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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網(wǎng) 2015-07-14 相關院校:華中農業(yè)大學
1999.9-2003.6 華中農業(yè)大學生命科學與技術學院 生物技術專業(yè) 本科
2002.9-2009.6 華中農業(yè)大學作物遺傳改良國家重點實驗室 生化與分子生物學專業(yè) 博士
1. 基因OsGS1;2在提高水稻對除草劑Basta抗性中的用途;發(fā)明人:蔡紅梅,練興明,張啟發(fā);公開號:CN101381732
2. 農作物根系動態(tài)觀察試驗裝置;發(fā)明人:石磊、袁盼、張瑛、丁廣大、蔡紅梅、徐芳森;專利號:ZL 2013 2 0482649.2
1. Haixing Li, Aili Bao, Zhijun Liang, Hongmei Cai*. The effect of glutamine on growth and carbon-nitrogen metabolism in Oryza sativa ev Japonica. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2015, accepted.
2. Aili Bao, Zhuqing Zhao, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu, Hongmei Cai*. The stable level of glutamine synthetase 2 plays an important role in rice growth and in carbon-nitrogen metabolic balance. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, accepted.
3. Aili Bao, Zhijun Liang, Zhuqing Zhao, Hongmei Cai*. Overexpressing of OsAMT1-3, a high affinity ammonium transporter gene, modifies rice growth and carbon-nitrogen metabolic status. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16: 9037-9063.
4. Jie Ma, Hongmei Cai, Congwu He, Wenjun Zhang, Lijun Wang*. A hemicellulose-bound form of silicon inhibits cadmium ion uptake in rice (Oryza sativa) cells. New Phytologist, 2015, 206: 1063-1074.
5. Aili Bao, Zhuqing Zhao, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu, Hongmei Cai*. Accumulated expression level of cytosolic glutamine synthetase 1 gene (OsGS1;1 or OsGS1;2) alter plant development and the carbon-nitrogen metabolic status in rice. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(4): e95581.
6. Gaili Wang, Guangda Ding, Liang Li, Hongmei Cai, Xiangsheng Ye, Jun Zou, Fangsen Xu*. Identification and characterization of improved nitrogen efficiency in interspecific hybridized new-type Brassica napus. Annals of Botany, 2014, 114: 549-559.
7. Hongmei Cai*, Weibo Xie, Xingming Lian. Comparative analysis of differentially expressed genes in rice under nitrogen and phosphorus starvation stress conditions. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2013, 31: 160-173.
8. Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Hua Zhao, Hongmei Cai, Kede Liu, Fangsen Xu*. Genetic analysis of seed mineral accumulation affected by phosphorus deprivation in Brassica napus. Euphytica, 2013, 193: 251-264.
9. Hongmei Cai, Weibo Xie, Tong Zhu, Xingming Lian*. Transcriptome response to phosphorus starvation in rice. Acta Physiol Plant, 2012, 34(1): 327-341.
10. Hongmei Cai, Yongen Lu, Weibo Xie, Tong Zhu and Xingming Lian*. Transcriptome response to nitrogen starvation in rice. J Biosci, 2012, 37(4): 731-747.
11. Yongen Lu, Zhiyong Song, Kai Lü, Xingming Lian, Hongmei Cai*. Molecular characterization, expression and functional analysis of the amino acid transporter gene family (OsAATs) in rice. Acta Physiol Plant, 2012, 34(5): 1943-1962.
12. Yang Guangzhe, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Hongmei Cai, Fangsen Xu*. Characterization of phosphorus starvation-induced gene BnSPX3 in Brassica napus. Plant and Soil, 2012, 350: 339-351.
13. Peng Lishun, Changying Zeng, Lei Shi, Hongmei Cai, Fangsen Xu*. Transcriptional profiling reveals the adaptive responses to boron deficiency stress in Arabidopsis. Z Naturforsch C, 2012, 67c: 510-524.
14. Zeng Xiangming, Baoji Han, Fangsen Xu, Jianliang Huang, Hongmei Cai, Lei Shi*. Effects of modified fertilization technology on the grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency of midseason rice. Field Crops Research, 2012, 137: 203-212.
15. Hongmei Cai, Zhiyong Song, Xingming Lian*. Sequence and expression analysis of CCR4-associated factor 1 (OsCAF1) gene family in rice. J Plant Mol Biol Biotechnol, 2011, 2(1): 47-64.
16. Hongmei Cai, Jinghua Xiao, Qifa Zhang and Xingming Lian*. Co-suppressed glutamine synthetase 2 gene modifies nitrogen metabolism and plant growth in rice. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55: 823-833.
17. Hongmei Cai, Ying Zhou, Jinghua Xiao, Xianghua Li, Qifa Zhang and Xingming Lian*. Overexpressed glutamine synthetase 1 gene modifies nitrogen metabolism and abiotic stress responses in rice. Plant Cell Reports, 2009, 28: 527-537.
18. Ying Zhou, Hongmei Cai, Jinghua Xiao, Xianghua Li, Qifa Zhang and Xingming Lian*. Over-expression of aspartate aminotransferase genes in rice resulted in altered nitrogen metabolism and increased amino acid content in seeds. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2009, 118: 1381-1390.
19. 馮洋,陳海飛,胡孝明,周衛(wèi),徐芳森,蔡紅梅*. 我國南方主推水稻品種氮效率篩選及評價. 植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學報,2014, 20(5): 1061-1062.
20. 陳海飛,馮洋,徐芳森,蔡紅梅*,周衛(wèi),劉芳,龐再明,李登榮. 秸稈還田下氮肥管理對中低產田水稻產量和氮素吸收利用影響的研究. 植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學報,2014, 20(3): 517-524.
21. 陳海飛,馮洋,蔡紅梅,徐芳森*,周衛(wèi),劉芳,龐再明,李登榮. 氮肥與移栽密度互作對低產田水稻群體結構及產量的影響. 植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學報,2014, 20(6): 1319-1328.
22. 馮洋,陳海飛,胡孝明,蔡紅梅,徐芳森*. 高、中、低產田水稻適宜施氮量和氮肥利用率的研究.植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學報,2014, 20(1): 7-16.
23. 張瑛,丁廣大,蔡紅梅,徐芳森,石磊*. 不同栽培方式對油菜根系形態(tài)構型和產量的影響. 華中農業(yè)大學學報,2014,33(4): 25-32.
24. 丁廣大,陳水森,石磊,蔡紅梅,葉祥盛*. 植物耐低磷脅迫的遺傳調控機理研究進展. 植物營養(yǎng)與肥料學報,2013, 19(3): 733-744.
25. 曾祥明,韓寶吉,徐芳森,黃見良,蔡紅梅,石磊*.不同基礎地力土壤優(yōu)化施肥對水稻產量和氮肥利用率的影響.中國農業(yè)科學,2012, 45(14): 2886-2894.
26. 田飛,徐芳森,石桃雄,趙尊康,石磊,蔡紅梅*,馬朝芝,孟金陵. 白菜型、芥菜型和甘藍型油菜對低氮低磷脅迫反應差異的評價. 華中農業(yè)大學學報,2012,31(6): 725-730.
27. 蔡紅梅,肖景華,張啟發(fā),練興明*. 抑制表達谷氨酰胺合成酶基因對水稻氮代謝和生長發(fā)育的影響. 科學通報,2010, 55: 875-886.
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