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分類:導師信息 來源:中國考研網 2015-05-07 相關院校:中國人民大學
1. Compressed sensiong with general frames and an optimal dual based analysis approach, jointly with Y. Liu and T. Mi, to appear in IEEE Trans. Info. Theory, 2012.
2. Nonorthogonal Fusion Frames and Sparsity of the Fusion Frame Operator, jointly with P. Casazza, and J. Cahill, in print, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 2012.
3. Sparse dual frames and Gabor dual functions of the smallest support, jointly with Y. Liu and M. Tie, submitted and revised, J. Fourier Anal Appl, 2011.
4. Dimension invariance of finite frames of translates and Gabor frames, jointly with J. Cahill, in print, Advances in Comp. Math., 2012
5. Frame fundamental super-resolution image fusion from inhomogeneous measurements, jointly with Z. Yao and W. Yi, in print, IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 2012.
6. Parametric optimization of biorthogonal wavelets and filter banks via pseudoframes for subspaces, jointly with M. Hoffman, in print, in Special issue on 2012.
7. Compact B-spline fundamental functions of reduced support and improved attenuation, jointly with D. Ellis, E. Hayashi, in print, Numerical Func. Anal. and Optimizations, 2012.
8. Frame fundamental sensor modeling and stability of one-side frame perturtabation, jointly with D. Yan, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 107 (2009), 91 - 108.
9. Fusion frames and distributed processing, jointly with P. Casazza and G. Kutynoik, J Appl. Comp. Harmon. Anal., 25 (2008) 114-132.
李世東,男,1962年生,現任職于美國加州州立大學舊金山分校,數學系教授,兼人民大學講座教授,博士生導師。1982.7畢業于合肥工業大學電子工程系獲學士學位;1985.7畢業于中科院研究生院電子所獲通信與電子學碩士學位;1989.5畢業于美國馬里蘭大學獲數學碩士學位;1993.5于于美國馬里蘭大學獲數學博士;李世東于1985.7 - 1987.7曾任中科院研究生院講師;1993.7 - 1994.6曾任visiting assistant professor于Dartmouth College; 1994.7 - 1996.6 曾任visiting assistant professor于University of Maryland, College Park; 1996.7 至今,任職于美國加州州立大學舊金山分校。2000年起在該校獲終身教職,于2005年升正教授。
Wavelets and frames and applications.
1. AFOSR grant (U.S.A) (Airforce Office of Scientific Research) FA9550-11-1-0245}, Aug, 2011 - Aug., 2014. Frames and Compressed Sensing.
2. NSF grant (U.S.A.) DMS-1010058 July, 2010 - June, 2013, Development of Nonorthogonal Fusion Frames and Applications.
3. NSF grant (U.S.A.) DMS-0709384 Jul, 2007 - Jun, 2010}, Develop- ment of Frame Extensions and Applications III.
4. NSF grant (U.S.A.) DMS-0406979 August, 2004 - July, 2007}, Development of Frame Extensions and Applications II.
5. NSF grant (U.S.A.) DMS-0103762 Aug., 2001 – Jul., 2004, Development of Frame Extensions and Applications.
6. NSF grant (U.S.A.) DMS-9803679 Jun., 1998 - May, 2001.
English Resume
Dr. Shidong Li received his Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics in 1993 from the University of Maryland, Graduate School, Baltimore County, USA. He received also a MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a MS degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Maryland, in 1985 and 1989, respectively. From 1985 -1987, Dr. Li is a lecturer at GSCAS; From 1993 – 1994, Dr. Li is a visiting assistant professor at Dartmouth College; From 1994-1996, Dr. Li is a visiting assistant professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, and from 1996 – present, Dr. Li is with San Francisco State University, now a tenured full professor of mathematics since 2005.
Dr. Li’s research focus is on frames and frame extensions and their applications in signal analysis and data fusion.
Dr. Li’s research work has been continuously supported by the National Science Foundation of America (NSF) since 1998 from the division of mathematical sciences. He is also lately supported by an US Airforce research grant.
Research Interest
Wavelets and Frames and Applications
Professional Associations
1.Associate Editor for J. of Sampling Theory for Signal and Image Processing,
2.Reviewer for numerous journals.