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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-25 相關院校:蘭州大學
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性 別
職 稱
Email: ghdong@lzu.edu.cn; Tel: 13679419146
1995.9-1999.7 東北農業大學土壤與農業化學專業學士生,獲學士學位。
1999.9-2002.7 中國科學院沈陽應用生態所土壤學專業碩士生,獲碩士學位。
2002.9-2005.6 北京大學自然地理專業博士生,獲博士學位。
2005.7-2009.5 蘭州大學資源環境學院、西部環境與氣候變化研究院講師。
2009.5-2014.4 蘭州大學西部環境與氣候變化研究院副教授。
2014.5- 蘭州大學西部環境與氣候變化研究院、資源環境學院教授、博士生導師。
2006.2-2007.2 教育部科學技術司借調,從事科技行政管理工作。
2014.2-2014.3 劍橋大學李約瑟研究所訪問學者。
主要從事西北地區環境考古研究和史前時代農業傳播與東西方文化交流研究。從地球科學和考古學的交叉學科角度,針對環境考古領域前沿科學問題,開展了大量扎實的、原創性的研究工作。近年來在史前人類向青藏高原擴散的過程與動力、甘青地區新石器-青銅時代文化演化與氣候變化,以及黃河上游史前災害的過程與機制等方面取得了較突出的研究成果。近5年(2010-2015)總共發表文章23篇,含被SCI和SSCI收錄文章17篇, 其中以第一作者和通訊作者在Science、Journal of Archaeological Science、Quaternary Research等國際著名學術期刊發表文章13篇。研究成果和進展被數十家國內外知名媒體進行報道,產生了較廣泛的影響。
成果連接https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Guanghui_Dong/publications/ |
1. 董廣輝,2013.1-2016.12,青藏高原東北緣青銅時代人類定居的時空過程及影響因素研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,批準號:41271218,80萬,主持。
2. 董廣輝,2011.1-2013.12,湟水、洮河流域與渭河上游馬家窯和齊家文化時空演變過程與環境動力研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,批準號:41072123,47萬,主持。
3. 董廣輝,2007.1-2009.12,河湟谷地齊家文化前后人地關系演變的過程與機制,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,批準號:40601094,25萬,主持。
4. 陳發虎,董廣輝(執行人),2011.1-2015.12,甘青文化區旱作農業起源與傳播,中國科學院戰略性先導科技專項子課題,批準號(XDA05130601),120萬;
5. 陳發虎等, 2010.6.1-2011.12.31,西風區氣候環境變化的特征與機制,全球變化研究重大科學研究計劃項目(納入國家重點基礎研究發展計劃)課題,批準號:2010CB950202,董廣輝(參與人),30萬;
6. 陳發虎,2006.1-2010.12,西部環境變化創新引智基地,國家外專局/教育部學科創新引智創新計劃,項目編號:B06026,1800萬,董廣輝(管理人)。
1. Chen, F. H*., Dong, G. H*., Zhang, D. J., Liu, X. Y., Jia, X., An, C. B., Ma, M.M., Xie, Y. W., Barton, L., Ren, X. Y., Zhao, Z. J., Wu, X. H., Jones, M. K., 2015. Agriculture facilitated permanent human occupation of the Tibetan Plateau after 3600 BP. Science, 347, 248-250.(SCI)
2. Dong, G., Jia, X., An, C., Chen, F., Zhao, Y., Tao, S., Ma, M., 2012. Mid-Holocene climate change and its effect on prehistoric cultural evolution in eastern Qinghai Province, China, Quaternary Research, 77: 23-30.(SCI)
3. Dong Guanghui, Jia Xin, Elston Robert, Chen Fahu, Li Shuicheng, Wang Lin, Cai Linhai, An Chengbang., 2013. Spatial and temporal variety of prehistoric sites and its influencing factors in the upper Yellow River valley, Qinghai Province, China. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 2538-2546. (SCI、SSCI和A&HCI共同收錄)
4. Jia, X., Dong, G*., Li, H., Brunson, K., Chen, F., Ma, M., Wang, H., An, C., Zhang, K., 2013. The development of Agriculture and its impact on cultural expansion during the late Neolithic in the Western Loess Plateau, China. The Holocene. 23, 83-90.(SCI )
5. Dong, G., Yang, Y., Zhao, Y., Zhou, A., Zhang, X., Li, X., Chen, F., 2012. Human settlement and human-environment interactions during the historical period in Zhuanglang County, western Loess Plateau, China. Quaternary International. 281, 78-83.(SCI )
6. Dong G H, Zhang F Y, Ma M M, Fan, X Y., Wang, Z L., Zhang, J W., Chen, F., 2014. Ancient landslide-dam events in the Jishi Gorge in the Guanting Basin in the upper Yellow River valley, China. Quaternary Research,81,445-451. (SCI)
7. Ma, M.M., Dong, G.H*., Robert, E., Meng, X.M., Chen, F.H., 2014. Process of paleofloods in Guanting basin, Qinghai Province, China and possible relation to monsoon strength during the mid-Holocene. Quaternary International, 321, 88-96. (SCI)
8. Dong G H, Wang L, Cui Y F, Robert E, Chen F H.,2013. The spatiotemporal pattern of the Majiayao cultural evolution and its relation to climate change and variety of subsistence strategy during late Neolithic period in Gansu and Qinghai Provinces, northwest China. Quaternary International. 316, 155-161. (SCI )
9. Dong G H, Wang Z L, Ren L L, Matuzeviciute G M, Wang H, Ren X Y, Chen F H., 2014. A comparative study of radiocarbon dating charcoal and charred seeds from the same flotation samples in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in the Gansu and Qinghai Provinces, northwest China. Radiocarbon, 56, 157-163. (SCI)
10. Ma, M.M., Dong, G.H*, Lightfoot, E., Wang, H., Liu, X.Y., Jia, X., Zhang, K.R., Chen, F.H., 2014. Stable Isotope Analysis of Human and Faunal Remains in the Western Loess Plateau, Gansu, China, approximately 4000 Cal BP. Archaeometry, 56 Suppl, 237–255. (SCI和A&HCI共同收錄)
11. Li, G.Q., Dong, G.H*., Wen, L.J., Chen, F., 2014. Overbank flooding and human occupation of the Shalongka site in the Upper Yellow River Valley, northeast Tibet Plateau in relation to climate change since the last deglaciation. Quaternary Research,82,354-365. (SCI )
12. Ren, L.L., Wang, Y.R., Li, G.Q., Li, Q.L., Ma, Z.T., Dong, G.H*., 2015. Discovery of a tiger (Panthera tigris (L.)) skeleton from the Little Ice Age buried on the shore of Qinghai Lake, northeast Tibet Plateau. Quaternary International, 355, 145-152.(SCI)
13. Ma, M., Dong, G*., Liu X., Lightfoot, E., Chen, F., Wang, H., Li, H., Jones, M.. Stable isotope analysis of human and faunal remains at Qijiaping site in middle Gansu, China. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, doi: 10.1002/oa. 2379. 2013. (SSCI和A&HCI共同收錄)
14. 董廣輝, 2013。甘青地區新石器文化演化及其環境動力研究及問題與展望。海洋地質與第四紀地質。33(4): 67-75. (CSCD)