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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-25 相關院校:蘭州大學
姓 名 | 管清玉 | ![]() |
性 別 | 男 | ||
最高學歷 | 研究生 | ||
最高學位 | 博士 | ||
職 務 | |||
職 稱 | 教授、博士生導師 | ||
聯系方式 | guanqy@lzu.edu.cn | ||
所在部門 | 資源環境學院環境工程研究所 | ||
研究方向 | 大氣顆粒物與干旱區環境;第四紀沉積與環境;土壤環境生物地球化學循環過程 | ||
學習經歷 | |||
工作經歷 | |||
主講課程 | |||
學術組織兼職 | |||
研究成果 | |||
獲得榮譽 |
1. 2005年獲蘭州大學教學成果一等獎(4/5)
2. 2006年獲蘭州大學首屆 “最受學生愛戴的教師”
3. 2次(2004-2005年、2005-2006年)榮獲蘭州大學“優秀班主任”
4. 榮獲蘭州大學2007年度“隆基青年教師教學新秀獎”
5. 2007~2011以及2013年6次年終考核“優秀”。
6. 2008年獲甘肅省自然科學二等獎(3/5)
7. 2010年所參與的《地貌學》課程榮獲“國家精品課程”(4/10)
8. 榮獲西部環境教育部重點實驗室2010年度“西部環境獎——青年教師創新獎”
9. 2011年入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”
10. 榮獲2011年度、2012年度蘭州大學創新創業行動計劃“優秀指導教師”
11. 榮獲蘭州大學2011年度“隆基中青年教師教學骨干獎”
12. 2013年被寶鋼教育基金會授予“寶鋼優秀教師獎”。
在研項目 | 現主持一項國家自然科學基金、一項教育部新世紀優秀人才基金,一項中央高;究蒲袠I務費專項資金(重點項目),作為主要成員參與一項“973”課題、一項國家自然科學基金重點項目。主持過一項國家自然科學基金、一項甘肅省自然科學基金、一項中央高;究蒲袠I務費專項資金,作為主要成員參與過多項國家自然科學基金、省部級基金及“973”課題。 | ||
發表論文 |
2. 2. Guan, Q.Y., Wang, L.J., Wang, L., Pan, B.T., Zhao, S.L., Zheng, Y., 2014. Analysis of trace elements (heavy-metal-based) in the surface soils of a desert-loess transitional zone in the south of the Tengger Desert. Environment Earth Sciences, 72(8), 3015-3023.(SCI-4)
3. 3.Pan, B.T., Guan, Q.Y.*( 通訊作者), Gao, H.S., Guan, D.S., Liu, F.L., Li, Z.M., Su, H., 2014. The origin and sources of loess-like sediment in the JinshaRiverValley, southwest China. Boreas, 43, 121-131. (SCI-2)
4. 4.Guan, Q.Y., Zhang, J.D., Wang, L.J., Pan, B.T., Gui, H.J., Zhang, C., 2013. Discussion of the relationship between dustfall grain size and the desert border, taking the southern border of the Tengger Desert and the southern dust deposit area as an example. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386, 1-7. (SCI-2)
5. 5.Guan, Q.Y., Wang, L.J., Gui, H.J., Pan, B.T., Zhang, J.D., 2013. The relationship between modern meteorological elements and the southern border of the TenggerDesert. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 112, 461-467. (SCI-3)
6. 6.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Yang, J., Wang, L.J., Zhao, S.L., Gui, H.J., 2013. The processes and mechanisms of severe sandstorm development in the eastern Hexi Corridor China, during the Last Glacial period. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62, 769-775. (SCI-3)
7. 7.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Zhang, J.D., Xue, L.J., 2011. Timing and significance of the initiation of present day deserts in the northeastern Hexi Corridor, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 306, 70-74. (SCI-2)
8. 8.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Hu, Z.B., Gao, H.S., Xu, S.J., Wang, Y., 2010. An indicator of sand storms in the south of the Tengger Desert. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102, 197-203. (SCI-3)
9. 9.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Zhang, J.D., Xu, S.J., Gao, H.S., Liu, J., 2010. Loess record of the evolution history of severe sandstorms in the TenggerDesert during the Last Interglacial Period (MIS5). Geosciences Journal, 14(2), 155-162. (SCI-4)
10. 10.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Zhang, J.D., Gao, H.S., Liu, J., 2010. Pattern of abrupt climatic fluctuation in the East Asian Monsoon during the last glacial: evidence from Chinese loess records. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 342(3), 189-196. (SCI-3)
11. 11.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Li, Q., Zhang, J.D., Gao, H.S., Liu, J., 2010. A warming interval during the MIS 5a/4 transition in two high-resolution loess sections from China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 38, 255-261. (SCI-3)
12. 12. Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Li, N., Gao. H.S., Li, Q., Yang, X.Y., 2009. Differences among sub-orbital time scale events recorded in two high-resolution loess sections, China, during the last deglaciation. Quaternary International, 198, 246-254. (SCI-3)
13. 13.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Gao. H.S., Li, N., Zhang, H., Wang, J.P., 2008. Geochemical evidence of the Chinese loess provenance during the Late Pleistocene. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 270, 53-58. (SCI-2)
14. 14.Guan, Q.Y., Pan, B.T., Gao, H.S., Li, B.Y., Wang, J.P., Su, H., 2007. Instability characteristics of the East Asian Monsoon recorded by high-resolution loess sections from the last interglacial (MIS5). Science in China (Series D), 50 (7), 1067-1075. (SCI-4 & EI).