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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-05-26 相關院校:中國人民大學
電話(傳真):86-10-62516614, 13717942899
電子郵件:selfassembly@126.com; yusy@ruc.edu.cn; yusy@chem.ruc.edu.cn
1979-1983年, 蘭州大學化學系稀土元素化學專業畢業,獲理學學士學位;
1988-1991年, 蘭州大學化學系獲得物理化學專業量子化學方向畢業,獲理學碩士學位;
1991-1994年, 南京大學化學化工學院化學系配位化學研究所畢業,獲理學博士學位,導師羅勤慧教授。博士學位論文《多氮穴合物的超分子化學》。
1983-1988年, 在中國工程物理研究院(原“核工業部第九研究院”)從事材料表面化學研究,研究實習員;(從此至今時常得到當時任常務副院長兼科技委主任的“兩彈一星功勛”獎章獲得者陳能寬(中國科學院院士)的指導)
1994-1997年,中國科學院福建物質結構研究所吳新濤(中國科學院院士)研究組博士后, 1996年10月被評為副研究員;
1997-1999年, 在日本分子科學研究所(包括在名古屋大學應用化學系1999年9月-11月)藤田誠(Makoto Fujita, 現為日本東京大學應用化學系教授,Chemistry-A European Journal編委和Chemical Communications副主編)的實驗室任日本學術振興會特別研究員(JSPS fellow);
1999-2001年, 在美國Texas A & M大學化學系, F. A. 科頓教授(F. Albert Cotton (1930-2007),美國國家科學院院士、中國科學院外籍院士)實驗室任研究助理, ;
2001-2002年, 在香港大學化學系系主任任詠華教授(中國科學院院士)實驗室任研究助理;
日本學術振興會特別研究員(1997-1999年, JSPS post-doctoral fellow);
日本學術振興會邀請東京大學訪問教授(2009年, JSPS fellow)。
被邀請擔任國際學術會議“國際太平洋地區化學會議”國際組委會委員(Pacifichem Conference, 2010年,Hawaii;會議主題為:Self-Assembly and Coordination Chemistry(自組裝與配位化學))。
被邀請作為國際著名學術期刊的審稿人(包括:Chemical Reviews (ACS journal), Inorganic Chemistry (ACS journal), Journal of the Organic Chemistry (ACS journal), Tetrahedron Letters, Inorganic Chemistry Communications等)。
已經在SCI期刊發表學術論文50多篇(其中6篇發表在化學學科的國際一流期刊德國《應用化學》(Angewandte Chemie)和《美國化學會會志》(Journal of the American Chemical Society)上),應邀撰寫綜述和專著章節4篇,應邀獨立撰寫專著1部(題名《金屬基超分子自組裝化學》,化學工業出版社出版,屬于佟振合院士主編《超分子科學叢書》之一分冊,2012年內出版,得到國家科學技術學術著作出版基金資助)。
1. 自組裝化學;2. 超分子手性;3. 超分子材料學(包括:分子傳感器、分子納微容器、分子機器與分子器件);4. 稀土元素化學;5.有機金屬化學; 6. 超分子配位化學。
主持過國家自然科學基金面上項目6項(其中兩項為重大研究計劃培育項目),中國科學院“引進國外杰出人才”、“百人計劃”基金1項,北京市自然科學基金1項,中國人民大學責任教授啟動基金1項,教育部留學回國人員基金 1項, 中國人民大學重大基礎研究計劃基金1項, 等共617萬元以上。
★★★ Shu-yan Yu, (Invited Lecture):“Macrocyclization by Continuous Metal-Metal Bonding”, The 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, 2010, (Pacifichem 2010).
[1] Fine-Tuning Conformational Motion of a Self-Assembled Metal-Organic Macrocycle by Multiple C—H···Anion Hydrogen Bonds.
Ting-Zheng Xie, Cheng Guo, Shu-Yan Yu,* Yuan-Jiang Pan*.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2012, 51(5), 1177–1181.
[2] Programmable Self-assembly of homo- or hetero-metallomacrocycles using 4-(1H-pyrazolyl-4-yl)pyridine.
Jin Tong, Shu-Yan Yu, * Hui Li.*
Chemical Communications 2012, 5343-5345. DOI: 10.1039/ c2cc31234d.
[3] Au36 Crown: A Macrocyclization Directed by Metal-Metal Bonding Interaction.
Shu-Yan Yu, * Q.-F. Sun, T. K.-M. Lee, E. C.-C. Cheng, Yi-Zhi Li,* V. W.-W. Yam.*
Angewandte Chemie 2008, 120, 4627-4630;
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2008, 47(24), 4551–4554
(the Cover Picture of the issue 24 and VIP (very important paper), for the highlight comment on this article also please see the American Chemical Society journal: Chemical & Engineering News,April 28, 2008, Volume 86, Number 17, pp. 42-43).
[4] A Chiral Luminescent Au16 Ring Self-Assembled from Achiral Components.
Shu-Yan Yu, * Z.-X. Zhang, E. C.-C. Cheng, Y.-Z. Li,* V. W.-W. Yam,* H.-P. Huang, R. Zhang.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127(51), 17994–17995.
(also see: Editors’ Choice highlighted by P. D. Szuromi, Science 2005, 310, 1745).
[5] Modular Cavity-Tunable Self-assembly of Molecular Bowls and Crowns as Structural Analogues of Calix[3]arenes.
Shu-Yan Yu, * H. Huang, H.-B. Liu, Z.-L. Chen, R. Zhang, M. Fujita.
Angewandte Chemie 2003, 115, 710–714;
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2003, 42(6), 686–690.
[6] A Calix[4]arene Carceplex with Four Rh24+ Fasteners.
F. A. Cotton,* P. Lei, C. Lin, C. A. Murillo,* X. Wang, Shu-Yan Yu(E-mail corresponding author, the first author. According to Cotton, author’s names listed by alphabet ), Z.-X. Zhang.
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126, 1518–1525.
[7] Hydrophobic Assembling of a Coordination Nanobowl into a Dimeric Capsule which Can Accommodate up to Six Large Organic Molecules.
Shu-Yan Yu, T. Kusukawa, K. Biradha, M. Fujita.*
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2000, 122, 2665–2666.
[8] Self-assembly of a neutral luminescent Au12 cluster with D2 symmetry
Q.-F. Sun, T. K.-M. Lee, P.-Z. Li, L.-Y. Yao, J.-J. Huang, J. Huang, Shu-Yan Yu, * Y.-Z. Li, E. C.-C. Cheng, V. W.-W. Yam.*
Chemical Communications 2008, 5514-5516.
[9] Self-Assembly, Structures, and Photophysical Properties of 4,4’-Bipyrazolate-Linked Metallo-Macrocycles with Dimetal Clips.
Q.-F. Sun, K. M.-C. Wong, L.-X. Liu, H.-P. Huang, Shu-Yan Yu, * V. W.-W. Yam,* Y.-Z. Li, Y.-J. Pan, K.-C. Yu.
Inorganic Chemistry 2008, 47, 2142–2154.
[10] Coordination molecular hats binding acetonitrile via C-H…π interactions
L.-X. Liu, H.-P. Huang, X. Li, Q.-F. Sun, C.-R. Sun, Y.-Z. Li, Shu-Yan Yu. *
Dalton Transections 2008, 1544–1546.
[11] Self-Assembly of Tripyrazolate-Linked Macrotricyclic M12L4 Cages with Dimetallic Clips Shu-Yan Yu, * Q. Jiao, S.-H. Li, H.-P. Huang, Y.-Z. Li, Y.-J. Pan,* Y. Sei, K. Yamaguchi.
Organic Letters 2007, 9, 1379–1382.
[12] Solution Self-Assembly, Spontaneous Deprotonation, and Crystal Structures of Bipyrazolate-Bridged Metallomacrocycles with Dimetal Centers.
Shu-Yan Yu, * H.-P. Huang, S.-H. Li, Q. Jiao, Y.-Z. Li,* B. Wu, Y. Sei, K. Yamaguchi,* Y.-J. Pan, H.-W. Ma.
Inorganic Chemistry 2005, 44, 9471–9488.
[13] Molecular Self-Assembly with Modularization and Directionality.
Shu-Yan Yu, * S.-H. Li, H.-P. Huang, Z.-X. Zhang, Q. Jiao, H. Shen, X.-X. Hu, H. Huang.
Current Organic Chemistry 2005, 9, 555–563.(invited review article)
[14] Self-assembly of coordination molecular baskets as inorganic analogues of cyclotriveratrylenes(CTV).
S.-H. Li, H.-P. Huang, Shu-Yan Yu, * Y.-Z. Li,* H. Huang, Y. Sei, K. Yamaguchi.
Dalton Transections 2005, 2346–2348 (Cover picture and hot paper).
[15] Self-assembly of bowl-like trinuclear metallo-macrocycles.
Guo-Hong Ning, Ting-Zheng Xie, Yuan-Jiang Pan, Yi-Zhi Li, Shu-Yan Yu.*
Dalton Transactions 2010, 39, 3203–3211.
[16] Self-Assembly and Host-Guest Interaction of Metallomacrocycles Using Fluorescent Dipyrazole Linker with Dimetallic Clips.
Guo-Hong Ning, Liao-Yuan Yao, Li-Xia Liu, Ting-Zheng Xie, Yi-Zhi Li, Yu Qin,* Yuan-Jiang Pan, Shu-Yan Yu.*
Inorganic Chemistry 2010, 49, 7783–7792.
[17] Self-Assembly of [M8L4] and [M4L2] Fluorescent Metallomacrocycles
with Carbazole-Based Dipyrazole Ligands.
Lin Qin, Liao-Yuan Yao, Shu-Yan Yu.*
Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 2443–2453.
[18] Synthesis and Anion Sensing of Water-Soluble Metallomacrocycles.
Liao-Yuan Yao, Lin Qin, Ting-Zheng Xie, Yi-Zhi Li, Shu-Yan Yu.*
Inorg. Chem. 2011, 50, 6055–6062.