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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-07-12 相關院校:華中農業大學
基本信息姓名: 趙劍 出生年月: 1968.7
性別: 男 碩/博導: 博導
民族: 漢 開設課程: 基礎遺傳學
職稱: 教授 研究方向: 作物代謝組學,大豆作物遺傳育種與改良,植物次生代謝和代謝工程,植物特殊營養物和天然藥物的生物合成
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學位: 生藥學博士
聯系方式 辦公電話:027-87385199
個人簡介趙 劍, 男,1968年生于內蒙古,博士、教授、博士生導師. 1992年內蒙古師范大學生物系獲生物學學士學位,1995年東北師范大學獲植物學碩士學位. 1999年中國醫學科學院/中國協和醫科大學藥物研究所獲生藥學博士學位. 2000-2002年獲得日本學術振興會資助獎勵在日本九州大學農學部做抗真菌單萜Thujaplicin的生物合成和生產的研究. 2002-2012年先后在美國堪薩斯州立大學生物化學系、貝勒醫學院/美國農業部兒童營養研究中心 (Baylor College of Medicine/USDA/ARS Children’s Nutrition Research Center)和The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation等大學和研究機構學習和工作。長期從事植物天然化合物的生物合成和代謝工程,脂質代謝等領域的研究。在植物次生代謝和有用天然產物的誘導合成、細胞生物工程生產、生物合成及其調節的分子生物學機理等方面做了大量前沿性研究。近幾年來以豆科模式植物Medicago truncatula為研究材料在黃酮類轉運和合成調控研究方面,尤其是縮合丹寧和花色素苷的細胞內轉運及其合成的轉錄調節機理方面獲得了重大發現并申請了專利,現在其實驗室專注于大豆黃酮類化合物,多萜類,油脂等特殊營養物質的生物合成和相關大豆種子品質育種和遺傳改良的研究。將豆科模式植物Medicago truncatula 的轉錄組學和代謝組學研究模式應用到大豆品質的功能基因組學中,用代謝組學和轉錄組學的技術闡明它們的生物合成和調節的分子機理并把獲得的新知識和新手段應用到大豆分子育種和傳統育種。
從2007年起擔任國際期刊 Recent Patents on Biotechnology (by Bentham Science) 的編委; 為The Plant Journal, Plant Physiology, Plant Cell & Environment, Planta, Annals of Botany, New Phytologist, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology; Plant Cell Reports; Biotechnology Progress; Phytochemistry Reviews; Process Biochemistry; Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry等國際學術期刊的邀請審稿人
2000:日本學術振興會(Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) 外國人特別研究員獎及研究經費
專利: Verdier JA, Zhao J, Dixon RA, Udvardi MK. Methods and Compositions for Regulating Producing Proanthocyanidins. Pending application to USA patent office.
發表的論文及著作學術專著 (章節):
1. Zhao J, Sakai K. (2001) Involvement of peroxidases and hydrogen peroxide in the metabolism of -thujaplicin in fungal elicitor-treated Cupressus lusitanica suspension cultures. In: Morohoshi N, Komamine A, (eds), Molecular Breeding of Woody Plants: Proceedings of the International Wood Biotechnology Symposium. Progress in Biotechnology, Vol 18, Elsevier: Tokyo, p263-272.
2. Zhao J. (2006) Elicitor signal transduction leading to biosynthesis of plant defensive secondary metabolites. In: Teixeira da Silva J (eds), Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology. Vol 3. Global Science Books Ltd: Tokyo, London. p344-357.
3. Zhao J. (2011) Phytonutrient and phytotherapy for improving health. In: Peter Prendergast and Melvin A. Shiffman (eds), Aesthetic Medicine: Art and Techniques. Springer-Verlag : Heidelberg, Germany, Part 2, p47-58.
4. Zhao J. (2012) Nutraceuticals/functional foods for improving health and preventing disease. In: Oliver Kayser and Heribert Warzecha (eds), Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Drug Discovery and Clinical Applications, 2nd Edition. Wiley-VCH Verlag: Weinheim, Germany. p599-628
期刊論文(JCR- 2010, Google scholar citation-2015)
Zhao J, Li P, Motes CM, Park S, Hirschi KD. (2015) CHX14 is a plasma membrane K-efflux transporter that regulates K+ redistribution in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell & Environment in press
Zhao J.(2015) Phospholipase D and phosphatidic acid in plant defence response: from protein–protein and lipid–protein interactions to hormone signaling. Journal of experimental botany. In press
5. Zhao J*, Wang X. (2013) Biochemical analysis of the interaction between phospholipase Dα1 and GTP-binding protein α-subunit from Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods in Molecular Biology 1043:21-35. *通訊作者
6. Zhao J*, Devaiah SP, Wang C, Welti R, Wang X*. (2013) Arabidopsis phospholipase Dβ1 modulates defense responses to bacterial and fungal pathogens. New Phytologist 199:228-240 *共同通訊作者. 雜志影響因子 6.6 被引用次數:16
7. Verdier J#, Zhao J#, Torres-Jerez I, Ge S, He XZ, Mysore KS, Dixon RA, Udvardi MK (2012) The MtPAR MYB transcription factor acts as an on-switch for proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in Medicago truncatula. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:1766-1771 雜志影響因子 9.7; #共同第一作者.被引用次數:34
8. Zhao J, Wang C, Bedair M, Welti R, Sumner LW, Ivan Baxter I, Wang X. (2011) Suppression of phospholipase Dγs confers an increased aluminum resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS One 6(12): e28086 雜志影響因子 4.4;被引用次數:15
9. Zhao J, Huhman D, Shadle G, He XZ, Sumner LW, Tang Y, Dixon RA.(2011) MATE2 mediates vacuolar sequestration of glycosylated and malonylated flavonoids in Medicago truncatula. Plant Cell 23: 1536-1555. 雜志影響因子 9.3; 被引用次數:48
10. Zhao J, Dixon RA (2010) The “ins” and “outs” of flavonoid transport. Trends in Plant Science 15:72-80. 雜志影響因子10.0;被引用次數:102
11. Zhao J, Pang YZ, Dixon RA (2010) The mysteries of proanthocyanidin transport and polymerization. Plant Physiology 153: 437-443 雜志影響因子 6.4; 被引用次數:80
12. Zhao J, Connorton JM, Guo YQ, Li X, Shigaki T, Hirschi KD, Pittman JK. (2009) Functional studies of split Arabidopsis Ca2+/H+ exchangers. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284:34075-34083. 雜志影響因子 5.3;被引用次數:30
13. Zhao J, Dixon, RA. (2009) MATE transporters facilitate vacuolar uptake of epicatechin 3'-O-glucoside for proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in Medicago truncatula and Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21: 2323-2340. 雜志影響因子 9.3; 被引用次數:108
14. Mei H, Cheng NH, Zhao J, Park S, Escareno RA, Pittman JK, Hirschi KD. (2009) Root development under metal stress in Arabidopsis thaliana requires the H+/cation antiporter CAX4. New Phytologist 183:95-105. 雜志影響因子 6.5;被引用次數:28
15. Zhao J, Shigaki T, Mei H, Guo YQ, Cheng NH,, Hirschi KD. (2009) Interaction between Arabidopsis Ca2+/H+ exchangers CAX1 and CAX3. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284: 4605-4615. 雜志影響因子 5.3;被引用次數:28
16. Zhao J, Cheng NH, Motes CM, Blancaflor EB, Moore M, Gonzales N, Padmanaban S, Sze H, Ward JM, Hirschi KD. (2008) AtCHX13 is a plasma membrane K+ transporter. Plant Physiology 148:796-807. 雜志影響因子 6.4;被引用 42次
17. Zhao J, Barkla BJ, Marshall J, Pittman JK, Hirschi KD. (2008) The Arabidopsis cax3 mutants display altered salt tolerance, pH sensitivity and reduced plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity. Planta 227:659-669. 雜志影響因子 3.08;被引用次數:63
18. Mei H, Zhao J, Pittman JK, Lachmansingh J, Park S, Hirschi KD. (2007) In planta regulation of the Arabidopsis Ca2+/H+ antiporter CAX1. Journal of Experimental Botany 58:3419-3427. 雜志影響因子 4.8;被引用次數:43
19. Zhao J. (2007) Interplay among nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species: A complex network determining cell survival or death. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2:544-547 (invited Addendum to New Phytologist 175:215-229). 雜志影響因子 0;被引用次數:17 通訊作者
20. Zhao J. Fujita K, Sakai K. (2007) Reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide, and their interactions play different roles in Cupressus lusitanica cell death and phytoalexin production. New Phytologist 175: 215-229. 雜志影響因子 6.5;被引用次數:30 通訊作者
21. Zhao J. (2007) Nutraceutical, nutritional therapy, phytonutrients, and phytotherapy for improvement of human health: A perspective on plant biotechnology application. Recent Patents on Biotechnology 1:75-97 (invited review). 被引用次數:52 通訊作者
22. Zhao J (2007) Plant troponoids: Chemistry, biological activity, and biosynthesis. Current Medicinal Chemistry 14(24):2597-2621. 雜志影響因子 4.6;被引用次數:28 通訊作者
23. Zhao J, Verpoorte R. (2007) Manipulating indole alkaloid production in Catharanthus roseus cell cultures in bioreactors: from biochemical processing to metabolic engineering. Phytochemistry Reviews 6:435-457 (Invited review) 雜志影響因子 3.1;被引用次數:73 通訊作者
24. Buseman CM, Tamura P, Sparks AA, Baughman E, Maatta S, Zhao J, Roth MR, Esch SW, Shah J, Williams TD, Welti R. (2006) Wounding stimulates the accumulation of glycerolipids containing oxophytodienoic acid and dinor-oxophytodienoic acid in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Physiology 142:28-39. 雜志影響因子 6.4;被引用次數:115
25. Mishra G, Zhang W, Deng F, Zhao J, Wang X (2006) A bifurcating pathway directs abscisic acid effects on stomatal closure and opening in Arabidopsis. Science 312:264-266. 雜志影響因子 31;被引用次數:283
26. Zhao J, Matsimaga Y, Fujita K, Sakai K. (2006) Metabolic flux and signal analysis of b-thujaplicin and monoterpene biosynthesis in elicited C. lusitanica cell culture by elicitor and methyl jasmonate. Metabolic Engineering 8:14-29雜志影響因子 5.5;被引用次數:17 通訊作者
27. Shigaki T, Barkala B, Miranda-Vergara MC, Zhao J, Pantoja O, Hirschi K (2005). Identification of a critical histidine involved in metal transport activity in Arabidopsis cation/H exchanger CAX1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 280: 30136 - 30142雜志影響因子 5.3;被引用次數:42
28. Zhao J, Fujita K, Sakai K. (2005) Oxidative burst in plant cell culture process: a role in production of β-thujaplicin by Cupressus lusitanica suspension culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 90: 621-631. 雜志影響因子3.7; 被引用次數:38 通訊作者
29. Zhao J, Davis LC, Verpoorte R (2005) Elicitor signal transduction leading to production of plant secondary metabolites. Biotechnology Advances 23:283-333. 雜志影響因子5.3;被引用次數:789 通訊作者
30. Zhang W, Qin C, Zhao J, Wang X. (2004) Phospholipase Dα1-derived phosphatidic acid interacts with ABI1 phosphatase 2C and regulates abscisic acid signaling, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101:9508-9513. 雜志影響因子9.7;被引用次數:299
31. Zhao J, Zheng SH, Fujita K, Sakai K. (2004) Jasmonate and ethylene signaling pathways and their interaction are integral parts of the elicitor signal transduction leading to phytoalexin biosynthesis in Cupressus lusitanica cell cultures. Journal of Experimental Botany 55:1003-1012. 雜志影響因子4.8;被引用次數:41 通訊作者
32. Zhao J, Guo Y, Kosaihira A, Sakai K. (2004) Rapid metabolism of phosphoinositides and its possible roles in phytoalexin biosynthesis in elicitor-treated Cupressus lusitanica cell cultures. Planta 219:121-131. 雜志影響因子3.0; 被引用次數:24 通訊作者
33. Zhao J, Guo Y, Fujita K, Sakai K. (2004) Involvement of cAMP signaling in elicitor-induced phytoalexin accumulation in Cupressus lusitanica cell cultures. New Phytologist 161:723-733. 雜志影響因子6.5;被引用次數:31
34. Zhao J, Wang X. (2004). Arabidopsis phospholpase D, PLDα1 interacts with Arabidopsis heterotrimeric G-protein α-subunit through a motif analogous to the DRY motif in G-protein-coupled receptors. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279: 1794-1800. 雜志影響因子5.3;被引用次數:131
35. Zhao J, Sakai K. (2003) Multiple signaling pathways mediate fungal elicitor–induced -thujaplicin accumulation in Cupressus lusitanica cell cultures. Journal of Experimental Botany 54:647-656. 雜志影響因子4.8;被引用次數:74
36. Zhao J, Sakai K. (2003) Peroxidases are involved in biosynthesis and metabolism of -thujaplicin in fungal elicitor-treated Cupressus lusitanica suspension cultures. New Phytologist 159:719-731. 雜志影響因子6.5;被引用次數:18
37. Zhao J, Fujita K, Yamada J, Sakai K. (2001) Improved -thujaplicin production in Cupressus lusitanica suspension cultures by fungal elicitor and methyl jasmonate. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 55: 301-305. 雜志影響因子3.2; 被引用次數:49
38. Zhao J, Hu Q, Guo YQ, Zhu WH. (2001) Effects of stress factors, bioregulators and precursors on indole alkaloid production in the compact callus clusters culture of Catharanthus roseus. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 55: 693-698. 雜志影響因子3.2; 被引用次數:43 通訊作者
39. Zhao J, Hu Q, Guo YQ, Zhu WH. (2001) Elicitor-induced indole alkaloid biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus cell cultures is related to Ca2+-influx and the oxidative burst. Plant Science 161:423-431. 雜志影響因子 2.4;被引用次數:73 通訊作者
40. Zhao J, Hu Q, Zhu WH. (2001) Enhanced catharanthine production in Catharanthus roseus cell cultures by combined elicitor treatment in shake flasks and bioreactors. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 28:673-681. 雜志影響因子 2.9;被引用次數:107 通訊作者
41. Zhao J, Zhu WH,Hu Q (2001) Selection of fungal elicitors to increase indole alkaloid accumulation in Catharanthus roseus suspension cell culture. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 28:666-672.雜志影響因子 2.9;被引用次數:62 通訊作者
42. Zhao J, Wei-Hua Zhu, WH, Hu Q (2001) Effects of light and plant growth regulators on the biosynthesis of vindoline and other indole alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus callus cultures. Plant Growth Regulation 33: 43–49 雜志影響因子 1.6;被引用次數:43 通訊作者
43. Zhao J, Zhu WH, Hu Q (2000) Enhanced ajmalicine production in Catharanthus roseus cell cultures by combined elicitor treatment: from shake-flask to 20-l airlift bioreactor. Biotechnology Letters 22: 509-514. 雜志影響因子 1.7;被引用次數:37 通訊作者
1. 趙劍,朱蔚華,吳蘊褀,胡秋 (1999) 反相高效液相色譜法測定長春花組織和細胞培養物中吲哚生物堿的含量。藥學學報. 7:
2. 趙劍,朱蔚華,吳蘊褀,胡秋 (1999) 長春花葉片愈傷組織誘導過程中吲哚生物堿的合成模式和含量的變化及相關酶活性的調節。中草藥. 1999, 7
3. 趙劍,楊文杰,朱蔚華 (1999) 細胞色素P450和植物的次生代謝。生命科學,1999,2(綜合譯述)
4. 趙劍,朱蔚華 (1998) 幾種紅豆杉植物及其愈傷組織的幾種同工酶比較研究。中草藥. 29(6):402-405
5. 趙劍,朱蔚華,吳蘊褀 (1998) 紅豆杉組織培養中sinenxans高產細胞系TS-19 的同工酶的動態研究。西北植物學報. 18(3):339-347
6. 趙劍,朱蔚華,方起程 (1997) 紫杉醇及其相關化合物的生物合成和生物工程的研究進展。中草藥. 28 (增刊):28-32(綜合譯述)<