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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-06-04 相關院校:空軍軍醫大學
劉水冰,女,1974年9月生,博士。現為第四軍醫大學藥理學教研室副教授,碩士生導師。2001年畢業于第四軍醫大學獲醫學學士學位,2005年獲得第四軍醫大學醫學碩士學位,2008年獲得第四軍醫大學醫學博士學位。是中國神經科學學會、中國藥理學會會員,擔任中國醫藥教育協會成人教育委員會理事。自博士畢業后一直從事神經保護和創傷后應激障礙治療方面的研究工作。已發表SCI論文十余篇(以第一作者或通訊作者發表文章8篇),其中以第一作者在Journal of Neuroscience發表1篇(In press, IF=7.271),以共同第一(排名第二)在J Physiol發表1篇(IF=5.139)。自2009年以來,以第一負責人負責國家自然科學基金1項、科技部重大新藥創制課題1項、省基金1項,參與各類基金6項。
(1)Liu SB, Zhang N, Guo YY, Zhao R, Shi TY, Feng SF, Wang SQ, Yang Q, Li XQ, Wu YM, Ma L, Hou Y, Xiong LZ, Zhang W, Zhao MG. G-protein coupled receptor 30 mediates rapid neuroprotective effects of estrogen via depression of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors. J Neurosci. 2012 (in press) IF=7.271
(2)Guo YY, Liu SB (Co-first author), Cui GB, Feng B, Xing JH, Yang Q, Li XQ, Wu YM, Xiong LZ, Zhang W, Zhao MG. Acute stress induces down-regulation of large-conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channels in the lateral amygdale. J Physiol. 2011 Dec 23. [Epub ahead of print] IF=5.139
(3)Cui GB, An JZ, Zhang N, Zhao MG, Liu SB (Co-corresponding), Yi J. Elevated interleukin-8 enhances prefrontal synaptic transmission in mice with persistent inflammatory pain. Mol Pain. 2012 Feb 12; 8(1):11. [Epub ahead of print] IF=4.15
(4)Shi TY, Feng SF, Xing JH, Wu YM, Li XQ, Zhang N, Tian Z, Liu SB (Co-corresponding), Zhao MG. Neuroprotective effects of Salidroside and its analogue tyrosol galactoside against focal cerebral ischemia in vivo and H2O2-induced neurotoxicity in vitro. Neurotox Res. 2011 Nov 18. [Epub ahead of print] IF=3.015
(5)Liu S, Hu P, Hou Y, Li P, Li X, Tian Q. The additive effect of mesenchymal stem cells and bone morphogenetic protein 2 on γ-irradiated bone marrow in mice. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2011 Dec; 61 (3):539-50. IF=4.312
(6)Liu SB, Han J, Zhang N, Tian Z, Li XB, Zhao MG. Neuroprotective effects of estrogen against oxidative toxicity through activation of GPR30 receptor. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2011 Sep; 38 (9): 577-85. IF=1.96
(7)Liu SB, Hu PZ, Hou Y, Li P, Cao W, Tian Q. Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 promotes the proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells in vivo and in vitro. Chinese Med J. 2009 Apr 5; 122 (7): 839-43. IF=0.858
(8)Yang Q, Yang ZF, Liu SB (Co-first author), Zhang XN, Hou Ying, Li XQ, Wu YM, Wen AD, Zhao MG. Neuroprotective effects of Hydroxysafflor yellow A against excitotoxic neuronal death partially through down-regulation of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors. Neurochem Res. 2010 Sep; 35 (9): 1353-60. IF=2.722