infective model.
2.Research of molecule epidemiology and control of Kala-azar, echinococcosis, and Helicobacter pylori infection.
3.Study on direct nematode as biological indicator.
4.Study on Antibacterial material and drug.
honors and awards:
Won the third grade Award of the Technology Advancement of Gansu Province in 2008。
陳根,男,陜西省漢陰人。博士,蘭州大學病原生物學研究所,副教授,碩士生導師。1998年7月于蘭州醫學院預防醫學專業本科畢業;2002年6月獲得蘭州醫學院病原生物學專業碩士學位,同年留校;從事醫學各專業《人體寄生蟲學》和《醫學微生物學》的理論和實驗教學工作。2009年6月獲得蘭州大學動物學專業博士學位。目前主要從事有關模式生物秀麗隱桿線蟲(Caenorhabditis elegans,C. elegans)、黑熱病、腸道線蟲感染、包蟲病和幽門螺桿菌等分子生物學、致病機制、遺傳學和流行病學的研究工作。
2001-2005年參與NIH合作項目《parasitc zoonosis transmission in China》,承擔包蟲病的流行與防治研究。
2008年參與自然科學基金項目《黃河灌溉區濕地污水處理系統的建立及農業生態恢復研究》(No. 30770390),主要對土壤生物線蟲多樣性進行調查研究。2008年參與甘肅省自然科學基金項目《河西走廊的高鎳環境對幽門螺桿菌致病性及尿素酶遺傳特性的影響》(No. 0803RJZA073),承擔幽門螺桿菌的實驗研究。
Chen Gen, male, Phd,born from Hanyin County, Shaanxi Province, is associate professor and master tutor of Institute of Pathogenic Biology in Lanzhou University. Chen Gen majored Preventive medicine and graduated from Lanzhou Medical College in 1998 June. He majored Pathogenic Biology and received master's degree form Lanzhou Medical College in 2002 June, and stayed Pathogenic Biology Research Institute as a teacher in the same year the school. He has teached two courses (including human parasitology and medical microbiology) for all medical specialties students. He majored Zoology in Lanzhou University and received Phd. In 2009 June. At present, he mainly engaged in molecular biology, pathogenesis, genetics and epidemiology research disease of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, kala-azar, intestinal nematode infection, hydatid and Helicobacter pylori et al.
In 2001-2005, Chen Gen participated in NIH project “parasitc zoonosis transmission in China", and undertaked hydatid disease prevalence and prevention research.
In 2008, he participated in Natural Science Fund project "Research on building wetland sewage treatment system in the Yellow River irrigation area and agricultural ecological restoration " ( No. 30770390 ), mainly on the biological soil nematode diversity research.
In 2008,he participated in Gansu Province Natural Science Fund Project “Research on Helicobacter pylori pathogenicity and genetic characteristics of urease effect in high nickel environment of Hexi Corridor " ( No . 0803RJZA073 ), mainly on experimental study of Helicobacter pylori.
In 2010, he presided over Free Exploration Project of The Central Universities Basic Scientific Research Expenses "research on intestinal lactobacillus affecting nematode Caenorhabditis elegans aging mechanism" ( No. lzujbky-2010-124 ), and undertaked Caenorhabditis elegans as a model organism for the study of the mechanisms of aging.
In 2010, he participated in Gansu Province Natural Science Fund project "Antihydatid effects and toxicity studies of albendazole sulfoxide and its enantiomers" ( No. 1010RJZA103 ), and undertaked hydatid animal experimental study.
In 2011, he presided over the National Natural Science Foundation project "Research on Caenorhabditis elegans as model for the study of parasite resistance ( No. 31172174 ), and was responsible for the design, execution and completion of this project.
In 2011, he participated in two National Natural Science Foundation "research of based on the visualization of complex bandwidth focal ultrasound induction and target control of drug treatment for hepatic hydatid cyst and its mechanism of action" ( No.81171632 ), and "research on environment process and ecology effect of combined pollution in the upper reaches of the Yellow River agriculture ecological system" ( No.41171391 ).
In 2011, he presided over the Spring plan of Ministry of Education "Transmission risk assessment research of leishmaniasis in Gansu province Longnan region" ( No.Z2010083 ), responsible for the design, execution and completion.
Chen Gen has published more than 20 papers, and took part in writing 1 teaching book.
1. Gen Chen, Jie Qin, Dazhong Shi, Yingmei Zhang, Weihong Ji. Diversity of Soil Nematodes in Areas Polluted with Heavy Metalsand Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lanzhou,China. Environmental Management, 2009, 44: 163–172
2. 陳根, 劉海軍, 劉婷, 包根書, 韓儉, 景濤, 周偉. “5·12”地震前后隴南市蟲媒傳染病流行病學分析. 中國媒介生物學及控制雜志, 2011, 22(4):385-387.
CHEN Gen, LIU Hai-jun, LIU Ting, BAO Gen-shu, HAN Jian, JING Tao, ZHOU Wei, Epidemiological analysis of insect-borne diseases before and after May 12 Earthquake in Longnan, Gansu, China. Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control, 2011, 22(4):385-387.
3. 陳根, 包根書, 韓儉, 景濤. 甘肅省瑪曲縣高原鼠兔肝毛細線蟲感染的調查, 中國病原生物學雜志, 2011, 6(3): 215-216.
CHEN Gen; BAO Gen-shu; HAN Jian; JING Tao. Infection of Capillaria hepatica in Ochotona curzoniae in Maqu County,Gansu Province,China. Journal of Pathogen Biology(in Chinese), 2011, 6(3): 215-216.
4. 陳根, 南克祎, 趙宗國, 劉海軍, 包根書, 韓儉, 姜雯雯, 景濤, 史大中. “5.12”地震對甘肅災區人群常見衛生習慣、腹瀉和兒童腸道蠕蟲感染的影響[J]. 中國病原生物學雜志, 2010, (11): 附頁4-5.
CHEN Gen; NAN Ke-wei; ZHAO Zong-guo; et al. Influence of a "5.12" earthquake on sanitary habits,diarrhea,and intestinal worm infection of children in rural populations of the Wudu area of Gansu Province. Journal of Pathogen Biology(in Chinese), 2010, (11): appendix page 4-5.
5. 田婷,馮楠, 胡曉梅, 李鐵錚, 南偉, 陳根(通訊作者). Wistar 大鼠缺鐵性貧血模型的建立. 當代醫學, 2011, 17(35): 41-42
TIAN Ting, FENG Nan, HU Xiao-Mei, LI Tie-Zhen, NAN Wei, CHEN Gen*. Wistar rat iron-deficiency anemia model. Contemporary Medicine(in Chinese), 2011, 17(35): 41-42
6. 梁曉萍, 張麗秀, 張多強, 張建芳, 張娟, 羅曉慧, 羅榮, 陳根, 韓儉. 河西走廊中段地區上消化道疾病患者幽門螺桿菌感染狀況. 中國病原生物學雜志. 2011, 6(4): 257-259
LIANG Xiao-ping, ZHANG Li-xiu, ZHANG Duo-qiang, ZHANG Jian-fang, ZHANG Juan, LUO Xiao-hui, LUO Rong, CHEN Gen, HAN Jian. The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection among patients with an upper gastrointestinal tract disease in the middle of the Hexi Corridor. Journal of Pathogen Biology(in Chinese), 2011, 6(4): 257-259
7. 蔣次鵬, 陳根. 包蟲病(棘球絳蟲病)臨床分類的探討[J]. 國際醫學寄生蟲病雜志. 2010, 37(4): 212-216
JIANG Ci-peng, CHEN Gen. An approach to clinical taxonomy of liver echinococcosis. International Journal Of Medical Parasitic Diseases, 2010, 37(4): 212-216
8. 王競秋, 尹少甫, 強堯生, 景濤, 陳根, 韓儉. 蘭州地區人群血清幽門螺桿菌致病因子抗體與上消化道疾病的關系. 中國病原生物學雜志, 2010, (11): 815-817.
WANG Jing-qiu, YIN Shao-fu, QIANG Yao-sheng, JING Tao, 4; CHEN Gen, HAN Jian. 4 Study on the relationship between antibodies to Helicobacter pylori virulence factors and upper GI tract disease. Journal of Pathogen Biology(in Chinese),
9. 焦志剛, 李玉華, 張富花, 陳根, 景濤, 韓儉. 武威市農村居民HAV及HBV感染狀況分析. 中國公共衛生, 2009, 25(5): 620-621.
JIAO Zhi-gang, LI Yu-hua, ZHANG Fu-hua, CHEN Gen, et al. Prevalence of HAV and HBV among rural people of Wuwei area,Gansu province. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2009, 25(5): 620-621.
10. 王軼, 王琪, 陳根, 包根書, 史大中. 川芎嗪和阿苯達唑聯合治療小鼠繼發性泡球蚴病的療效觀察.中國病原生物學雜志,2008,3(6):443-446.
WANG Yi, WANG Qi, CHEN Gen, BAO Gen-shu, SHi Da-zhong. Effect of tetramethylpyrazine combined with albendazole on the secondary Alveolar echinococcosis in mice